Then she waits for the Tang Priest and his devotees to pass by. When they see her they save her. Then the evil mouse spirit asked them to take her with them by telling a fabricated story designed to win their sympathy.


It was by no means uncommon to see devotees like these, leading the government to set up a stone tablet warning against such rashness


The Maccari report, and the first investigation by Padre Agostino Gemelli, are denounced by Padre Pio devotees as persecutions


As a result, Hindu religion as it exists today contains a whole range of religious cults and a vast number of gods each with his devotees , and there are some conflicting practices


The shots sounded like a string of firecrackers and it was a moment before Gandhi’s devotees realized what had happened


The devotees sing, sip warm drinks, play cards and huddle together


Both were devotees of Wang Xizhi.


There are a number of devotees that will still certainly favor Starbucks over ’Brand X’.


There used to be over-zealous devotees who would throw themselves from the cliff top down into the sea below, hoping they could thus become immortals


There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?"


and on the instant, and for an instant, he was transported to a far land, where under pink cherry blossoms, he smoked a cigarette and listened to the bells of the peaked pagoda calling straw-sandalled devotees to worship


||1:The sort of self-confidence embodied in the Co-op’s new head office is felt also in the wider co-operative “movement” (as its devotees refer to it).||2:Tales of corporate greed have revived interest in co-ops.||3:Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, has extolled the virtues of a “John Lewis economy”, referring to a much-loved employee-owned retailer.||4:Yet the history of the Co-op’s retailing arm in Britain shows that the member-owned business model has weaknesses as well as strengths.

||1:公司新总部所体现出的那种自信在更加广泛的联营“运动”中也可以感受到。||2:企业贪婪的故事有望在联营企业重新上演。||3:英国副首相Nick Clegg曾经赞扬过“John Lewis 经济模式”的优点,其中提及一个受人爱戴的员工所有制的零售商。||4:但是Co-op的零售部门在英国的历史证明会员制的商业模式有利也有弊。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维多利亚的秘密 会员制商业模式重获魔力 -

||1: The devotees who crowded the Puttaparthi ashram, hoping for Blessing or stuffing their letters of petition into His hands, never questioned who He was. ||2: He was all the multiple forms of God in human shape. ||3: Though His forecast that he would die in 2020 was a little out, that did not dent the belief that He would return in a new body to carry on His work. ||4: And Sai Baba, patting them on the back, had always told them they were God also. All they needed was, like Him, to know it.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-印度最具争议的上师之一赛巴巴 -

||1: Lewis Terman, developer of intelligence tests, for example, dreamed of psychology as “a science of human engineering” in the 1920s. ||2: Eugenicists sought, by combining, in the words of J.B.S. Haldane, the offices of “the policeman, the priest and the procurer”, to control both the actions of their social inferiors and the course of evolution. ||3: Devotees and fellow travellers, such as Julian Huxley and H.G. Wells, saw in the biological sciences “the ultimate collective control of human destinies”. ||4: The Rockefeller Foundation dreamed of bringing the dangerous “psychobiology of sex” under “rational control” as part of its “Science of Man” programme. ||5: And Norbert Wiener, father of cybernetics, sought to combine the human and the machine into a system—initially, but not only, an anti-aircraft system—that was defined by the way in which it controlled itself.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-科学究竟有什么用? -

||1:As a boy He demanded to be worshipped on Thursdays; as a man He enforced no particular rites or rituals, save the chanting of Om and the names of God.||2:(He Himself had 108 names, and this was the number of crystals formed by His steps on the shore, and the number of pearls on the garland that was once presented to Him by the sea.||3:) He endorsed no particular religion, though He used the terms of Hinduism, embracing all faiths as valid ways to truth, love and peace.||4:He ignored distinctions of race or caste, and was happy to eat rice from an aluminium plate in the house of an untouchable.||5:If His teachings had any flavour, it came from His background among poor farming folk.||6:The hearts of His devotees were dry, He said, like a village tank before the monsoon; they had to be ploughed by the mind, watered by prayer, sown with seeds of Love.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-印度最具争议的上师之一赛巴巴 -

||1:Because it deals in huge sums, finance has always had the cash to adopt breakthroughs early.||2:The first transatlantic cable, completed in 1866, carried cotton prices between Liverpool and New York.||3:Wall Street analysts were early devotees of spreadsheet software, such as Excel, in the 1980s.||4:Since then, computers have conquered swathes of the financial industry.||5:First to go was the chore of “executing” buy and sell orders.||6:Visit a trading floor today and you will hear the hum of servers, not the roar of traders.||7:High-frequency trading exploits tiny differences in the prices of similar securities, using a barrage of transactions.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-金融界的计算机革命(1) -

Hindu devotees have painted much of the town of Vrindavan -- and themselves -- red on March 21.


The event was a gathering for Apple devotees and he has been a symbol of the community.


Jackson devotees gathering at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California said they had come to both grieve and celebrate his life.


"He spoke to the devotees standing near a temple in the forest, " Prakash Sen said after a visit to the site.


Pepsi Cola is a well-known rival and has its devotees , for it is not as sweet as Coke.


One of the most colourful and bizarre festivals in the world takes place outside Bangkok this Saturday. Andrew Spooner joins the devotees


He had been a blank slate, and the devotees had projected onto him their hopes and dreams.


But because the Obama cult has stoked expectations among its devotees to such unprecedented heights, he is especially likely to disappoint.


The project, known as Hepburn Wind, grew out of a campaign by a few devotees to educate people about clean energy.


Demand from Jackson devotees was apparently greater than that of Elvis Presley and John Lennon fans after their deaths.


The mere mention of his name was enough to put the devotees of Davos and other such gatherings into a swoon.


The authors who become collectable are those who wrote books that did not sell at the time, but who acquired a cult of devotees .


Devotees of jazz may also visit Preservation Hall, where revivals of traditional styles may be heard.


Every morning devotees should water and pray to Tulasi-devi and circumambulate her three times.



1.A person who is very interested in and enthusiastic about someone or something.
‘a _devotee_ of Lewis Carroll’
‘That is driving significant sales increases across Apple’s product range as more consumers become Apple _devotees_ .’
2.A strong believer in a particular religion or god.
‘ _devotees_ of Krishna’
‘Only the saintly _devotee_ - the true disciple of God - can perceive the Lord’s presence at all times.’

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