
形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

non-electric medical or surgical lancet


The research result to be published on "The Lancet " is conducted and led by researcher brayer of the Oxford-based "British Cancer Research Institution"


lancet is asleep on the rug


He fears the lancet of my art as I fear that of his.The cold steelpen


Any of various primitive chordate animals of the subphylum Cephalochordata,such as the lancet ,that lack a true vertebral column.


In a letter to The lancet , Hadlow listed the parallels between kuru and scrapie, and posed a tantalizing question


||1: The 19th century saw a chap named William Banting bring the first low-carbohydrate diet to a mass audience. ||2: A study in the Lancet later confirmed the value of favouring protein and fat over carbs well before a once overweight cardiologist named Robert Atkins figured this out for himself. ||3: Horace Fletcher, otherwise known as “The Great Masticator”, was emphatic about chewing each mouthful of food until it was liquid, and counted John D. Rockefeller and Franz Kafka among his disciples.

||1: 在19世纪,有个叫做William Banting的人,他第一次将低碳水化合物食谱推荐给大众。 ||2: 后来在《柳叶刀》中刊登的一项研究证实了多摄入蛋白质和脂肪,少摄入碳水化合物的好处,在此之后,有一个曾经超重的心脏病专家Robert Atkins也为自己指出了这一点。 ||3: Horace Fletcher,以“伟大的咀嚼者”广为所知,曾强调咀嚼每一口食物直到它们成了液体,他的拥趸包括洛克菲勒和卡夫卡。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-节食的历史 A history of dieting

||1:A PAPER in the Lancet , shamelessly timed to coincide with the Olympic games, compares countries’ rates of physical activity.||2:The study it describes, led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University of Pelotas, in Brazil, is the most complete portrait yet of the world’s busy bees and couch potatoes.||3:It suggests that nearly a third of adults, 31%, are not getting enough exercise.

||1:《柳叶刀》①的一篇文章对世界各国人民进行体育锻炼的比率做了一个比较,而这篇文章的发表时间竟有意选在了奥运会召开之际。||2:文章中的研究由巴西佩洛塔斯联邦大学的Pedro Hallal主导,是迄今为止对世界上的勤劳之人和电视懒虫最为完整的描绘。||3:研究显示,世界上有将近三分之一(31%)的成年人缺乏锻炼。

||1: On November 21st UNAIDS, an agency created in 1996 to deal specifically with the then-newish disease, published its assessment of the situation. This reaffirmed what has become clear recently: that the epidemic is being beaten back by the widespread deployment of drugs, in combination with changes in the behaviour of those most at risk. ||2: The annual number of deaths has fallen to 1.8m, from its peak of 2.2m in 2005. New infections have also fallen, from a peak of 3.2m in 1997 to 2.7m last year. ||3: The report went on to outline what it calls an investment framework, designed to deal with the epidemic in the most cost-effective way. ||4: This builds on an analysis published in the Lancet in June by Bernhard Schwartl?nder, UNAIDS’s director of evidence, strategy and results. It attempts to prescribe, for each part of the world, the mixture of drug treatment, condom-promotion, prophylactic circumcision and so on that will bring most benefit to the fight.


||1: On November 21st UNAIDS, an agency created in 1996 to deal specifically with the then-newish disease, published its assessment of the situation. ||2: This reaffirmed what has become clear recently: that the epidemic is being beaten back by the widespread deployment of drugs, in combination with changes in the behaviour of those most at risk. ||3: The annual number of deaths has fallen to 1.8m, from its peak of 2.2m in 2005. ||4: New infections have also fallen, from a peak of 3.2m in 1997 to 2.7m last year. ||5: The report went on to outline what it calls an investment framework, designed to deal with the epidemic in the most cost-effective way. ||6: This builds on an analysis published in the Lancet in June by Bernhard Schwartl?nder, UNAIDS’s director of evidence, strategy and results. ||7: It attempts to prescribe, for each part of the world, the mixture of drug treatment, condom-promotion, prophylactic circumcision and so on that will bring most benefit to the fight.

