
    get on someone 查询结果如下:

    基本解释 双语句典 英文词典 英文句典 英文百科
    英语成语:get it on (with somebody)
    1. slang,To begin to do something, often with vigor or enthusiasm.
    All the art supplies are set up, so let’s get it on!
    2. slang,To start dancing.
    I don’t want to get it on right now—the bride and groom are about to cut the cake.
    3. slang,To begin doing something pleasant or enjoyable.
    That looks like a good movie—let’s get it on!
    4. slang,To have sexual intercourse.
    Did those two get it on last night? I know they were flirting a lot at the party.
    5. slang,For a man, to get an erection.
    He can’t get it on anymore, not without a pill.
    (slang, especially North American English)to have sex with somebody

    The only way you know the book is there is through your mental experiences ; you may see it ; you may even smell or taste it ; you may hear someone else tell you that it is there .


    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登

    Two senior American admirals expressed concern on Tuesday over decisions this month by China to refuse access to the port of Hong Kong for three American warships, including two seeking fuel and sheltered waters ahead of a major storm.The officers, Adm. Gary Roughead, the chief of naval operations, and Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander of American forces in the Pacific, said neither the Chinese government nor its military had offered explanations.Two minesweepers, the Patriot and the Guardian, ...

    对于中国政府拒绝三艘美国军舰进入香港,两名美国高级海军官员周四表示了忧虑。这三艘军舰中还包括两艘为躲避即将到来的暴风雨而寻求燃料补给和避难的军舰。 美国海军最高将领、海军军令部长罗夫海德(Gary Roughead)和美国太平洋军区总司令基亭(Timothy J. Keating)都说,中国政府和军方对此事件均没有说明。 本月,“爱国者”和“守卫者”两艘相对小的扫雷艇在太平洋航行时遭遇强风暴袭击,要求进入香港补给燃料并寻求避港。这一要求被中国政府拒绝。 海军官员说,中国拒绝给这两艘扫雷艇提供帮助,不符合“当船只在海上航行遇到危险时,所有的国家都应该提供援助”的历史原则。 “作为一个经常在海上航行的人,你迟早会发现这样一个原则:你有责任和义务向确实需要帮助的人提供帮助。罗夫海德将军在上午的五角大楼圆桌记者采访会上说。 美国的一艘油船给两艘扫雷艇补给了燃料,它们没有遭到暴风雨袭击...

    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登

    The words we use or the marks we put down on paper are intended to stand for something. If we kiss someone we are found of, the kiss is a way of repressing our internal state; it is our attempt at sharing a feeling or idea, just as someone uses words to share something about a black dog named Sam.


    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登

    This addresses uncertified engines and equipment initially placed into service that someone seeks to import into the United States.

    这个address 的意思是"提出抗议":say or write remarks or a protest. 还有 placed into service 我的理解是:placed so that something is available for use. 全句翻译如下: 这是抗议有人试图把那些最初安装且已可使用的非认证引擎与设备的车辆进口到美国. 供参考.具体措词须按上下文斟酌.

    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登
