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    EconomyHistorically, Chongqing has been a major trading inland port, transporting goods from the southwestern provinces to eastern China. During the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), Chongqing was transformed into a heavy industrial city, especially the military industry which continued to thrive for decades after 1949. Since the 1980s, many of these military industry enterprises have undergone reforms and turned from producing military goods to mostly civilian products for survival and growth. Cho...

    经济 自古以来,重庆市就是一个重要的内陆贸易港口,将货物从西南省份运送到中国东部。在抗日战争期间(1937-1945), 重庆市成为一个重工业城市,军工企业尤其发达。在新中国成立的最初几十年里,重庆的军工企业仍兴盛不衰。从20世纪80年代起,许多军工企业经过改革,从生产军事产品转为生产民用产品,以求得生存和发展。 重庆市自然资源丰富,已查明储量的矿产有40多种。其煤炭查明储量估计为48亿吨。重庆的川东天然气田,是中国最大的内陆天然气生产基地,储量达2700亿立方米, 约占中国天然气总量的1/5多。 中国锶矿的储存量居世界第二,而重庆锶矿的总储存量遥居全国首位。重庆市重要的工业有:采矿业,铁,钢,铝,军事,汽车,摩托车,化工,纺织,机械,电子,建材,食品加工,零售及旅游等。重庆市还有亚洲最大的铝厂。锰矿是重庆市秀山地区最重要的工业,但是由于工业事故、破坏当地环境和浪费资源而备受人们的批评...

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    I am currently under employment with ESTELLEE Shanghai working as Assistant Director who is fully responsible for the management, growth and profitability of the entire ESTELLEE business in Shanghai.


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    They have been providing longstanding continuous support to the international ship owning community to secure profitable employment and they have significant relationships with all the major ship owners worldwide.


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    We are committed to employ and build on the best people by offering the best terms, conditions and security of employment in order that these talents can only give but their personal best.


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    Trading conditions permitting, every attempt is made to ensure that our Terms and Conditions of Employment are the most favourable in the industry in order to continuously attract and retain high calibre personnel.


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