
    force majeure 查询结果如下:

    基本解释 词组 双语句典 英文释义 英文句典 英文百科
    (c)natural disasters, strikes, transport disruptions or other force majeure substantially affecting production, qualities, quantities or prices of the product available for export from the complaining Member
    (2)That the damage occurred outside the territorial limits provided by the insurance or guarantee, unless flight outside of such limits was caused by force majeure, assistance justified by the circumstances or an error in piloting, operation or navigation.
    (9)For an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft which by force majeure stops or lands at a place without a Customs office, or jettisons or discharges the cargo in the territory, to fail to report to the Customs nearby without a valid reason;
    5. Except for force majeure, if the party that is to be held responsible for the fuel gas accident, can not be found out for the moment, the fuel gas producing and selling enterprises shall be liable to pay damages according to law.
    (c)natural disasters, strikes, transport disruptions or other force majeure substantially affecting production, qualities, quantities or prices of the product available for export from the complaining Member
    Unless it is rescheduled on a mutually agreed basis between the exporter and the preshipment inspection entity, or the preshipment inspection entity is prevented from doing so by the exporter or by force majeure.
    If either of the parties is prevented from execution the Contract by such cases of force majeure as war, serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake or other cases which are agreed upon by both parties as cases of force majeure
    Should the effect of the force majeure cases last for more than 120 (one hundred and twenty)days, Both parties shall settle the problem of further execution of the Contract through friendly consultations as soon as possible.
    If one party is prevented from performing any of its obligations under this contract due to an event of force majeure
    In the event of force majeure, neither party shall be responsible for any damage, incurred cost or loss which the other party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay in performance
    The time for performing the obligations hereunder specifically prevented from performance by such event of force majeure shall be extended by a period equal to the period of delay caused by such event of force majeure
    However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible