dream up 查询结果如下:
释义:to imagine something like a plan or a story in great detail
例句1. It’s amazing to think that one person could dream up an entire world like the one described in the Harry Potter novels.
The raid was dreamed up by the journalists who reported it
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This is the most fantastic rumor he could dream up
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I wonder who dreamed up that idea; it’s pretty absurd anyhow
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“Dreamed up by Socialist Mayor bertrand Delanoe, “Paris Plage” stretches over three kilometres (two miles)of closed-off road on Paris’s Right bank from the Louvre art gallery to the elegant Ile Saint-Louis.”
属类:时事政治 -新闻报道
He dreamed up the magnificent plan
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He’s always dreaming up new ways of making a fortune
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She can always dream up some new reason for not doing anything unpleasant
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She spends half her time dreaming up new schemes of decoration for the various rooms in the house
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Who dreamed up the idea of painting our living room wall a bright red ?
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As we move toward the twenty-first century surely there is the need to dream up new institutions
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Trust you to dream up a crazy scheme like this!
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
.@LindseyGrahamSC Sen. Graham: The dream of every leftist is to have a liberal court enacting laws from the bench @SundayFutures @FoxNews
@ LindseyGrahamSC参议员格雷厄姆:每个左派的梦想都是让一个自由主义法庭从法官席上制定法律 @SundayFutures @FoxNews
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“Biden would be China’s Dream Candidate, because there would be no more Tariffs, no more demands that China stop stealing our IP, things would go back to the old days with America’s manufacturers & workers getting shafted. He has Zero Credibility!” @IngrahamAngle So true!
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Democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption. The Republican Party is the party of the American Worker, the American Family, and the American Dream!
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The tsunami of vandalism, arson and riot by young people of color that began in the suburban ghettos of Paris – now in its twelfth night as I write – has rolled right across France, touching 274 cities and towns, and shows few signs of abating. It should have surprised no one, for it is the result of thirty years of government neglect – of the failure of the French political classes, both right and left, to make any serious effort to integrate its Muslim and black populations into the French eco...
我写这篇文章的时候,已经是第十二个夜晚了,这场由有色人种年轻人发起的破坏公物、纵火和暴乱的风暴,开始于巴黎郊区的贫民区已经在法国各地蔓延开来,涉及274个城镇,几乎没有减弱的迹象。这应该没有让任何人感到惊讶,因为这正是三十年来政府忽视所带来的结果——政府忽视了法国左翼和右翼政治阶层的犯下了错误,他们都没有做出任何认真的努力将其穆斯林和黑人人口纳入法国经济和文化中;另外,政府还忽视了贫民区的失业者和被深深疏远的年轻人在生活中每天都要面对的根深蒂固的、令人痛苦的、摧毁灵魂的种族歧视,无论是面对警察还是求职时都面临这样的种族歧视。在法国政府因制定产业政策建立起来的贫民区里,积怨已久的民愤如今已燃起熊熊大火。为什么法国最初的移民- 主要是阿拉伯人,还有一些黑人 – 如今如此之多(超过总人口的10%)?因为在二战后的重建和经济扩张的繁荣时期——也就是法国人所说的“光辉三十年”,有一政策是从法国殖民地...
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Very soon, we were about to move on to the more exciting Queenstown, but memories of endearing Dunedin remained firmly etched in my mind and heart, perhaps one day, I may just dream of retiring in a town just like it!
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Even wealthy monarchs may find it hard to clinch the opportunity to lay their hands on the treasurable asset I have. They ofcourse may own some other things which I can only dream of ... But certainly not that which I have. And its YOU! Thanks for being there.
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You are the rainbow that glows in the sky of my heart. The lullaby that sends me to sleep. You are a good news to my ears. A perfect reason to dream of tomorrow.
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CultureThe province of Jiangsu was formed in the seventeenth century. Before then, the northern and southern parts of Jiangsu had less connection than that later. Traditionally, South Jiangsu is referred to as the three more prosperous southern cities including Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou. Their culture is more southern than the rest and is often referred to as the Wu. All the other parts of the province is dominated by the so-called “Jianghuai Culture”, which means the culture in the area betwee...
17世纪,江苏省就已经形成,但苏北和苏南之间从来就没有建立过紧密的联系。从传统意义上讲,苏南指的是包括苏州、无锡和常州在内的经济相对发达地区,苏北则指的是长江北部的江苏地区。苏南地区的文化以“吴语”为语言文化特征,因此又被称为“吴文化”。该省其他地区的文化则以“江淮文化”为主,表明这一文化盛行于长江(江)和淮河(淮)流域。可是有些地区虽然地处“江淮文化”圈,但并非位于长江和淮河流域,南京和镇江两地区就是最好例证。这两个地区地处长江南部,因此在地理位置上它们既不属于苏北也不属于苏南,可在文化上它们属于“江淮文化”。1998年以来,中央政府通常以经济区域把江苏省划分为苏南、苏中和苏北三个区域:长江以南的江苏地区称为“苏南”, 以扬州、南通和泰州为核心的城市群被称为苏中,其他地方统称为“苏北”。
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Renovated rooms retain their Spanish-villa ambience and the sunny pool deck is as good as it gets to make you dream you’re in Europe.
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1.To invent or imagine something. A noun or pronoun can be used between “dream” and “up.” I can’t wait to hear the excuse you’ve dreamed up this time!
No, Meredith used to flirt with me all the time—I didn’t just dream up her romantic interest in me, I swear!
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。