

例句1. a flat surface
例句2. the sea was flat

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

Please tape the address label securely on the flattest surface of the item that you are shipping


The spread between yields on two-year notes and 10-year notes narrowed, taking the Treasury curve to its flattest in a week.


The Maldives holds the record for being the flattest country in the world, with a maximum altitude of only 2. 3 metres.



1.(of a battery) having exhausted its charge.
‘His battery went _flat_ just before the cars were due to go on to the grid and he was forced to start from the pitlane.’
‘It turned out not to be a straight case of a _flat_ battery.’
2.(of a colour) uniform.
‘a _flat_ shade of grey’
‘Francis Towne was a landscape painter whose idiosyncratic style relied on economic and careful pen outlines and _flat_ muted washes of colour.’
3.(of a denial, contradiction, or refusal) completely definite and firm; absolute.
‘the request was met with a _flat_ refusal’
‘Firstly, a _flat_ rebuttal of another’s opinion is not in itself a statement of fact, simply a disagreement in terms.’
4.(of a fee, wage, or price) the same in all cases, not varying with changed conditions or in particular cases.
‘a _flat_ fare of £2.50’
‘Future revenue would be harvested from a single-rate _flat_ tax on wages or, better still, a stiff sales tax on consumption.’
5.(of a key) having a flat or flats in the signature.
‘Without moving up or down the fingerboard more than one fret, you should be able to pick out each successive sharp or _flat_ key and play that Major scale.’
‘As with the sharp key signatures, there is an easy way to determine the key of a particular _flat_ key signature.’
6.(of a note) a semitone lower than a specified note.
‘E _flat_ ’
‘Arranged for trumpet sextet and a continuo instrument (bassoon or euphonium are suggested), this piece can be performed in B- _flat_ , C or D.’
7.(of a person) without energy or enthusiasm.
‘his sense of intoxication wore off until he felt _flat_ and weary’
‘His voice was still slightly _flat_ though Elizabeth could tell he really did like Sam.’
8.(of a photograph or negative) lacking contrast.
‘I have some _flat_ negatives that really need a tonal boost.’
‘This photograph was _flat_ , with very little contrast and some noticeable scratches, dust spots, pen marks and other discolorations.’
9.(of a sparkling drink) having lost its effervescence.
‘she sipped some of the _flat_ champagne’
‘Melvin waved hello to her, as he sat at the table with Bill, eating cold pizza and drinking _flat_ soda.’
10.(of an expanse of water) calm and without waves.
‘Lights from a large cargo ship reflected on the _flat_ , still water.’
‘The water was _flat_ calm, about a foot deep with a very soft bottom.’
11.(of land) without hills.
‘thirty-five acres of _flat_ countryside’
‘He was standing on a _flat_ desert plain under white clouds and blue sky.’
12.(of musical sound) below true or normal pitch.
‘The beginning of her song was _flat_ and she is singing to low for her voice range so she’s straining.’
‘I thought the performance was great but the singing was _flat_ .’
13.(of shoes) without heels or with very low heels.
‘Although _flat_ shoes are better for your feet because they reduce the risk of lateral ankle sprains, they also bring their own problems.’
‘While you can get away with _flat_ shoes during summer, opt for a slight heel for the colder months.’
14.(of something kept inflated, especially a tyre) having lost some or all of its air, typically because of a puncture.
‘There is nothing you can do about a _flat_ tyre but as a team we have very few mechanical problems as everything is checked thoroughly.’
‘He was picked up because he was driving with a _flat_ tyre.’
15.(of trade, prices, etc.) not showing much activity; sluggish.
‘the UK housing market was _flat_ ’
‘Its sales were relatively _flat_ in 2001, due in part to lower gasoline prices affecting its stores with fuel pumps.’
16.Having a broad level surface but little height or depth; shallow.
‘a _flat_ rectangular box’
‘a _flat_ cap’
17.Having a level surface; without raised areas or indentations.
‘he sat down on a _flat_ rock’
‘trim the surface of the cake to make it completely _flat_ ’
18.Lacking emotion; dull and lifeless.
‘‘I’m sorry,’ he said, in a _flat_ voice’
‘That description was far too _flat_ and emotionless and pain-free.’
19.Not sloping.
‘the _flat_ roof of a garage’
‘The _flat_ roofs that leak need to be replaced, as do the heating system and the windows.’
20.Relating to flat racing.
‘the _Flat_ season’
‘The horse has not yet raced this _Flat_ turf season as she awaits suitably fast ground but it seems the time is now fast approaching.’

