2.An unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development, in particular a human offspring during the period from approximately the second to the eighth week after fertilization (after which it is usually termed a fetus).
‘The term referred to the _embryo_ before its implantation in the womb.’
‘No one has yet converted a single blastomere from an eight-cell _embryo_ into a stem cell line.’
3.The part of a seed which develops into a plant, consisting (in the mature embryo of a higher plant) of a plumule, a radicle, and one or two cotyledons.
‘During the autocatalytic cycle of growth and reproduction of higher plants, the _embryo_ in the seed grows, under suitable conditions, to form a plant with leaves and roots.’
‘Another type of apomictic development has been reported to occur in the gymnosperm Cupressus dupreziana, where _embryos_ develop from unreduced pollen grains.’