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    There has to be an independent organisation inside the institution whose sole job is to stay on the right side of the law and is incentivised to do the job like the internal affairs division in police departments



    ||1: Some partners are said to be grumbling about the scheme. ||2: They will not be able to sell shares at the market price even after they have put in decades of work and want to retire. ||3: That raises questions about whether partners are genuinely incentivised to do well by shareholders. ||4: And even if the bank’s pay policies please the purists, BTG’s governance structure will not. ||5: André Esteves, the bank’s high-voltage billionaire founder, will control around 85% of the bank’s common shares and has “sole discretion” to control the bank’s policies and management, even when a matter has been put to shareholders.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-返璞归真的巴西投行 Back to basics -

    ||1:In fact, to conclude that climate change should mean shackling capitalism would be wrong-headed and damaging.||2:There is an immense value in the vigour, innovation and adaptability that free markets bring to the economies that took shape over that striped century.||3:Market economies are the wells that produce the response climate change requires.||4:Competitive markets properly incentivised , and politicians serving a genuine popular thirst for action, can do more than any other system to limit the warming that can be forestalled and cope with that which cannot.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候问题(2) -

    Doctors are underpaid and thus highly susceptible to being incentivised to peddle pricey pills.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-跨国公司在中国 金刚VS金蛋 -

    Newly "incentivised " managers, free from inhibitions, feel entitled to earn vast multiples of their employees’ wages.



    As our clients are cutting fees and want more for less, we say ’OK, but we want to be incentivised on performance.



    The CSRC is also planning to allow employees to own stakes in their fund firms in a bid to create an incentivised organisational structure.


