例句1. they lashed him repeatedly about the head
例句2. rain lashed the window panes
名词 变体/同根词
动词 变体/同根词
The elephant is not immediately susceptible to such blandishments, however, and usually lashes fiercely with its trunk in all directions.
Under its leaf he watched through peacocktwittering lashes the southing sun
but her long, shadowy lashes drooped discreetly over the jollity of the lower part of the face as though to call a halt
Recovering from the impetus which had carried him to that decision, Val looked at him maliciously from under his lashes
Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes , curving backward in most peculiar way
She has Beautiful lashes .
The man’ s eyes closed,and I saw tears hover beneath his lashes . His aged hands full of grime, and pain, and hard labor--gently, so gently, cradled my baby’s bottom and stroked his back. I stood awestruck.
Astonishing lifelike blue eyes shone between lashes of real hair
Do you want eye lashes , too?
High, as on a tall flag, six dragons drive the sun,While the river, far below, lashes its twisted course
Even while I spoke in confident tones I could feel in anticipation the lashes which were soon to score our naked flesh
He was given two lashes .
He had black close-cropped hair, grey eyes with long lashes , white cheeks and a mouth pouting as though he were determined not to cry...
The eye shone beneath its lashes like a fire beneath brushwood
Epiblepharon with Inverted Eye Lashes in Children Long Term Follow-Up Report
As he did so his glance crossed Mattie’s and he fancied that a fugitive warning gleamed through her lashes .
Just as its name, the mascara′s brushtop is so fine that it not only reaches even the tiniest of your lashes , but also leaves them longer, thicker and more definite. You are sure to be surprised at the exceptional convenience and joy it brings.
正象它的名字, 这个睫毛膏 拥有极小的刷头,即能助你轻松刷遍每根睫毛,令睫毛纤长自然且根根分明,为你带来前所未有的方便与惊喜。
The author lashes out with great indignation at the opportunists and champions those peasants who are badly off
||1:The numbers, though, remain paltry. Only 18% of working-age Saudi women work (against 65% of men), one of the world’s lowest rates.||2:And for all the headlines, the kingdom has only 67 female lawyers (out of 3,400), and 21 female councillors (out of 3,150).||3:Female lawyers say they have to contend with judges who tell them to sit down when they stand up to represent clients.||4:But over time the taboos on women in public life seem to fraying.||5:“Women are better at representing other women because women natter more than men, and women understand them better,” says Judge Faisal Orani, fresh from sentencing a whisky-drinker to 80 lashes .||6:He opposes the introduction of female judges, he says, “but over time, anything can change. Maybe I’ll change too.”
||1: The critics shredded Manet. They mocked his inconsistent style; his refusal to respect conventions. ||2: Their vicious words were like “lashes of a whip”, Manet once wrote. ||3: Yet he had contemporary champions, including Baudelaire, Stephane Mallarme, a symbolist poet, and Emile Zola, a novelist. ||4: Younger artists, such as the nascent Impressionists, also admired him. ||5: Pierre-Auguste Renoir observed that Manet was as important to them “as Cimabue or Giotto were to the Italians of the Quattrocento.” ||6: His influence continues. Rineke Dijkstra, a photographer, credits Manet with helping inspire contemporary large-format portraits.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马内的肖像画 勇辟蹊径立异标新
||1:Yet this has a cost. Being a superpower means having relations with lots of unsavoury regimes, yet America need not be so eager to put principle aside when dealing with its old ally.||2:“Failure to speak to the broader aspirations of ordinary people will only feed the suspicion that has festered for years that the United States pursues our interests at their expense,” as Mr Obama once put it.||3:Between lashes , Mr Badawi no doubt agrees.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 你好沙特小独裁
||1:On January 9th Raif Badawi, a blogger, received the first of his 1,000 lashes for taking Thomas Paine’s view of the “adulterous connection between church and state”.||2:Mr Badawi has also been sentenced to a decade in prison.||3:Three days later a woman accused of murder was dragged through the streets of Mecca and beheaded with a sword.||4:Though America disapproves of this sort of thing, it does not let it upset relations.||5:Government delegations to the kingdom are usually lots of men in military uniform and one official from the State Department, whose job is to say that it would be nice if women could drive.||6:Scott Fitzgerald wrote that the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time is the sign of a first-rate intelligence.||7:Something similar applies in foreign policy.||8:Ford Fraker, a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, describes the alliance as “a long-term marriage founded on fundamental interests and principles”.||9:Those interests have shifted a little over time.||10:Now they could be summarised as oil, counter-terrorism and stability.||11:Like diamond earrings on an anniversary, weapons and money have been exchanged throughout as tokens of esteem.||12:Less than a year after telling an audience in Cairo that America “must never alter or forget our principles”, Barack Obama performed a full Fitzgerald, signing off on one of the largest arms deals with the kingdom yet, an order now being fulfilled by American manufacturers.
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 你好沙特小独裁
The word "bear" brings to mind an irrational, angry creature that lashes out at anything in its path.
After conditioning your lashes , apply mascara as usual to make your eyes pop.
As the Monitor reported last year, Sudanese UN media officer Lubna Hussein was threatened with 40 lashes for her pants.
Earlier this month, her attorney Mohammad Mostafaei told CNN that his client confessed to the crime after being subjected to 99 lashes .
Do not cake on a layer of extra face and make your eye lashes look like spider legs.
However, long lashes out again, so every 4-6 weeks must Stubbs first inverted eyelashes.
You can clean your lashes by holding the pad under them and wiping upwards so you are not putting any excess stress on the surrounding skin.
Black mascara darkens and lengthens your eye lashes , framing your eyes beautiful. Black mascara is dramatic.
1.A sharp blow or stroke with a whip or rope.
‘he was sentenced to fifty _lashes_ for his crime’
‘she felt the _lash_ of my tongue’
2.An eyelash.
‘she fluttered her long dark _lashes_ ’
‘He examined the Patrician nose, the curve of her cheek, the dark _lashes_ , the porcelain clarity of her olive toned skin, the cleavage revealed.’
3.Punishment in the form of a beating with a whip or rope.
‘they were living under the threat of the _lash_ ’
‘Bring back the _lash_ , and thumbscrews and the oubliette.’
4.The flexible leather part of a whip, used for administering blows.
‘he brought the _lash_ down upon the prisoner’s back’
‘A _lash_ , also of flax, was then attached and the whip was finished.’
1.(of a part of an animal’s body) move quickly and violently.
‘the cat’s tail _lashed_ furiously from side to side’
‘He cracked a grin, but was shocked when Kate’s other hand suddenly _lashed_ across, smacking him in the side of the face.’
2.(of an animal) move (a part of the body, especially the tail) quickly and violently.
‘the cat was _lashing_ its tail back and forth’
‘Then she _lashed_ her tail around and commenced preening it.’
3.Beat forcefully against.
‘waves _lashed_ the coast’
‘The heavy rains _lashing_ the City since Saturday have left a wide swathe of death and destruction.’
4.Drive someone into (a particular state or condition)
‘fear _lashed_ him into a frenzy’
‘Who would _lash_ us into serfdom and would crush us with his might?’
5.Fasten (something) securely with a cord or rope.
‘the hatch was securely _lashed_ down’
‘he _lashed_ the flag to the mast’
6.Strike or beat with a whip or stick.
‘they _lashed_ him repeatedly about the head’
‘Anything less than that could result in a whipping, and no one wanted to be bent over the knee of old Grandfather Windom and be _lashed_ with his belt at the age of eighteen.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。