earned by 查询结果如下:

(a)Profits (dividends)earned by enterprises in China ;

1 .从中国境内企业取得的利润( 股息);

属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法实施细则

1. profits earned by a foreign investor from an enterprise with foreign investment are exempted from the income tax;


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法

Wages, salaries and other legitimate income earned by foreign employees in an enterprise with foreign capital may be remitted abroad after the payment of individual income tax in accordance with the law.


属类:法学专业 -外资企业法

Build-own-operate-transfer-BOOT: Type of construction contract whereby a private firm finances some or all of the initial investment and is remunerated directly from revenues earned by the project from selling output to a public utility.


属类:经济金融 -世界银行术语

Build-own operate-BOO: Type of construction contract whereby a private firm finances some or all of the initial investment and is remunerated directly from revenues earned by the project from selling output to a public utility.


属类:经济金融 -世界银行术语

Build-operate-transfer; build-operate-turnover-BOT: Type of construction contract whereby a private firm finances some or all of the initial investment and is remunerated directly from revenues earned by the project from selling output to a public utility.


属类:经济金融 -世界银行术语

Profits earned by partnerships compensate the owners for (1)personal services rendered to the business, (2)capital invested in the business, and (3)assuming the “risks of ownership”.


属类:经济金融 -会计学

To increase the investment for 2% share of net income earned by Solarwind Company.


属类:经济金融 -会计学

In addition, certain transaction appearing in the bank statement may not have been recorded by the depositor. For example: (1)Charges for depositing NSF checks (2)Credits for interest earned by the depositor


属类:经济金融 -会计学

The wages, salaries or other legitimate income earned by the foreign staff and workers of contractual joint ventures, after the payment of the individual income tax according to law, may be remitted abroad.


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -中外合作经营企业法

Article 38 After payment of taxes, the proportion of the profits earned by the private enterprise for the productive development fund shall not be less than 50%. If the proportion is less than 50% owing to special reasons, it must be approved by the tax authority.

第三十八条 私营企业税后利润留作生产发展基金的部分不得低于50%。由于特殊原因,提取比例低于50%的,须经税务机关批准。

属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -营企业暂行条例

A 106000-square--foot complex built around a highly automated milk-processing operation,Stew Leonard’’s presents a narrow product mix-about 750 items, as compared to the 15000 items conversational supermarkets stock.Nevertheless, the store sells in such volume that its per square foot sales of 2700 dollars recently earned the business a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.帮着译这一段吧

Steward leonard公司系一个占地106000平方英尺,牛奶加工自动化程度很高的经营联合体,出售同行业各类产品约750项,与基于对话式营销模式下超市的15000项存货种类相比还有差距。不过,商店销售量很大,近期每平方英尺销售额高达2700美元,从而荣登吉尼斯世界纪录,创造了该行业之最。
难点在于Conversational这个词,我看了一下相关资料,Conversational Marketing is a marketing communications strategy and philosophy that helps companies drive revenue through their CRM strategies.

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“I’ve earned my spurs on the battlefield…and Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor.” Former Defense Secretary James Mattis makes light of Pres. Trump calling him “the world’s most overrated general,” speaking at the Al Smith dinner in NY


属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

Trump appears to have earned less from his vast financial empire last year, financial disclosure shows.Trump’s income was at least $421.3 million, down from $452.6 million he reported the year before


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When Venezuelans took to the streets this week to demand a return to democracy, they chose a date with deep historic significance: Jan. 23, the day a dictatorship collapsed in the face of surging protests more than 60 years ago.But demonstrations alone didn’t bring down Venezuela’s strongman back then. Only when the military stepped in, with tanks alongside protesters, did the dictatorship fall.It’s a playbook that Juan Guaidó, the 35-year-old opposition leader who declared himself Venezuela’s r...

当委内瑞拉人本周走上街头要求回归民主的时候,他们选择了一个具有深远历史意义的日期:1月23日,60多年前抗议浪潮席卷而导致独裁政权垮台之日。但仅仅是示威并没有击倒委内瑞拉的强人。只有当军队介入,坦克和抗议者一起,独裁政权才垮台。这是一个剧本,35岁的反对派领袖胡安·瓜伊德(Juan Guaid_)周三宣布自己是委内瑞拉的合法总统,并向民众欢呼,他希望今天的这个剧本与1958年的剧本是一样的。尽管瓜伊德先生赢得了美国和其他20多个国家的官方认可,但他仍然是一个没有国家的领导人。委内瑞拉的军事要员公开宣誓效忠国家总统尼科尔·马杜罗,挫败了反对派的计划,即诱使武装部队溃不成军,并将该国长期滑向独裁主义的趋势逆转。但是,对现任和前任军官的采访让人们看到了一个更为复杂的斗争,许多军官希望马杜罗下台,但仍在寻找解决办法。叛逃官员的派别分子说,他们正在密谋从秘鲁、哥伦比亚和其他国家的临时总部返回。去年,...

属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

What do you know about Watergate? Not the scandal… the place! See how this notorious address earned its place in the history of Nixon’s America. Tonight at 9p ET/PT


属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

Geography and climateJiangsu is very flat and low-lying, with plains covering 68 percent of its total area (water covers another 18 percent), and most of the province not more than fifty meters above sea level. Jiangsu is also laced with a well-developed irrigation system, which earned it (especially the southern half) the moniker of land of water(水乡); the southern city of Suzhou is so crisscrossed with canals that it has been dubbed “Venice of the East”. The Grand Canal of China cuts through Ji...


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Another concern, that hard earned savings will be lost should a member die before their insurance starts, was addressed – the remaining unpaid amounts will be refunded to their beneficiaries.


属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

We are the largest and leading industry player in the Luxury second hand branded watch business; in fact, we have earned a reputation in Thailand as the King of Second Hand Branded Watch.


属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。