1.A caterpillar of a geometrid moth, which moves forward by arching and straightening its body.
‘For the most part tachinid flies prey on caterpillars, including cutworms, gypsy moths, tent caterpillars (whose sticky web tents do not protect them completely from these flies), and the ever present cabbage _looper_ .’
‘Aphids, cabbage _loopers_ , flea beetles, leafhoppers and leaf miners are some of the insects that attack lettuce, but slug are the most notorious for loving lettuce.’
2.A device for making loops.
‘There was no time to wonder at the marvels of engineering that kept _loopers_ , needles and blades dancing without a misstep even as the speed hit maximum.’
‘Using a 4-thread, medium-length balanced stitch and serger thread in the needle and _loopers_ , serge the front to back at both shoulders.’