force out 查询结果如下:

To remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously occupied.


属类:综合句库 -未分类

To force out ;eject.


属类:综合句库 -

To force out or release something,such as steam,with violence or suddenness.


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John himself was forced out of office on June 29th.


属类:综合句库 -

In most operations, granular material (the plastic resin)is fed into one end of the cylinder (usually through a feeding device known as a hopper), heated, and softened (plasticized or plasticated), forced out the other end of the cylinder, while it is still in the form of a melt, through a nozzle into a relatively cool mold held closed under pressure.


属类:产品说明书 -机械产品说明

Air was forced into the box and water was forced out so the workers could work underwater. No one understood the problems of this kind of work. It was very dangerous and many men were sick.


属类:社会文化 -新闻报道

Mrs Chan dismissed claims Miss Cheung was forced out because of political pressure.


属类:社会文化 -传媒 -香港传媒词汇

With bleaching, the warmer water forces out the algae that give coral its color and, f all are lost, the coral dies and the reef will crumble. In 1988, 16 percent of the world’s coral died, with 46 percent of the Indian Ocean coral destroyed.


属类:时事政治 -新闻报道

Still, despite the laid-back atmosphere in most bars, a haunting undertone remained in most people’s minds about the last time New Yorkers were forced out onto the streets.


属类:时事政治 -新闻报道

All over the southern Midwest states, farmers, no longer able to make a living because of land banks, weather, and machine farming, had sold or were forced out of the farms they had tenanted.


属类:文学表达 -外国名著 -THE GRAPES OF WRATH

To be frank, I was forced out not because I did wrong things, but because I did right things that were misunderstood as wrong.


属类:时事政治 -邓小平选集 -总结历史

Competitions has forced out many small firms


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John himself was forced out of the office on June 29th


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Wang was an upright man.Now that he was being forced out because of his principles, he liked having a little excitement attendant on his leaving to lessen the dreariness of his departure and didn’t want to slip off alone as though eloping


属类:综合句库 -

When the driver depresses the pedal the fluid is forced out to each slave cylinder and operates their pistons


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One that ejects,forces out,or supplants another.


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and the Canaanites who were living in Gezer were not forced out; but the Canaanites have been living among Ephraim, to this day, as servants, doing forced work.


属类:经籍句库 -Jos -16.10

and the three sons of anak, Sheshai and ahiman and Talmai, the children of anak, were forced out from there by Caleb.


属类:经籍句库 -Jos -15.14

The act of ejecting,forcing out,or supplanting.


属类:综合句库 -

To force out violently.


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Even if those who have been forced out are living in the farthest part of heaven, the Lord your God will go in search of you, and take you back;


属类:经籍句库 -Deu -30.04

See that all the people of the land are forced out from before you, and put to destruction all their pictured stones, and all their metal images, and all their high places:


属类:经籍句库 -Num -33.52

It is the partisan who drove the enemy forces out of our country.


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Send them to destruction, O Lord; let their evil designs be the cause of their fall; let them be forced out by all their sins; because they have gone against your authority.


属类:经籍句库 -Psm -5.10

They are sons of shame, and of men without a name, who have been forced out of the land.


属类:经籍句库 -Job -30.80

“It’s meant the only player in making a final step here is the military,” said Alejandro Velasco, a Venezuelan historian who teaches at New York University.The crowds protesting against Mr. Maduro are the product of an economic collapse his government has overseen in recent years. Though Venezuela has the world’s largest proven reserves of oil, the government’s economic mismanagement has left the currency worthless, many basic foods are missing from stores and its hospital system is in collapse....

“这意味着在这里迈出最后一步的唯一参与者是军队,”在纽约大学任教的委内瑞拉历史学家亚历杭德罗•贝拉斯科(Alejandro Velasco)如是说。反对马杜罗(Mr. Maduro)的群众是马杜罗政府近年来经济崩溃的产物。尽管委内瑞拉拥有世界上最大的已探明石油储量,但由于政府的经济管理不善,导致其货币一文不值,商店里许多基本食品不见踪影,其医院系统也陷入崩溃。已有300多万人逃往其他国家。导致经济崩溃的政治动荡,可以追溯到马杜罗的前任查韦斯(Mr. Chávez)。他曾经是一名中校,在1992年组织的未遂政变中崭露头角。六年后,他赢得了总统选举,开始了他所谓的社会主义革命,将财富重新分配给穷人。在其他拉美国家逐渐巩固民主规范的同时,委内瑞拉人民选举出一位曾试图用武力推翻政府的领导人,并且还多次当选。到了2002年,另一场军事政变开始发动,这一次得到了委内瑞拉反对派的支持,在美国的批准下,反...

