例句1. their parents were barely literate
例句2. a literate, informed public
1.Able to read and write.
‘their parents were uneducated and barely _literate_ ’
‘The written form of Arabic is the same for all _literate_ Arabs (those able to read and write), regardless of how different their spoken dialects are.’
2.Having education or knowledge, typically in a specified area.
‘we need people who are economically and politically _literate_ ’
‘I think comparative religion is a wonderful study, and we should be more theologically _literate_ than we are.’
1.A literate person.
‘If these were wanton act of miscreants, one incident that took place inside the Government Medical College campus on Thursday has proved that even the _literates_ are not bothered to ‘rescue’ a roadside tree from being consumed by flames.’
‘They understand much better than the _literates_ .’
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