1.accepted by the law as rightful : lawful
a legitimate heir
2.being right or acceptable
a legitimate excuse
3.conceived or born of parents lawfully married to each other or having been made through legal procedure equal in status to one so conceived or born
4.being neither spurious nor false
a legitimate grievance
5.being in accordance with law or with established legal forms and requirements
a legitimate government
6.conforming to recognized principles or accepted rules and standards
a legitimate claim of entitlement
a legitimate business reason
|transitive verb|
1.to make legitimate: as
2.to give legal status or authorization to
3.to show or affirm to be justified or have merit
4.to put (an illegitimate child) in the state of a child born of married parents before the law by legal means — compare filiate
1.to make (someone or something) legitimate (see legitimate entry 1)
2.to give (a child born out of wedlock) the same legal status as a child born in wedlock
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