Yet many people still believe untidy desks belong to slobs, whose disorganisation will make them unsatisfactory as colleagues and employees.
||1:Ms Peck would not have been turned away had she arrived at hospital with a broken leg.||2:Yet the National Health Service (NHS) often fails those suffering from a broken spirit.||3:The numbers are fuzzy, but about one Briton in four suffers a mental-health problem at some time in their life, ranging from mild anxiety to severe schizophrenia.||4:Less than a third of those receive treatment.||5:That is in part because many sufferers are ashamed to seek help, but it is also due to funding gaps and disorganisation within the NHS.||6:The result is a system in crisis, says Sue Bailey, a former president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
1.Inability to plan one’s activities or affairs efficiently.
‘if you frequently lose your keys you may be suffering from chronic disorganization’
‘But in retrospect that was because my uncle and cousin epitomise _disorganisation_ and, much as I love them, laziness.’
2.Lack of proper planning and control.
‘social disorganization is destroying the wellbeing of the population’
‘the evacuation was dogged by chaos and disorganization’
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