动词 变体/同根词
(6)to elect the chairman and vice-chairmen of the people’s congress at the corresponding level;
(6)to elect the presidents of the people’s courts and the chief procurators of the people’s procuratorates at the corresponding levels; the election of the chief procurator of a people’s procuratorate shall be reported to the chief procurator of the people’s procuratorate at the next higher level, who shall submit it to the standing committee of the people’s congress at that same level for approval;
(7)to elect deputies to the people’s congresses at the next higher level;
(7)to elect heads and deputy heads of townships and towns;
(4)to elect the members of their respective standing committees;
(5)to elect governors and deputy governors, chairmen and vice-chairmen of autonomous regions, mayors and deputy mayors, prefects and deputy prefects, and heads and deputy heads of counties and districts;
“Thank you,” said Edmond with a friendly nod, and the two lovers continued on their way, as calm and joyous as if they were the very elect of heaven
The Retrospective Review that the elect had revived.
matthew 24-31 says: “and he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of Heaven to the other.”
The Technical Committee shall elect from among the delegates of its members a Chairman and one or more Vice-Chairmen
14. 技术委员会应自其成员代表中选举一名主席、一名或多名副主席。
4)to elect the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary-general: and other members of the Standing committee of the National People’s Congress; 5)to elect the president and vice-president of the state; 6)to approve the choice of the members of the State Council on the recommendation of the president;
7)to approve the choice of other members of the State Council on the recommendation of the Premier of the State Council; 8)to elect the chairman of the Central Military Commission on the recommendation of its chairman; 9). to elect the president of the Supreme People’s Court and Procurator General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate
Palestinians--Elect “new and different Palestinian leadership” and adopt a new constitution with a fully empowered parliament, local-level governments and independent judiciary
The triumphant president-elect appeared before crowds of jubilant supporters
If the parties prescribed payment of both liquidated damages and a deposit, in case of breach by a party, the other party may elect in alternative to apply the liquidated damages clause or the deposit clause.
Electoral units and voters shall have the power to remove from office at any time the deputies they elect to a local people’s congress at any level. The removal from office of a deputy shall require a majority vote of all the deputies of the unit which elected him or of all the voters in his electoral district.
Article 23 Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The deputies may vote for or against any of the candidates that have been determined, or may instead elect any other deputies or voters or abstain from voting.
第二十三条 选举采用无记名投票方式。代表对于确定的候选人,可以投赞成票,可以投反对票,可以另选其他任何代表或者选民,也可以弃权。
Article 9 The Councils of the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall be democratically elected by respective congresses of members. The Councils shall democratically elect their Presidents and Vice-Presidents.
第九条 各级红十字会理事会由会员代表大会民主选举产生。理事会民主选举产生会长和副会长。
Third is in accordance with the provisions of the new Party Constitution, to elect a new Central Committee, a Central Advisory Commission and a Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Article 31 The trade union committee of a collectively owned enterprise shall support and organize workers’ participation in democratic management and democratic supervision and shall safeguard the rights of workers to elect and dismiss administrative personnel and to determine important issues relating to operational management.
第三十一条 集体所有制企业的工会委员会应当支持和组织职工参加民主管理和民主监督,维护职工选举和罢免管理人员、决定经营管理的重大问题的权力。
Article 13 A preliminary meeting shall be held for each session of a local people’s congress at or above the county level to elect the presidium and secretary-general of that session, adopt the agenda for the session and decide on other preparations.
第十三条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会每次会议举行预备会议,选举本次会议的主席团和秘书长,通过本次会议的议程和其他准备事项的决定。
Article 4. Deputies to the National People’s Congress shall be grouped into delegations based on the units that elect them. Each delegation shall elect a head and deputy-heads.
第四条 全国人民代表大会代表按照选举单位组成代表团。各代表团分别推选代表团团长、副团长。
Article 5. Before each session of the National People’s Congress, a preparatory meeting shall be held to elect a Presidium and a Secretary-General for the session, adopt an agenda for that session and make decisions on other preparatory work.
第五条 全国人民代表大会每次会议举行预备会议,选举本次会议的主席团和秘书长,通过本次会议的议程和其他准备事项的决定。
For medium and larger horsepower sizes, some manufacturers elect to offer by-pass (pumpage cooled)jacketed motor designs.
Corporate bodies in various sectors shall, on their own, elect members to the Election Committee, in accordance with the number of seats allocated and the election methods as prescribed by the electoral law.
In accordance with the assigned number of seats and the selection method specified by the National People’s Congress, the Chinese citizens among the residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall locally elect deputies of the Region to the National People’s Congress to participate in the work of the highest organ of state power.
Group of director elect by the shareholder to run a company
The stockholders own a corporation, but they do not manage it on a daily basis. To administer the affairs of the corporation, the stockholders elect a board of directors.
The partners may elect a responsible person. All partners shall bear civil liability for the operational activities of the responsible person and other personnel.
The President elect will be installed next week
elect sb. or sth. else
另行选举 ,另选
属类:法学专业 -法律专业-
1.(of a person) chosen or singled out.
‘one of the century’s _elect_ ’
‘That leaves some folks, the _elect_ , walking around with an OK rational function, and others, the damned, walking around without one.’
2.Chosen by God for salvation.
‘success was a sign that they were one of the _elect_ ’
‘the _elect_ group of saints which was predestined for heaven’
3.Chosen for a position but not yet in office.
‘the President- _Elect_ ’
‘Mark is chairman _elect_ of the Scottish Institute of Practitioners in Advertising.’
1.(of God) choose (someone) in preference to others for salvation.
‘Yet, the Bible gives us many reasons why God _elects_ people to salvation.’
‘God _elects_ his people according to his foreknowledge of their choice of him.’
2.Choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
‘he was _elected_ as councillor’
‘the members who were _elected_ to the committee’
3.Opt for or choose to do something.
‘more people _elected_ to work at home’
‘For our purposes, the thing to notice is that a patient’s competence to choose between standard therapies, whether or not he or she _elects_ to use these facilities, depends upon more than choosing that which is the most reasonable.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。