

    名词复数:incisions 词频:高频常用词

    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    abdominal incision
    An incision was made into the diseased organ.
    1. 切入,切开,2. 切口;伤口;刻痕;【医】切口,3. 雕刻
    incision and curettage of chalazion
    n. 【建筑工程】
    Sew an incision closed.
    n. 【化学】


    例句1. a surgical incision


    名词 变体/同根词

    One of the front teeth of mammals, between the canines.
    “It stood in front of me and it curled its upper lip, exposing one canine and incisor.”
    “He opened his mouth to show a gap in the front of his mouth where an incisor should have been.”
    “Two more chimpanzee teeth were later found at the site, an upper incisor and a tooth tentatively identified as a molar.”
    The quality or state of being incisive; incisivity.
    “Other views have lacked the incisiveness and the firmness of conviction that make his analysis a classic in the history of rate regulation.”
    “As longtime readers know, his writing is marked by clarity, incisiveness, and charity, if not always respect, for opposing views.”
    “He is outstanding as a lecturer and teacher and his mathematical writings are praised for their clarity and incisiveness.”
    The quality of being incisive; penetrating trenchancy; incisiveness.

    动词 变体/同根词

    “Esophageal hiatus is enlarged by incising the central tendon anteriorly to the pericardium.”
    “It is then quickly withdrawn, at the same time incising the furuncle freely down to its base.”
    “Engraving, or incising, to use Wood’s term, refers to cutting into the plaque to form the design so that the face of the plaque is flat, the design inset as an intaglio.”
    “Some of the galleries had incised lines cut into the wall, perhaps tally marks, or identification symbols.”
    “Between Mayas and Aztecs came the Toltecs, who incised five holes on their human-bone flutes.”
    “In cuneiform writing, words are represented by signs incised into clay tablets by a wedge-shaped instrument.”
    to cut in or into with a sharp instrument; to carve; to engrave
    “These stone roundels, of uncertain date and attribution, seem like large-scale sculptures derived from ancient gems and incised precious stones acquired by the Medici.”
    “The desired outcome was based on the surgeon’s ability to manipulate a cryolathe, which is an instrument designed to incise tissue linearly.”
    “Use a clear, incise drape on the surgical site, which inadvertently helps to keep the flow of oxygen at the surgical site.”