(law) Susceptibility to forfeiture.
1.forfeited or subject to forfeiture
1.something or the right to something lost as punishment for a fault, error, or crime
2.something forfeited or subject to being forfeited
|transitive verb|
1.to lose or lose the right to by some default, failure, or neglect of obligation or duty or by some offense
shall forfeit to the United States…any proceeds which the person obtained, directly or indirectly, from racketeering activity— U.S. Code
2.to subject to forfeiture
it shall be placed in the custody of the Collector, who…shall cause a notice of the seizure and intention to forfeit and sell the same— Morgan v. United States, 107 F. Supp. 501 (1952)
1.to lose or lose the right to as punishment for a fault, error, or crime
“If we stop now, we’ll have to forfeit the match!” said Harry.— J. K. Rowling, Chamber of Secrets
2.to lose or lose the right to especially by some error, offense, or crime
3.to subject to confiscation as a forfeit
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