The highest-ranking member of the Spanish aristocracy is the grandee.
1.(西班牙或葡萄牙的最高爵位)大公,2. 显贵,要人
He is a former defence secretary of the United States and a grandee of the Democratic Party.
||1:In many ways the ferment within the Conservative Party is beneficial.||2:One new centre-left MP praises a fine “buffet” of different approaches; a backbench grandee talks of the value of “safety valves” on hot issues.||3:There is a refreshingly relaxed view towards rival philosophies, which was notably absent from the Labour Party when it was in power.||4:A combination of loyalty and flexibility has served the Conservative Party well in the past.
||1:For their employers the advantages are more immediate.||2:Prospective MPs increasingly enjoy high-flying jobs (often elsewhere in politics) before running for office, so may have less time to run their own campaigns.||3:Local party machines even in crucial marginal seats can be doddery, disorganised and dominated by the few truculent oddballs inclined to turn up to meetings.||4:Organisers can purportedly inject a dose of youthful dynamism into such outfits.||5:They report to national headquarters, so faithfully enact party strategies.||6:They must also hit monthly canvassing targets.||7:The Labour Party circulates rankings comparing organisers’ results.||8:Paddy Ashdown, a pugnacious grandee , polices the performance of their Lib Dem counterparts.
||1: Mr Hatch is not the only Republican grandee to have shifted nimbly rightward. ||2: Dick Lugar, a Republican senator from Indiana who is equally venerable (he and Mr Hatch joined the Senate on the same day) and even more embattled, is breathing an unaccustomed amount of fire these days. ||3: Even Olympia Snowe, a moderate Republican senator from Maine who recently declared herself so disgusted with the polarisation of Congress that she is not running for re-election this year, has been inching to the right since 2010.
||1:As backroom special advisers do now, the author wrote speeches, drafted and redrafted policy papers, and negotiated electoral manifestos, all the while observing the foibles of his front-of-stage bosses.||2:In what is clearly the emotional heart of the book, he chronicles the turbulence surrounding the decline and fall of Old Labour, the fight against the hard left, the economic debacle of the mid-1970s and the disastrous election of 1979—all with a keen eye for strategy and personality.||3:There is delight in small details: the chill that settled on a lunch party when the young jobseeker had the temerity to hit the croquet ball of Roy Jenkins, a Labour grandee , into the flower bed, or Crosland’s views on the inanities of ambassadors’ wives.
||1:就像如今幕后特别顾问所从事的工作一样,作者当时也写演讲稿,对政策文件起草了又起草,协商选举宣言,同时观察着台上领袖的缺点。||2:运用自己对策略和人性的敏锐感,他在编年史内写下老工党衰退和倒台那段时期的骚乱,反左派的斗争,也记录下二十世纪七十年代中期的经济崩溃,1979年那场极糟的选举。||3:有些细节很明了:在午餐会上一名年轻的求职者鲁莽地把工党贵族Roy Jenkins的槌球打进了花圃里的事,亦或是Crosland关于大使夫人的浅薄方面的一些言论。
Eric Pickles, the communities secretary, sniped at the Environment Agency—which is led, not coincidentally, by Lord Smith, a Labour Party grandee .
1.A person of high rank or eminence.
‘several City _grandees_ and eminent lawyers’
‘Four years after his birth in Dunfermline, in 1600, it was thought a good idea to crown the boy King of Scots, but the Scots _grandees_ objected.’
2.A Spanish or Portuguese nobleman of the highest rank.
‘With only 30 bedrooms, each stylishly decorated and furnished, this aristocratic hideaway is the perfect retreat for those who hanker after the Spanish _grandee_ lifestyle.’
‘The atmospheric spot is decorated like a Spanish _grandee_ ’s mansion.’
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