

例句1. hotels within the same grade’
例句2. they appointed him to the lowest grade’
例句3. they got the best grades in the school’

动词 变体/同根词

“Study hard and get good grades and you will find a high-paying job with great benefits,”“ my parents used to say. ”


One of several grades of achievement in a university degree examination


An essential difference between “premium” and “regular” grades of kerosine is that the former has a higher smoke-point


Some weekdays, Alicia Gunther, 17,works past midnight as a waitress at a New Jersey mall, and she readily admits that her work often hurts her grades and causes her to sleep through first period


Grades for microbiological and parasitological monitoring of laboratory animals (Rodent and rabbit)


NF3is available in a variety of grades and at purity levels in excess of 99.999 % due to advanced purification techniques developed by Air Products. Table 1 lists the physical and chemical properties of NF3.

NF3有多种等级,由于Air Products发展的先进的净化技术,还有纯度超过的99.999%的NF3。表1列出了NF3的物理和化学性质。

Well, you know there is always rigorous competition even in primary schools. The pupils having good grades can get into a better middle school, and then they will be in a better position to be enrolled in a university after graduation.


Series of .... of low, medium and high grades , comprising 80 kinds including nearly 1,000 products in different specifications


How quickly can materials be crushed to the different grades ?


After about 3 papers with all very mediocre grades , I decided to try something different


1-5 grades scoring system is employed in this questionnaire with “1” indicating the question in full compliance with the actual condition of a testee, “5” indicating totally no consistency between the question and the testee.


This factor, whatever it is labeled, ultimately decides one’s future much more than school grades .


Different grades of crystal polystyrene molding pellets range from 150, 000 to 350, 000 weight average molecular weight


Grades will be posted at the beginning of next week.


The ship maintenance system--Maintenance grades ,standard code and permissible deviation for maintenance period of ship


From grades four to six


Ferrous scrap alone is classified into almost 80 grades : additionally, there are another 40 grades of railroad ferrous scrap and even more grades of alloy scrap.


Getting a good education and making good grades no longer ensures success, and nobody seems to have noticed, except our children.


Low grades are getting Helen down


Low grades are getting Hellen down.


Read for fun and personal interest, not for externalities such as grades , diplomas, professional upgrading, and the like


Grades for courses completed are issued at the end of each term and may either be expressed in letters or percentiles


Son, you and I have to sit down and have a heart to heart talk about your school grades . You have to do something to bring them up if you want to get into a good college.


The scrap processor buys this raw material, segregates it, and. prepares it into specified grades that consumers--steel mills and foundries--buy for melting.


My father face glowed with satisfaction when he saw my college grades .


Grading standards are relatively uniform; in the U.S., grades range from prime and choice to utility and canner.


The wage earner postpones purchases or grades down his buying when uncertain about his future


The child is born and goes to school. The proud parents are excited because the child excels, gets fair to good grades , and is accepted into a college.


Are good grades a steppingstone to college?


There have been times when the demand for certain lower-quality grades of industrial scrap, such as borings and turnings, was so low that no viable market existed.



1.(in historical linguistics) a relative position in a series of forms involving ablaut.
2.(with specifying ordinal number) those pupils in a school or school system who are grouped by age or ability for teaching at a particular level for a year.
‘she teaches first grade’
‘It is at the second grade reading level that you should begin monitor and track the areas of reading fluency and see a steady progress in the words per minute your child can read and comprehend.’
3.A gradient or slope.
‘just over the crest of a long seven per cent grade’
‘That would be like loading up your car and driving it up in the mountains at a 6% grade all day every day.’
4.A group of animals at a similar evolutionary level.
‘They argued that previous classifications failed to examine real lineages and tended to be based more on evolutionary grades.’
‘Thecodontia therefore is an evolutionary grade of animals, rather than a clade.’
5.A level in a salary or employment structure.
‘clerical and secretarial grades’
‘A few years later he became a pilot and rose through the ranks to management grade by the time he was 30.’
6.A level of importance allocated to a listed building.
‘a Grade I listed building’
‘The grade two listed main hospital building has been designated for use for health care, which could see a doctors surgery or small hospital created inside.’
7.A mark indicating the quality of a student’s work.
‘I got good grades last semester’
‘Under the admissions policy, 90 percent of students are accepted by grades and test scores alone.’
8.A particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, or value.
‘sea salt is usually available in coarse or fine grades’
‘high-grade steel’
9.A variety of cattle produced by crossing with a superior breed.
‘grade stock’
‘Research proved that U to E grade females give poor fertility and are poor milkers, two very important traits required for breeding.’
10.An examination, especially in music.
‘I took grade five and got a distinction’
‘After seeing one of their public performances, a woman approached Mark and Angela in the supermarket about her 11-year-old daughter Sarah at grade one on the saxophone.’

1.Arrange in or allocate to grades; classify or sort.
‘the timber is graded according to its thickness’
‘With the ultimate in timing equipment being installed drivers will be graded into four categories and awarded platinum, gold, silver and bronze medals once a year.’
2.Cross (livestock) with a superior breed.
‘The low percentage of cattle grading choice is most likely explained by the aggressive implant program utilized in this study.’
3.Give a mark to (a student or a piece of work).
‘This paper also serves as a substantial writing component in which students are graded for both grammar and content.’
‘I require this evaluation form to be attached to the back of their project before I will grade their work.’
4.Pass gradually from one level, especially a shade of colour, into another.
‘the sky graded from blue at the top of the shot to white on the horizon’
‘If the hypotheses of this research are correct, then equivalencies in a judoist’s throwing side preference will emerge as he or she grades to the elite level.’
5.Reduce (a road) to an easy gradient.
‘Also, they must excavate to remove foundations and basements, and they must grade the site at the completion of the demolition job.’
‘The ability to shift the blade right and left comes in handy for slope and ditch work and for grading roads and parking lots.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。