

    音标:[ɪn'dʒɔɪ] 现在分词:enjoying
    过去式:enjoyed 过去分词:enjoyed
    第三人称单数:enjoys 词频:高频常用词
    基本释义/说明:查询词enjoyedenjoy的过去式 和 过去分词形式
    详解 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    All subsidiaries under that parent company in China, which have enjoyed the preferential policies for their investment in high technology projects, shall receive national treatment starting on April 1st.
    I enjoyed reading them very much.
    I enjoyed that meal.
    I enjoyed being on night shift

    动词 变体/同根词

    Here on South Africa’s Western Cape, waterblommetjie enjoys the culinary elevation we afford to asparagus.
    The land in question enjoys a prime location on one of the town’s major access routes.
    She is also a reader for an authors’ advisory service and enjoys helping unpublished writers to hone their skills.
    (intransitive) To feel joy, to rejoice. || (transitive, archaic) To enjoy. || (transitive, obsolete) To give joy to; to congratulate. || (transitive, obsolete) To gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate.
    He listened eagerly, joying in her words as she spoke.
    Yes, they were wolves leaping at the throat of her father, and joying in the defeat of Lucretia.
    He listened eagerly, with receptive ears, lying on his back and looking up and joying in each movement of her lips as she talked.
    My reason dictated that the beating Thomas Mugridge had received was an ill thing, and yet for the life of me I could not prevent my soul joying in it.
    With Castellana enjoying his best year as a driver, Smith knew his first-round race would be no walkover.
    She is enjoying significant unescorted ground leave and has not endeavoured to abscond.
    Lily’s fan blew a pleasant waft of cooler air our way, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the breeze.
    As well deny the martyr’s sacrifice, because he has joyed in his integrity.
    How it would have joyed him to hear the voice of his master, or of any of them!
    His eyes snapped vindictively, while his ears joyed in the sniffles she emitted.

    rights enjoyed within an exclusive economic zone



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