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The FDA wants to force drug manufacturers to do more rigorous testing to make sure medicines are safe


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The U.S. Air Force plans to spend as much as $5.9 billion over the next five years to begin buying Northrop Grumman’s B-21 stealth bombers, according to unclassified but previously unreleased budget figures


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Taiwan has accused China of “reckless and provocative” action, after two Chinese air force jets crossed a maritime border separating the island from the mainland


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Japan’s economy is expected to expand by 0.8% in 2018, with this rate increasing only slightly in 2019 to 0.9%. The slowdown in China’s economy and the fallout from trade tensions between the US and China are drags on growth. Monetary policy will continue to be ultra-accommodative next year. The cyclical decline in Japan’s growth is occurring in an environment of very weak long-term growth. Adverse demographics - specifically a declining labour force - are not being offset by strong enough produ...

预计2018年日本经济将增长0.8%,而这一增长率在2019年仅略微上升至0.9%。 中国经济放缓以及中美贸易紧张局势的影响都拖累了经济增长。 明年货币政策将继续保持宽松。 日本经济增长的周期性下降发生在长期增长非常疲弱的环境中。 不利的人口统计数据 - 特别是劳动力下降 - 并没有被足够强大的生产力增长所抵消。 安倍经济学的“第三个箭头”,应该实施重大的结构改革并提高生产力,但实现起来很缓慢。

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1、applying a force of 1 N per millimetre nominal width of the belt
2、applying a force of 1 N per millimetre of nominal width of belt

2.在标准宽度的(皮,钢。。。)带一上施加一个每毫米1 牛顿的力。

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A simpler arrangement than that shown at Fig 11.11 is to allow the heated liquid polymer to flow under the force of gravity into the mould through suitably placed gates.


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To comply at all times and in all locations with laws and in-company regulations which are in force


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Unit identified and executed force protection plan for services.


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France (Reuters) - Youths in Paris suburbs and the city of Toulouse torched cars and set rubbish ablaze in fresh urban violence in France on Tuesday.With police out in force, the situation remained tense.But there were only isolated incidents of vandalism and officials reported no major clashes between youths and police in contrast to Monday night when around 80 police officers were injured when rioters pelted them with stones and petrol bombs.“(The situation) is much calmer than in previous nig...

“虽然和前晚相比,目前(形势)比较平静,但这一平静不堪一击,”总理菲永(francois fillon)在和巴黎北部郊区Villiers-le-Bel的官员会见后说。周日的暴乱就是在Villiers-le-Bel发生的。

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This Software transfers measured values from the display unit to a PC, where the measurement values are displayed online both numerically and as a curve in the time/force or displacement/force diagram.


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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cancer cells, like ripe fruit, are much softer than healthy cells, scientists said on Sunday in a finding that could help doctors diagnose tumors and figure out which might be the deadliest.The researchers used a nanotechnology device called an Atomic Force Microscope that allowed them to give a little poke to healthy cells and cancerous cells that had spread from the original site of tumors.Cancer cells taken from people with pancreatic, breast and lung tumors were more t...

其中的一位研究者,洛杉矶加里福尼亚大学琼森癌症研究中心的Jianyu Rao 在一次电话采访中说,“基本情况是,除了可以看见癌细胞并从分子层面分析它们,目前我们可以用这一技术来触摸癌细胞。”

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Check the following 项目s and conduct proper adjustment:
If the 油门拉索 is set to the full-close position smoothly, after rotation if it is on the full-open position;
●Turn the steering bar left and right to see if the 油门拉索 is jammed;
If the throttle (steel) cable winds around other cables to cause the operation not to be flexible;
If the 油门拉索 winds around other cables to cause the operation is not flexible。
Brake system
Brake system is an important mechanism to guarantee safe driving. As the b...

