

名词 变体/同根词

Glass fiber reinforced plastics--Average linear expansion factor of fiber--Method of testing


Glass--Resistance to attack by boiling aqueous solution of mixed alkali--Method of test and classification


Glass--Resistance to attack by a boiling hydrochloric acid--gravimetric method of test and classification


Test method for resistance of glass fiber reinforced plastics to damp heat



1.A drinking container made from glass.
‘a beer _glass_ ’
‘It has an important collection of 18th century drinking _glasses_ , a tranquil walled garden and a garden tearoom.’
2.A hard, brittle substance, typically transparent or translucent, made by fusing sand with soda and lime and cooling rapidly. It is used to make windows, drinking containers, and other articles.
‘the screen is made from _glass_ ’
‘a _glass_ door’
3.A lens, or an optical instrument containing a lens or lenses, in particular a monocle or a magnifying lens.
‘Somewhere outside there was a street lamp, it was caught in the _glass_ , repeated, magnified and diminished, countless times.’
‘Feeling around inside he spots the _glass_ lens of a video camera and pulls it out.’
4.A mirror.
‘she couldn’t wait to put the dress on and look in the _glass_ ’
‘When he sat in front of the massive picture window that framed his easel, the _glass_ mirrored his likeness under a mammoth magnolia tree.’
5.A substance similar to glass which has solidified from a molten state without crystallizing.
‘the black volcanic _glass_ makes the beaches sparkle’
‘Trehalose may also stabilise tissues by trapping them in an immobile sugar _glass_ .’
6.A weather glass.
7.An hourglass.
‘every hour the ship’s _glass_ was turned’
‘we sell china and _glass_ ’
‘Their caravan is warm and homely, with _glass_ and china neatly displayed.’
9.Greenhouses or cold frames considered collectively.
‘lettuces grown under _glass_ ’
‘Keep pots in a sunny position but watch that leaves of plants under _glass_ don’t get sunburned.’
10.The contents of a glass.
‘have a _glass_ of wine’
‘By serving wine by the _glass_ , restaurants open a new realm for wine drinkers.’

1.(especially in hunting) scan (one’s surroundings) with binoculars.
‘the first day was spent _glassing_ the rolling hills’
‘Opening morning found us perched near the top of some Georgia pines, freezing half to death, overlooking a small field where we had _glassed_ a few good bucks during the summer.’
2.Cover or enclose with glass.
‘the inn has a long gallery, now _glassed_ in’
‘The room is nicely _glassed_ off, so kids can have fun, stay put, and not bother the staid old newspaper readers like me.’
3.Hit (someone) in the face with a beer glass.
‘he _glassed_ the landlord because he’d been chatting to Jo’
‘When I realised I had been _glassed_ , my immediate thought was, there’s so much blood am I going to die?’
4.Reflect as if in a mirror.
‘the opposite slopes _glassed_ themselves in the deep dark water’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。