例句1. eventually she excused him, as she always did’
例句2. such conduct can never be excused’
形容词 变体/同根词
名词 变体/同根词
Excusing themselves, the two men went one floor down.
Accusing the times is but excusing ourselves.
He was at Mr. Letterblair’s punctually at seven, glad of the pretext for excusing himself soon after dinner
It was that way with everything, instead of doing things for me, or excusing me, my mother insisted I find a way to do them myself.
Some economists therefore expect attempts to mitigate the negative impact of rate cuts by excusing banks from negative rates on some excess reserves.
That means that excusing others for their faults makes us a little better than just being human. The act is god-like.
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:人非圣贤孰能无过
BP denies gross negligence, which would greatly increase the fines that it faces as well as excusing its partners from having to contribute.
Explaining Europe’s low profile in the European election campaign is one thing; excusing it is another.
excusing myself to the pooper
One Note Excusing Me From The Field Trip Tomorrow.
So, if you are excusing yourself from church attendance and even pursuing the things of God themselves, you really have no excuse.
Today, alcohol also plays as significant a factor in blaming women and excusing men as the short skirt used to do.
More recently he has stirred controversy by partially excusing the activities of Somalia’s pirates.
1.A note written by a doctor or parent excusing a pupil from school.
‘It was an excuse note for getting me out of my morning class… except without the blanks.’
‘A police spokesman said he was angry over being expelled from school after forging a doctor’s note as an excuse to stay off school and play truant.’
2.A poor or inadequate example of.
‘that pathetic excuse for a man!’
‘Aye, we’re a poor, pathetic wee excuse for a nation right enough.’
3.A reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offence.
‘there can be no excuse for any further delay’
‘the excuse that half the team failed to turn up’
4.A reason put forward to conceal the real reason for an action; a pretext.
‘as an excuse to get out of the house she went to post a letter’
‘The usual excuse is put forward - it will provide more jobs.’
1.(of a fact) serve to mitigate (a person or act)
‘his ability excuses most of his faults’
‘That, in our submission, did nothing to excuse the delinquency of discovery.’
2.(used by school pupils) be allowed to leave the room, especially to go to the toilet.
‘please, Miss, can I be excused?’
‘He asked to be excused from the class for a moment and exited the room.’
3.(used in polite formulas) allow (someone) to leave a room or gathering.
‘and now, if you’ll excuse us, duty calls’
‘We went on and on for another hour and once again, right on time, Nurse Patz entered the room to excuse my father and send Maggie in.’
4.Forgive (someone) for a fault or offence.
‘you must excuse my brother’
‘he could be excused for feeling that he was born at the wrong time’
5.Overlook or make allowances for.
‘sit down—excuse the mess’
‘Please excuse any typos or anything that doesn’t make sense as my brain is not functioning well.’
6.Release (someone) from a duty or requirement.
‘it will not be possible to excuse you from attendance’
‘may I be excused hockey?’
7.Say politely that one is leaving.
‘I had to excuse myself and go out of the room’
‘Paulo politely excused himself noting the amount of work still left to do.’
8.Seek to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offence); try to justify.
‘he did nothing to hide or excuse Jacob’s cruelty’
‘Without in any way excusing horrible atrocities against civilians, it is crucial to understand the use of violence, even terror, in terms that go beyond a single individual.’
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