1.Below the true or normal pitch of musical sound.
‘it wasn’t a question of singing _flat_ , but of simply singing the wrong notes’
‘If you have to hit a high note or you hear yourself singing _flat_ , raise your arms a little higher and smile.’
2.Completely; absolutely.
‘I thought you’d turn me down _flat_ ’
‘Myers was _flat_ broke’
3.In or to a horizontal position.
‘he was lying _flat_ on his back’
‘she had been knocked _flat_ by the blast’
4.Lying in close juxtaposition, especially against another surface.
‘his black curly hair was blown _flat_ across his skull’
‘The New Orleans artist installed her work _flat_ against the wall.’
5.So as to become smooth and even.
‘I hammered the metal _flat_ ’
‘Press crumb mixture into the bottom of an 8-inch springform pan, using waxed paper to press crumbs _flat_ .’
6.Used with an expression of time to emphasize how quickly something can be done or has been done.
‘you can prepare a healthy meal in ten minutes _flat_ ’
‘Soon I could knock off a set in about 20 minutes _flat_ , including cleaning up.’

1.A flat tyre.
‘I’ve got a _flat_ —there were nails under the wheel’
‘As far as repairing a _flat_ on the road, we haven’t yet finalized how riders will be able to achieve this.’
2.A musical note lowered a semitone below natural pitch.
‘His scale organizes the notes into octaves, with sharps and _flats_ in between.’
‘The _flats_ and sharps are placed on the printed page accordingly.’
3.A railway wagon with a flat floor and no sides or roof; a flatcar.
4.A set of rooms forming an individual residence, typically on one floor and within a larger building containing a number of such residences.
‘a block of _flats_ ’
‘The building of _flats_ and apartments alone will not solve the city’s housing issue.’
5.A shallow container in which seedlings are grown and sold.
‘To maintain moisture, slip the whole _flat_ or pot into a clear plastic bag after the initial watering.’
‘The soil was watered daily and the _flats_ monitored weekly for germinated seeds until 1 June 1993.’
6.A shoe with a very low heel or no heel.
‘she wore a white strapless dress and a pair of electric blue _flats_ ’
‘ _Flats_ are great with a mini skirt or dress but when it comes to heels, the higher the better!’
7.An area of low level ground, especially near water.
‘the shingle _flats_ of the lake’
‘The workers had begun to remove the supports about her hull in order to free the cradle that held her and begin dragging her onto the tide _flats_ .’
8.An upright section of stage scenery mounted on a movable frame.
‘The second Act seemed to be set in a corridor-as-waiting-room typical of many hospitals I have visited, but with the rear wall being a _flat_ of painted forest.’
‘You open and close the curtain, set up the _flats_ and backdrops, and check to make sure that everything is going right backstage.’
9.Flat racing.
‘On the _Flat_ at Lingfield, Lady Bear has what could be her final career start, in the Littlewoods Bet Direct Fleur De Lys Stakes.’
‘The mere fact that the racing on a Wednesday in the middle of January can be 75% on the _Flat_ shows how sharply the structure of racing has changed in recent years.’
10.The flat part of something.
‘she placed the _flat_ of her hand over her glass’
‘I lashed out and caught the side of his helmet with the _flat_ of my blade.’
11.The sign ?, indicating a flat.

1.Live in or share a flat.
‘Zoë _flats_ in Auckland’
‘Not a person you’d accuse of indecision, she grew up in Mayfield and when she came to Christchurch in 1955 _flatted_ at the YWCA hostel with another Mid-Canterbury girl destined to achieve in sport - Val Young.’
2.Lower (a note) by a semitone.
‘‘blue’ harmony emphasizing the _flatted_ third and seventh’
‘There is a lot of ‘bent pitch’ - momentary _flatting_ or sharping of the main pitch - in these performances.’
3.Make flat; flatten.
‘ _flat_ the loaves down’
‘Now that the main design was completed it was time to add several coats of clear so I could _flat_ them down and get rid of any raised edges.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。