The lawyer wanted the illiterate man to make his cross on the contract.
(6)The investigator shall, when the hearing is conducted, put forward the facts about the violations of law committed by the party, the evidence and recommendation for administrative penalty; the party may defend himself and make cross -examination; and
We stayed with Banjo for a long while before composing ourselves and carrying him into the woods where he so loved to run. We buried him, covered his grave with pine bows and placed flowers against a hastily made cross.
And from the end of 2007 the European Union’s Market in Financial Instruments Directive will make cross -selling harder.
If you wish to make cross cell IIOP calls, but want to avoid sharing LTPA encryption keys, it is possible.
Modifying an In object generates problems when the same class is exported to a type library and used to make cross -apartment calls.
It put restaurant dining within the reach of the average American, and made cross-country travel less of a culinary roulette.
(6)The investigator shall, when the hearing is conducted, put forward the facts about the violations of law committed by the party, the evidence and recommendation for administrative penalty; the party may defend himself and make cross -examination; and
We stayed with Banjo for a long while before composing ourselves and carrying him into the woods where he so loved to run. We buried him, covered his grave with pine bows and placed flowers against a hastily made cross.