He tried to get a fix on the young man’s motives, but he just couldn’t understand him.
They managed to get a fix on the yacht’s position.
英语成语:get a fix on (something)
1. To have a firm, clear understanding or determination of something. I’d gotten a pretty good fix on the concept after spending an hour with the tutor.
Go down to the circuit breaker and see if you can get a fix on what’s causing the power outages.
2. To have one’s target clearly in one’s sights. I knew I could knock him out if I landed a good punch, but he moved so quick that I just couldn’t get a fix on him.
I had to maneuver the helicopter around the buildings until our gunner could get a fix on the sniper.
3.To have a firm, clear understanding of one. I could tell my wife got a fix on me by the end of our first date.
You have to trust me—I’ve gotten a fix on him, and I’m pretty sure he’s gambling again.
4. To have a firm, clear understanding or determination of something. I’d gotten a pretty good fix on the concept after spending an hour with the tutor.
Go down to the circuit breaker and see if you can get a fix on what’s causing the power outages.
5. To have one’s target clearly in one’s sights. I knew I could knock him out if I landed a good punch, but he moved so quick that I just couldn’t get a fix on him.