entitlement to 查询结果如下:

contractor’s entitlement to suspension of work


属类:工程技术 -建筑-香港房地产

employee’s entitlement to employment protection


属类:社会文化 -劳工事务-

Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [Certificate of Entitlement]


属类:社会文化 -入境事务

We have no record of your entitlement to free travel.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

until he, or in the case of a body corporate the person authorized under section 84 to make declarations on behalf of the body corporate, has made and signed a declaration of entitlement to own a ship registered in Hong Kong, in the specified form,


属类:法学专业 -香港法规 -商船注册条例

In relation to any entitlement to claim compensation arising under section 109(1)of the Securities Ordinance(Cap.333)occurring before the relevant day,the amendment made to section 109 (3)of that Ordinance by item 7(e)(ii)of Schedule 3 shall not apply,


属类:法学专业 -香港法规 -证券条例

Shell has entitlement to about 50 per cent of gas volumes over the 20-year project lifetime.


属类:单位简介 -壳牌公司网站 -壳牌新闻

Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work


属类:商务文书 -合同 -承包合同

The Contractor’s action shall not prejudice his entitlements to financing charges under Sub-Clause 14.8 (Delayed Payment)and to termination under Sub-Clause 16.2 (Termination by Contractor).


属类:商务文书 -合同 -承包合同

After a notice of termination under Sub-Clause 15.5 (Employer’s Entitlement to Termination), Sub-Clause 16.2 (Termination by Contractor)or Sub-Clause 19.6 (Optional Termination, Payment and Release)has taken effect, the Contractor


属类:商务文书 -合同 -承包合同

the Contractor does not receive the reasonable evidence within 42 days after giving notice under Sub-Clause 16.1 (Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work)in respect of a failure to comply with Sub-Clause 2.4 (Employer’s Financial Arrangements),


属类:商务文书 -合同 -承包合同

a cause of delay giving an entitlement to extension of time under a Sub-Clause of these Conditions,


属类:综合句库 -

If delivery and/or erection of Plant and/or Materials was suspended under Sub\-Clause 8.8 (Suspension of Work)or Sub-Clause 16.1 (Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work),


属类:综合句库 -

The Entitlement to a Professional Post of University’s Teachers


属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题

The Validity of the Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Deposit Contracts Based on the Entitlement to Ownership of the Cells


属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题

In paragraph (1) the reference to a member includes a transmittee if the company has been notified of the transmittee′s entitlement to a share.

(2)在第(1)款中 如果公司已被告知承传人享有股份的权利 则对成员的传达包括承传人

属类:商务文书 -香港公司章程

If a transmittee produces evidence of entitlement to the share as the directors properly require the transmittee may subject to these articles choose to become the holder of the share or to have the share transferred to another person.

(1)如某承传人按董事的恰当要求 出示被要求出示的证据 证明本身拥有有关股份的权利 该承传人在本 章程细则 的规限下 可选择成为该股份的持有人 或选择将该股份转让予另一人

属类:商务文书 -香港公司章程

Distribution recipients may waive their entitlement to a dividend or other distribution payable in respect of a share by executing to the company a deed to that effect.

(1)分派对象可放弃收取须就某股份支付的股息的权利 或放弃收取须就某股份作出的其他分派的权利 放弃的方法 是向本公司签立一份表明此意的契据

属类:商务文书 -香港公司章程

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