1. 无畏;勇敢[U]
fearlessness stems from selflessness
n. 【能源工程】
No more would I be amazed at her fearlessness, but I would ever marvel at her enormous courage
||1: Ann and Dorcas, aged 12 and 11, became Sabrina and Lucretia and began, without realising it, an educational programme designed to fit them for the role of Mrs Day. ||2: Unfortunately the programme involved some violence, as Rousseau believed in teaching fearlessness by way of pain and terror. ||3: Having chosen Sabrina once the girls hit puberty, Day worked to toughen her up by dripping sealing wax on her skin, standing her up to her neck in a lake and shooting bullets at her skirts.
||1:Her fearlessness seemed to come from a total lack of self-doubt.||2:The certainty with which she held her beliefs—she hated the Nazis, having seen them whipping Jews in Vienna before the war, loved France and was intensely loyal to Britain—freed her of any sense of guilt.||3:This in turn enabled her to act as though she were utterly innocent, even when claiming to be the cousin of an imprisoned Scottish captain, or chatting to a Gestapo officer with 200lb of illegal pork in her suitcase.
||1:Her fearlessness seemed to come from a total lack of self-doubt.||2:The certainty with which she held her beliefs—she hated the Nazis, having seen them whipping Jews in Vienna before the war, loved France and was intensely loyal to Britain—freed her of any sense of guilt.||3:This in turn enabled her to act as though she were utterly innocent, even when claiming to be the cousin of an imprisoned Scottish captain, or chatting to a Gestapo officer with 200lb of illegal pork in her suitcase.
||1: The most striking similarity between Thompson and West is their seemingly innate self-belief and fearlessness . ||2: On her 27th birthday in 1920 the American-born Thompson sailed for England. With no contacts but with portfolio in hand, her goal was to gain credentials as a freelance reporter and make her way across Europe to witness the aftermath of the revolution in Russia. ||3: By 1927 she was living in Berlin as the first female head of a news bureau in Europe. ||4: West, the daughter of an Anglo-Irish journalist who abandoned the family when she was eight, was a reviewer and essayist by the time she was 19, when “regardless of reputation” she published cutting critiques of established writers such as Arnold Bennett and George Bernard Shaw. ||5: West wrote consistently until her death at 90 in 1983, and was in the enviable position of having Harold Ross, the editor of the New Yorker, write to her, pleading: “Please write any story you want for us, fact or fiction.” ||6: In 1941 West published her best-known book, “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon”, a history of the Balkans and a meditation on the rise of Nazism.
||1:两位女性让人最印象深刻的相似性在于她们看似天性使然的坚定自我和无所畏惧。||2:在Thompson1920年27岁生日的那一天,这位美国年轻女子仅持一文件夹,心携能够取得自由时事记者的工作资格并穿越欧洲去见证俄国沙皇革命余波的目标,孤身一人远赴没有亲朋所在的英国。||3:到1927年,她已定居柏林,成为首位欧洲新闻署的女性负责人。||4: West的父亲----爱尔兰记者,抛弃妻子之时,她才8岁。幸而至19岁时已经是一位评论家和散文家,并“弃名声于不顾”地以初生牛犊之势发表了前辈级作家Arnold Bennett和George Bernard Shaw删减过的批判性评论。 ||5: West女士直到1983年90岁与世长辞之前从未间断过写作,并曾得到让人梦寐以求的《纽约客》编辑Harold Ross的暗藏丰盛赞誉的来信:“请以我们写个故事吧,真实的虚构的都可以!” ||6:1941年,West出版了举世闻名的书:《黑色的小羊羔和灰色的猎鹰》---叙述了巴尔干半岛的历史以及对纳粹主义兴起的沉思。
||1: He went lightly and purposefully, but with great care. ||2: The mountains he loved so passionately were fickle, and demanded vigilance. ||3: Lithe and smiling, proud of his “boot-shaped” and blister-proof feet, he moved on exposed rock faces with the grace of a dancer and the fearlessness of a boy. ||4: He did things right: tents were dug in with proper snow-walls, supplies stored in well-marked snow-holes, attempts quickly abandoned if tiredness or bad weather struck. ||5: He would never push his luck on mountains, though he himself was never tired, leaping up from a schnapps-heavy evening to pull on his head-torch for a 1am start, and in booming cockney (“Are you climbing, or what?”) encouraging laggards onwards and upwards.
1.Lack of fear.
‘she quickly earned a reputation for _fearlessness_ ’
‘The author showed again her utter _fearlessness_ when it comes to attacking the big subjects and her determination to bring philosophical discussions into the realm of highly readable and entertaining literature.’
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