

    音标:['dɪstəns] 现在分词:distancing
    过去式:distanced 过去分词:distanced
    名词复数:distances 第三人称单数:distances
    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库


    例句1. they measured the distance between Hartwell and Roade Station


    例句2. binocular vision gives us a perception of distance


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Without distance.
    Far off (physically, logically or mentally). || Emotionally unresponsive or unwilling to express genuine feelings.
    In effect, the wormhole connects two distant points in space to form a shortcut.
    One woman lived in a distant village, and she and her son often dropped in on us on the way to the market.
    These men are cultured and intelligent, their minds deepened by suffering and reflection, detached from things and almost from life, as distant from the rest of the human species as if they already belonged to posterity.

    名词 变体/同根词

    The act or process of distantiating.
    The visual effect of distantiation is that you shed subjective involvement and so gain information.
    We would expect an ironic manipulation of such images to intensify the effect of critical distantiation.
    Conspicuously cultivated ironic distantiation, the flaunting of lack of commitment, is thus the only possible option.
    The state or quality of being distant or remote.
    (psychology) A person who tends to maintain emotional distance and detachment || A means for establishing distance || (dated) A long-distance runner

    动词 变体/同根词

    To distance (keep at a metaphorical or mental distance)
    Expect more attempts to discredit Forrest or distantiate themselves from the Wedge.

    The Beauty of "Distancing " and of "Integration": Mu Zongsan’s Ethical Existential Aesthetics



    alienation effect; estrangement effect; distancing effect; Verfremdung



    ||1:Cineworld decided to close all its cinemas in America and Britain until next year, after the release date of “No Time To Die”, the next James Bond film, was again postponed, until April.||2:Already struggling as social-distancing keeps the crowds away from its venues, Cineworld was banking on what would have been this year’s biggest box-office draw.||3:Other films have been delayed, some have gone straight to streaming.||4:Many in the industry believe lavish blockbusters need to be seen in cinemas first in order to create the all-important buzz.

    ||1:Cineworld决定在明年前关闭位于美国和英国的所有电影院,因为下一部詹姆斯·邦德电影《No Time to Die》的上映日期再次被推迟到4月份。||2:由于社交距离限制措施导致影院空空如也,Cineworld已经在勉强维持,该公司本来寄希望于这部有望今年最大票房亮点的影片。||3:其他电影也被推迟上映,一些电影直接通过流媒体的途径上映。||4:许多业内人士认为,为了制造最重要的轰动效应,豪华大片需要先在电影院上映。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波音公布新市场预测 沃尔纳出售ASDA Ci -

    ||1:For the third week in a row Algeria was rocked by mass protests against Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the ailing president.||2:Mr Bouteflika insists on staging a national conference and approving a new constitution before holding an election, in which he would not run.||3:But a new group led by politicians and opposition figures called on him to step down immediately.||4:The army appeared to be distancing itself from the president.


    ||1:Uncertainty will be a drag on the third factor—trust.||2:Trust gives leaders licence to take difficult decisions about quarantines and social-distancing, including school closures.||3:In Iran the government, which has long been unpopular, is widely suspected of covering up deaths and cases.||4:That is one reason rebellious clerics could refuse to shut shrines, even though they spread infection.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-从政治角度看疫情(3) -

    ||1:When countries have few cases, they can follow each one, tracing contacts and isolating them.||2:But when the disease is spreading in the community, that becomes futile.||3:Governments need to prepare for the moment when they will switch to social distancing , which may include cancelling public events, closing schools, staggering work hours and so on.||4:Given the uncertainties, governments will have to choose how draconian they want to be.||5:They should be guided by science.||6:International travel bans look decisive, but they offer little protection because people find ways to move.||7:They also signal that the problem is “them” infecting “us”, rather than limiting infections among “us”.||8:Likewise, if the disease has spread widely, as in Italy and South Korea, “Wuhan-lite” quarantines of whole towns offer scant protection at a high cost.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-病毒来袭--Covid-19恐成全球性流行病(3) -

    ||1:Man’s fascination with hair is almost as old as humanity itself.||2:But humans have been cutting and coiffing their hair for at least 25,000 years, mostly with the aim of pleasing themselves and distancing or differentiating themselves from others.||3:Yves le Fur, curator of a new show about hair at the Quai Branly museum in Paris, is well aware that one of the earliest depictions of styled hair is a paleolithic figurine known as the Venus of Brassempouy, which was discovered in south-west France in 1894.||4:But he hides his anthropological light under a bushel and draws visitors into “Cheveux Chéris” with a quick tour d’horizon of stylists, styles and styled, from Gina Lollobrigida to Ingres and the sirens of Ulysses.

    ||1:人们对头发的迷恋几乎和人类历史本身一样古老。||2:但至少两万五千年以来,人们一直在修剪、打理自己的头发,主要是为了满足自己、胜过别人或是让自己显得与众不同。||3:巴黎的凯布朗利博物馆举办了一场关于人类头发的新展览。展览负责人伊夫·乐福很清楚:对发型最早的刻画之一是1894年在法国西南部出土的旧石器时代雕像(被称为“布拉瑟普的维纳斯”)。||4:但他并未显露自己在人类学方面的才华,而是快速而广泛地涉及了 历史上的一些造型师、发型和做发型的人(包括吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达、安格尔和《尤利西斯》里的塞壬海妖等等),以此来把参观者吸引到“心爱的头发”这场展览中来。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-三千青丝飘万年 Hairy old myths -

    "Hatoyama is scoring populist points by talking about distancing Japan from [the US] alliance, " she said.



    Wearers do not think of the tinted glasses as a means of distancing themselves from other people.



    But more than that, the phrase is a wink-wink attempt at distancing oneself from the dirtiness of this town.



    Judicious distancing , however, is not going to be enough for Mr Cameron.



    When they do, researchers have discovered a healthy way to cope: a simple technique called self-distancing.



    In other words, psychological distancing makes us see the forest rather than the individual trees.



    The main effect may be "social distancing " : masks scare people away from one another.



    If we can learn to spot the distancing pattern in our relationships, we can help prevent family problems and divorce.



    Mr. Smith’s affair is a symptom of the distancing pattern that’s been going on between them for years.



    The Effect of the Distancing-Axis Not to Parallel to Sight-Axis on Measurement Results



    All this is dragging central banks back towards political turf from which they had been distancing themselves for years.



    By pausing, we begin to dismantle lifelong patterns of avoiding or distancing .



    Mr Westerwelle hoped, mistakenly, that distancing Germany from the bellicosity of France and Britain would help his party.



    What ever be your present life situation, you can make your life really simple and beautiful by distancing yourself from your thoughts.



    Under the influence of its finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, the government is distancing itself from free-market ideas.



    Democrats in those three fringe states tend to succeed by distancing themselves from the national party.



    This is the same sense as evident in the distancing that Japanese people set between themselves and others.