||1:UNAIDS,是一家1996年建立的特别处理这种在当时还是非常罕见的疾病(艾滋病)的机构,今年11月21日,其发布了一份关于艾滋病现状的评估。||2:这份评估再次重申了近期发生的一些明显的变化:那就是通过药物的配置普遍广泛,以及在那些具有较高危险的行为上所做出的改变,使得艾滋病正在一步步被击退。||3:其中。每年该病的死亡人数已经从在2005年最高峰时的220万下降到现在的180万。||4:同时,新感染的人数也从1997年最高峰时段的320万回落到去年的270万。||5:该篇报道也勾画了一份所谓的投资构架,目的是以最经济的方法解决艾滋病问题。||6: 该投资构架是以 Bernhard Schwartl?nder,这位在UNAIDS搜集证据,制定策略以及结果分析部门的主管在今年六月的Lancet杂志所发表的分析文章为基础所提出的。 ||7:这项构想尝试为世界各个地区提供一种混合的方案,包括药物治疗,加强避孕套的宣传,倡导具有预防效果的环切手术等一些措施,争取掌握这场疾病战斗的主动权。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艾滋病 伙计们,请一起行动

||1: These high rates of inactivity are worrying. ||2: Paradoxically, human beings seem to have evolved to benefit from exercise while eschewing it whenever they can. ||3: In a state of nature it would be impossible to live a life that did not provide enough of it to be beneficial, while over-exercising would use up scarce calories to little advantage. But that no longer pertains. ||4: According to another paper in the Lancet , insufficient activity these days has nearly the same effect on life expectancy as smoking.


Writing in The Lancet medical journal they describe how they measured electrical activity in the brain to detect consciousness.


Over all, The Lancet said, 1. 4 million child deaths could be averted each year if babies were breast-fed properly.


Experts in The Lancet say this is the least amount of activity an adult can do to gain any health benefit.


"The grief of A stillbirth is unlike any other form of grief, " Dr Richard Horton, editor in chief of The Lancet , wrote early last year.


But a further 50, including Niger and Sierra Leone, as detailed in the Lancet paper, do not get enough from the international community.


But a paper in this week’s Lancet , by Kevin Hall of America’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) and his colleagues, aims to change that.


The report appeared last week in the Lancet medical journal.


This change of orientation is preferably out of the plane of the lancet body.


According to the Lancet , malnutrition in the first two years is irreversible.


Details of Clark’s revolutionary transplant and follow-up care were published online Tuesday in the medical journal Lancet .


A subsequent investigation published in the Lancet suggested that contaminated beef and poultry were the likely cause.


New research, published this week in the Lancet and paid for by the Gates Foundation, tries to fill the void.


Alcohol is more dangerous than heroin, cocaine and other "hard" drugs, claims a new study published in The Lancet .


A device for collecting samples of body fluids is described which has at least one lancet , comprising a lancet body and a tip.


A front cover (20) has a skin engaging end that includes a lancet opening through which a lancet needle extends.


Yet the Lancet paper seriously misunderstands both the timing and the effects of economic reform.


In the study, published last month in the Lancet , 100 children with ADHD symptoms who were 4 to 8 years old were divided into two groups.


Development of lancet and usage of modern lancet


The tape is folded within the supply compartment to limit damage to the lancet integrated test elements.



1.A lancet arch or window.
‘One of the pieces conserves part of a painted lion, probably a surviving portion of the arms of Louis d’ Halluin, which seems to have disappeared from the right _lancet_ .’
‘Thus the cathedral’s most famous window, ‘The Root of Jesse’ in the northern _lancet_ in the west front, depicts the lineage of David and the Jewish kings, culminating in Mary and Jesus.’
2.A small, broad two-edged surgical knife or blade with a sharp point.
‘Standardised skin prick tests were carried out with allergen coated _lancets_ .’
‘Patients use the kit’s finger _lancet_ to collect blood while routinely checking their blood glucose levels.’
3.Shaped like a lancet arch.
‘a _lancet_ clock’
‘The sharply pointed lower ends are interpreted to have articulated in the alternating tiny furrows and ridges at the adoral extremity of each _lancet_ plate surrounding the mouth.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。