1.Used to attract someone’s attention.
‘‘ _Hoy_ ! Look!’’
‘He spat out the bread and shouted ″ _Hoy_ ! _Hoy_ !″ down at the street.’
1.A game resembling bingo, using playing cards.
‘Why not bring your friends along to a fun morning playing _Hoy_ and then delicious BBQ lunch?’
‘Thursday was pension day and a larger than usual number of visitors frequented the Workers Club, playing the pokies or taking part in a game of _Hoy_ .’
2.A small coastal sailing vessel, typically single-masted.
‘Sailors of the Hound, blamed by Captain Mustard for running down his timber _hoy_ , admitted that their collier lay so low in the water she could not pass over a shelf in the Thames near Rainham until flood tide.’
‘Then it was rolled down to the water’s edge along a walkway and loaded on to a powder _hoy_ to be ferried to the waiting warship.’
‘If we think there’s a possibility that everyone out there would accept it, we take it to a mass meeting which we did the last time and they hoyed it out.’
‘Simple: take your trainers off, wind your arm up, and get hoying your ‘shoe’ - the pleasing alternative to the game played by all those wizened, pipe-smoking Frenchmen.’
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