● 油门拉索是否平稳地设置在完全关闭位置上,旋转后,它是否处在完全打开的位置上;
● 左右转动导向杆看看油门拉索是否被卡住;
● 油门(钢)拉索是否缠绕在其他拉索上可能导致操作不灵活;
● 油门拉索是否缠绕在其他拉索上而导致不能灵活操作。
● 从扣动制动杆到产生制动力的过程就是制动杆的行程,其值为10-20㎜。
● 旋转前轮并将前制动杆拉向手把以确保刹车正常和前轮转动自如。
● 将摩托车用主脚架支住。
● 从扣动制动杆到产生制动力的过程就是制动杆的行程,其值为10-20㎜。
● 如需调整,可旋动后制动臂上的调节螺母。应确保制动臂销子插在环形槽内。
● 旋转后轮并多次测试后刹车以确保后刹车正常及后轮转动自如。

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decentralize sliding force PD contral of cooperative robots in operational space under jacobian uncertainty


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CANBERRA (Reuters) - About 550 Australian combat troops in Iraq should be withdrawn by about the middle of next year, Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd said on Friday, setting a broad timetable for the soldiers to return home.Australia has about 1,500 troops in and around Iraq, but Rudd won power at the Australia’s national election on November 24 with a promise to bring frontline forces home.“The combat force in Iraq we would have home by around the middle of next year,” Rudd told Australian radi...

堪培拉(路透社)550多澳大利亚驻伊拉克战斗部队明年将撤军,澳大利亚总理elect Kevin Rudd星期我表示,为士兵制定了一份大概的返程回国时间表。

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Facilities to study the micromechanics of fracture areas are available in the Micromechanics/Fracture Laboratory, and include a computer controlled materials test-in system, a long distance microscope, an atomic force microscope, and other instrumentation.


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The person who on the day fixed for the coming into force of these statutes shall be chancellor of the university shall continue to be chancellor.


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Make sure that the “Date Label” (for example JUL 2010) holds at least 15lbs force


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‘end-of-series vehicle’ means any vehicle that is part of a stock which cannot be registered or sold or entered into service owing to the entry into force of new technical requirements against which it has not been approved;

应是这个意思。几乎每个汽车厂都有这种情况,一个系列的车辆生产完毕在还没有完全销完前,都有一些库存车(part of a stock ),这时新的标准出台了,而这些库存车against which(新的标准) it has not been approved,就成了问题。

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Of force provider and shower laundry and clothing repair teams having shower water reuse capability.


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Before execution for force to execute matrix with sequence and timing of each subordinate task throughout the operation.


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For the second time in as many months there was big trouble in an important allied country that sits on China’s borders, with huge crowds demonstrating, bombs exploding, opposition leaders being arrested and demonstrators killed. This time it was Pakistan, where President Pervez Musharraf had proclaimed special emergency powers. A few weeks earlier it had been Myanmar, where pro-democracy demonstrations were put down with deadly force.But despite the proximity and important interests in play, mo...


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IT IS now close to a month since the reckless Georgian effort to retake breakaway South Ossetia by force sparked off what Russia is now calling its August war.


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1. To cause someone or something to leave some place or thing. A noun or pronoun can be used between “force” and “out.” A concussion forced their best player out of the playoffs.
2.In baseball, to get a runner out at the base they must advance to. (For instance, when a ball is hit, a runner on first base must advance to second base—even if a ground ball has been hit directly to the second baseman, who can then easily step on the base and get the runner out.) A noun or pronoun can be used between “force” and “out.”
机译:2.In棒球,获得了亚军,在他们必须提前向基地。 (例如,当球被击打,上一垒跑者必须提前向二垒,即使地面球一直打到直接到二垒手,谁就能在底座上轻松一步,并获得亚军了。)一个名词或代词可以“力”和之间使用“出”。
Ugh, they forced out our best base runner at second.
3.In baseball, the act of getting a runner out on such a play. When used as a noun, the phrase is often hyphenated.
I told our second baseman to get the force-out if the ball is hit to him.

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。