
The editors have jacked up their sports pages


The factory director jacked him up for his neglect of duty


Finite Element Method for Compaction Effect of Soil on Jacked Pile


Study on Estimating Method of Static Jacked Resistance of Precast Piles


Mr. Green jacked up his courage before he told his wife the bad news


Appraisal of Expansion Pressure at the Tip of Engineering Jacked Piles


Analysis of Compacting Displacements of Single Jacked Pile in Transversely Isotropic Soil


The mechanic jacked up the car and changed the wheels with the punctured tyre


A Research Method on Jacked Pile


Analysis of Expansion Pressure at Tip of Jacked Piles


Squeezing Effects of Jacked Pile Considering Static Pile Press Machine’s Action


Calculating Method of Anchor Jacked Pile While Sinking


Since Ned was still asleep, she jacked in the earphone to cut off Loud speaker sound


The preacher jacked up his sermon with humour.


The Control System in jacked -pipe Construction Surveying with Total Station


Load Transfer and Bearing Capacity of Pile Jacked into Sandy Deposits


On hearing this, he jacked the attempt to revenge the insult in


I’m going straight to bed, I’m jacked up


We didn’t need to worry about tickets or reservations. The travel agency jacked the whole thing up for us


Our wages haven’t been jacked up at all for two years


Working Design of Fuxia Road Jacked -in Frame Bridge, Xiamen City


A Case History aid Its Analysis about Squeezing Effects of Jacked Pile


Jacked the rear of the car to replace the tire.


Regularity Analysis and Study on Excessive Pore Water Pressure during Jacked Pile of Pre-Ptressed Pipe Piles


USB Type B The USB Type B plug is basically a USB connector for peripherals-you’ve probably seen it jacked into a printer or scanner.


In December alone 29 vehicles were hi-jacked .


When I walked outside this morning to retrieve the battery for a charge, I discovered that I’d been battery-jacked .


When the researchers served these coffee extracts to cultured human stomach cells, the cells jacked up acid production.


The Manufacture and Appliance of Reinforced Concrete Cylinder Pipe for Jacked Installation


Application of Powder-jacked -mixed Pile in Consolidation of Soft Subgrade



1.Tired of or bored with someone or something.
‘people are getting _jack_ of strikes’
‘Over the years, your mates get tired of asking you out; even your partner gets _jack_ of it.’

1.A detective or police officer.
2.A device for lifting heavy objects, especially one for raising the axle of a motor vehicle off the ground so that a wheel can be changed or the underside inspected.
‘A spaceship was lying on 4 _jacks_ in the middle of the shed, patches of the hull and fried wiring lying around.’
‘In the unfortunate event of a flat tire, having a _jack_ and a spare tire can lead to a simple tire replacement.’
3.A device for turning a spit.
‘When running a spit from a weight driven clockwork _jack_ , it is essential to ensure that the joint or bird is properly centred, or the spit may stop running.’
4.A game played by tossing and catching small round pebbles or star-shaped pieces of metal or plastic.
‘The product that animates Harris’s work life is Crazy Bones - packs of small, brightly hued plastic figurines that are used to play a variety of games similar to _jacks_ or marbles or dice.’
‘In Korea, young girls play a game of _jacks_ , tossing small stones onto the ground, throwing a ball up in the air, and and trying to pick the stones up before catching the ball.’
5.A lumberjack.
6.A marine fish that is typically laterally compressed with a row of large spiky scales along each side, important in many places as food or game fish.
‘Located at the southern tip of Pulau Pinang, this area swamps with currents, and hence presents a good chance to observe sharks, barracudas, _jacks_ and schools of yellowtail.’
‘On four dives there we would see a hawksbill turtle, huge parrotfish, various morays ranging from massive to tiny, _jack_ , snapper, batfish and numerous other species.’
7.A part of the mechanism in a spinet or harpsichord that connects a key to its corresponding string and causes the string to be plucked when the key is pressed down.
‘The harpsichord’s _jack_ -and-plectrum action plucks the strings instead of striking them, creating a sharp, bright tone and a ″snappy″ keyboard feel.’
‘Volume can be increased only by engaging more sets of strings and _jacks_ .’
8.A pebble or piece of metal or plastic used in the game of jacks.
9.A playing card bearing a representation of a soldier, page, or knave, normally ranking next below a queen.
‘If the turn-up is a _Jack_ , dealer scores one white chip at once; if the turn-up is the Joker, dealer scores one blue chip at once and the cards are immediately thrown in.’
‘Police in Xinyang, a city in Henan province, have produced a half million packs of cards with the pictures of ‘notorious suspects’ on aces, kings, queens and _jacks_ in an effort to capture the criminals.’
10.A sleeveless padded tunic worn by foot soldiers.
11.A small version of a national flag flown at the bow of a vessel in harbour to indicate its nationality.
‘At daylight we hoisted the _jack_ for a pilot and a Delaware pilot came off, Boat C, but couldn’t take us to New York.’
‘At daybreak they attempted to rouse attention on land; they hoisted the _jack_ for a pilot and at 7 a.m. sent up signals of distress and fired a gun.’
12.A small white ball in bowls, at which the players aim.
‘Lawn bowling required four bowls for each player and a _jack_ for a goal.’
‘Two teams get four balls each and aim to get them nearest the white ball or the _jack_ .’
13.A socket with two or more pairs of terminals designed to receive a jack plug.
‘The crowd instantly recognised Idioteque from the first few jittering beats and the sound of Greenwood randomly shoving _jacks_ in and out of his analogue sequencer like a frantic telephone exchange operator.’
‘The audio is fed from the earphone _jack_ into an auxiliary input on the vehicle’s CD player, where it is amplified to on board PA speakers.’
14.A steeplejack.
15.another term for blackjack (sense 5)
17.short for jack shit
‘I don’t know _jack_ about university finances, of course, but I have yet to hear of any school going broke over unionizing.’
‘We all know that neither candidate will do _jack_ squat anyway.’
18.The figure of a man striking the bell on a clock.
19.The male of various animals, especially a merlin or (US) an ass.
‘The young female kestrel may have paired off with a young male. We spotted them chasing off a _Jack_ Merlin.’
‘A mule results from a cross between a female horse, or mare, and a male donkey, or _jack_ .’
20.Used as a form of address to a man whose name is not known.
21.Used in names of animals that are smaller than similar kinds, e.g. jack snipe.
‘In the spring male _Jack_ Snipes court females in an unusual way. The male will fly several hundred feet in the air and perform a dive. While in the air he will also create a humming noise by fanning his tail.’
‘The _Jack_ Snipe is an extremely difficult bird to see, partly because they are not very common but mostly because they are so well-camouflaged they will often sit unnoticed and let you walk past them.’
22.Used to typify an ordinary man.
‘he had that world-weary look of the working _Jack_ who’d seen everything’
‘She was only 15, so she was not having an affair with a _Jack_ .’

1.Rob (someone)
‘they told police they’d been prowling the streets looking to _jack_ someone’
‘I hid it inside my sweatshirt so if someone tried to _jack_ me.’
2.Take (something) illicitly; steal.
‘what’s wrong is to _jack_ somebody’s lyrics and not acknowledge the fact’
‘I was far from my normal spot next to the window, but didn’t partially mind the getaway from Marie who always tried to _jack_ my seat.’

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