line of work 查询结果如下:

to switch to another trade(or line of work )


属类:简明汉英词典 --

in every conceivable line of work ;all sorts of occupations


属类:简明汉英词典 --

in every conceivable line of work ;all sorts of occupations


属类:简明汉英词典 --

In doing their line of work , the times are not very certain.


属类:综合句库 -一般表达

I wonder whether you ’d mind telling me what line of work you are in .


属类:口语表达 -未分类

I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of ×× college. My experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company.The reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office.


属类:应用文体 -求职英语 -简历英语

I am thirty-two years old and a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University, my experience in this line of work includes five years as a salesman with the NCC Company.


属类:应用文体 -求职英语 -简历英语

I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of ×× college. My experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company.


属类:应用文体 -求职英语 -简历英语

God will pardon me, that’s his line of work .--Heinrich Heine, German poet


属类:习语名句 -名人名言 -遗言篇

I hope to be the best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also.


属类:综合句库 -

To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule


属类:综合句库 -

What line of work are you in?


属类:综合句库 -

How did you get started in that line of work ?


属类:综合句库 -

What line of work are you in?


属类:口语表达 -

We must always take what reflects the will and interests of the people as both our starting point and end point in all work we do; we must always take reliance on the wisdom and strength of the people as the basic line of work in promoting our cause.


属类:时事政治 -政府文告 -党建讲话

Mercedes-Benz offers commercial vehicle solutions for the distribution sector which are perfectly molded to the typical requirements in this line of work : flexibility, economy and versatility.


属类:单位简介 -汽车公司网站 -产品介绍

The governments of the two countries should not only refrain from doing anything that would impair the prosperity of Hong Kong, but they should also ensure that entrepreneurs and people in all other lines of work refrain as well.


属类:时事政治 -邓小平选集 -对香港问题的基本立场

|noun phrase|

1.the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money : job

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。