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属类: 双语小说 【分类】双语小说 阅读:[2020]
世事难预料,乌龙免不了。在这六个短剧中,总有或大或小的麻烦来给剧中人的生活加点儿料。 管家詹姆斯对“先生”总是唯命是从。他总是说:“好的,先生。”这一点使他成为一个好管家。可是有一天,“先生”吩咐詹姆斯做一件很不寻常的事,詹姆斯有没有遵命照办呢?
Things go wrong, and funny things happen, in these six short plays. There is always something which causes problems for someone.
James, the butler, always does what ’sir’ tells him. ’Very good, sir,’ he says. That’s what makes him a good butler. But one day ’sir’ asks James to do something very unusual. Does James do it or not?
Most office workers do what their employer tells them, too. They know exactly what people must or must not do. ’Rules are rules,’ they say. This makes life difficult for the man with the monkey, when he visits the licensing office!
Roger’s problem is that he hasn’t got much money. His rich girlfriend’s problem is that he hasn’t asked her to marry him. There seems to be an easy answer, but as in all these plays, things are more difficult, and much funnier, than that.
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