1.(especially of a young person) having reached a stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult.
‘a young man mature beyond his years’
‘He is now mature enough emotionally to reside in the men’s house without need of running home to be with his mother.’
2.(of a bill, bond, etc.) due for payment or repayment.
‘It can point the way to creating a bond between two people, but it is not itself a mature bond.’
3.(of certain foods or drinks) ready for consumption.
‘a rather nice mature Camembert’
‘At last those who buy to drink now will have the chance to experience mature wine from France’s classic regions.’
4.(of thought or planning) careful and thorough.
‘on mature reflection he decided they should not go’
‘On mature consideration though, perhaps those black puddings of theirs count as weapons of mass destruction and merit a pre-emptive strike.’
5.Denoting an economy, industry, or market that has developed to a point where substantial expansion and investment no longer takes place.
‘a mature, sophisticated economy’
‘Investors in mature industries are those who want to enjoy the potential for growth but also avoid extreme highs and lows.’
6.Fully developed physically; full-grown.
‘she was now a mature woman’
‘owls are sexually mature at one year’
7.Having reached the most advanced stage in a process.
‘Van Gogh’s mature work’
‘These are songs that demonstrate a mature talent at work - both vocally and lyrically.’
8.Used euphemistically to describe someone middle-aged or old.
‘Miss Walker was a mature lady when she married’
‘Many years ago, when I lived in Paris, an extremely elegant, mature French lady told me the secret of applying a scent properly.’
1.(of a person or thing) become fully grown or developed.
‘children mature at different ages’
‘the trees take at least thirty years to mature’
2.(of a person) reach an advanced stage of mental or emotional development.
‘he has matured and is ready to take on new responsibilities’
‘He matured much faster than the other boys I knew, if only mentally.’
3.(of an insurance policy, security, etc.) reach the end of its term and hence become payable.
‘when the policy matures it pays off the loan’
‘If I didn’t trust the stock market to create a lump sum to pay off my home loan when it matured, then why on earth did I trust it to produce enough for my retirement pot at the end of my working life?’
4.(with reference to certain foods or drinks) become or cause to become ready for consumption.
‘leave the cheese to mature’
‘the Scotch is matured for a minimum of three years’
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