In Great Britain women were enfranchised in 1918.
例句1. women over thirty were enfranchised in 1918’
||1:Passports can be given out for political purposes.||2:Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, has been the most cunning in this regard.||3:After the first world war redrew eastern Europe’s borders, ethnic Hungarians were left scattered across neighbouring countries, such as Serbia and Romania.||4:Mr Orban’s government has eased citizenship rules in an attempt to naturalise and enfranchise 1m of them.||5:Between 2011 and 2016, 180,000 new Hungarians were created every year—more than the number of naturalisations in France and Germany, according to Yossi Harpaz in “Citizenship 2.0”, a book on dual nationality.||6:Anyone who can trace lineage back to the right part of the Austro-Hungarian empire and is willing to learn Hungarian—a notoriously difficult language—can claim a passport.||7:(Predictably, Hungarian language schools have popped up across Serbia.)||8:The strategy has worked: when these new Hungarian citizens vote, they overwhelmingly support Mr Orban.
1.Free (a slave).
‘A quarter of a million slaves were liberated and _enfranchised_ in the Caribbean, while a new port settlement was also established in 1849 at Libreville in the Gabon for former slaves.’
‘All these raised themselves from humble origins to be powerful rulers simply by _enfranchising_ the slaves who joined them.…’
2.Give (a town) the right to be represented in Parliament.
‘The Reform Act of 1832 eliminated many anomalies, and _enfranchised_ the new industrial towns, which had hitherto been unrepresented.’
3.Give the right to vote to.
‘a proposal that foreigners should be _enfranchised_ for local elections’
‘One reason may have been the passage in 1965 of the Voting Rights Act, which quickly and effectively _enfranchised_ Southern blacks who had been barred from the polls for many years.’
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