
Article 20 When highway transportation is blocked because of serious natural disasters, local governments at and above the county level should immediately mobilise and organize nearby army units, government organs, organisations, schools and enterprises and establishments as well as urban and rural residents to assist the highway department in restoring highway transport within a set time limit.


mobilise 300,000 churchgoers to petition the Government against legalised soccer gambling


we would mobilise all the resources and efforts that could be mobilised to enhance Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability


The widespread use of the Internet has provided a fast, efficient and almost no-cost means of communication to mobilise Huaren, while the numerous online forums have made it easy for them to reach the public quickly.


Among the messages to Zaobao Online’s forum, quite a few were intended to mobilise people for another kind of political protest.


But the vision is contested. Expansion of the grid has been thwarted by bureaucrats’ inertia, politicians’ foot dragging and activism by those who hate transmission masts as much as they do nuclear power.|| Even upgrades to existing lines can mobilise opposition, as in Quickborn, south of Niebull.|| Hard-core decentralists deny that power must be transmitted over long distances. “You can put the grid development plan directly in the bin,” says Matthias Willenbacher of Juwi, a big builder of solar and wind projects. Bavaria’s aspirations encourage such hopes. When the federal government tried to speed up cuts in the feed-in tariff for solar power, several states put up a fight, forcing a partial retreat. The renewables lobby, like the industrial one, demands stable investment conditions. Solar power will be competitive without subsidies by 2020, the solar lobby insists.

1:但这种想法颇具争议。||2:对于扩张电网,懒惰的官员阻扰之,政客们拒绝合作,激进主义者们厌恶核能,却也同样憎恨输电杆。||3:即便是升级现有电路也会引起抗议,就如南尼必尔的quickborm发生的那样。||4:顽固不化的分散主义者对电力必须长途传输的说法予以否认。||5:大型太阳能、风能项目建造商Juwi的Matthias Willenbacher 说,“你可以直接把电网发展计划扔垃圾箱里”。||6:巴伐利亚州“自给自足”的愿望鼓励了这种希望。||7:当联邦政府试图加速降低太阳能发电的强制入网价格时,一些州挺身而出反抗之,最终迫使政府作出部分退让。||8:和工业游说团一样,可再生能源游说团需要稳定的投资环境。||9:太阳能游说团坚称,截至2020年底,即便是没有政府补贴,太阳能发电也会颇具竞争力。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(下) -

International law has never fully embraced multiple citizenship. Many countries frown on it, though others take a more relaxed attitude. Germany, however, manages to make it especially complicated for citizens of foreign origin. Its traditional approach goes back to a law passed before the first world war. Based on jus sanguinis (“right of blood”), it gave citizenship to anybody of German descent, but not to foreigners born in Germany, as countries such as America and France that practise jus soli (“right of soil”) do. Then, in 1999, a centre-left government added the two notions together. This would have let a woman born in Germany to Turkish parents be simultaneously German and Turkish.|| But that law coincided with a regional election in Hesse, where the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) seized on the issue to mobilise its conservative base in opposition.|| The CDU won the state and took control of the upper house, where it blocked the new law.

1:国际法从来没有真正包容过多重国籍。||2:尽管有一些国家允许自己国家的人拥有多重国籍,但还是有很多国家不承认多重国籍。||3:而德国对外籍人申请申请加入德国国籍的条件十分严苛,最传统的办法还要追溯到一战前通过的法条。||4:依据 jus sanguinis(“血统主义),拥有德国国籍公民的后代自动拥有德国国籍,但是出生在德国的外籍子女并不能获得德国国籍。而像美国、法国等国家则实行 jus soli (“出生地主义”)。||5:随后,1999年,德国左翼党将这两种方法都采纳了进来。||6:这样,出生在德国的土耳其后裔就能同时获得德国和土耳其国籍。||7:但是这新法条的颁布正好与在海赛举行的地区大选的时间不谋而合。在海赛,右派保守党基民党(CDU)抓住了这个问题不放,利用其来动员保守方反对法条的通过。||8:最终CDU赢得了大选,控制了高层,并且封锁了新法条的颁布。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-土耳其能与德国“联姻” 双重国籍该如何 -

||1:It is no accident that the state grows during crises.||2:Governments might have stumbled in the pandemic, but they alone can coerce and mobilise vast resources rapidly.||3:Today they are needed to enforce business closures and isolation to stop the virus.||4:Only they can help offset the resulting economic collapse.||5:In America and the euro area GDP could drop by 5-10% year-on-year, perhaps more.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-尽在掌控--疫情让西方政府加大干预力度(1) -

1:This unreal normality is now under threat.||2:After a two-year lull, rockets fired from Gaza have rained down on Israel.||3:The Israel Defence Forces have struck hundreds of sites in Gaza.The army is ready to mobilise up to 40,000 reserves.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴以 新常态 -

||1:Universal systems like Britain’s National Health Service should find it easier to mobilise resources and adapt rules and practices than fragmented, private ones that have to worry about who pays whom and who is liable for what.||2:The United States, despite its wealth and the excellence of its medical science, faces hurdles.||3:Its private system is optimised for fee-paying treatments.||4:America’s 28m uninsured people, 11m illegal immigrants and an unknown number without sick pay all have reasons to avoid testing or isolation.||5:Red tape and cuts have fatally delayed adequate testing.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-从政治角度看疫情(3) -

“There is evidence that the dust can mobilise meningitis in the bloodstream, ” said Barrie.


And it has cost Netflix very little to mobilise all this effort.


But India does not mobilise its saving well.


Regional governments have more autonomy and mobilise more money and support than ever before.


The second commonality has been the tools used to mobilise dissent.


The party is an Islamic-rooted movement, and there is nothing Islamists do better than serve ordinary people and mobilise in times of need.


International Mother Language Day is a moment to recognize their importance and to mobilise for multilingualism and linguistic diversity.


It will take a new legally-binding agreement for the eurozone to mobilise that power, and that will take time to negotiate and ratify.


It’s the wisdom to mobilise resources and put that in ways to create confidence about the future.


More interconnections provide more ways to mobilise resources and explore alternatives when things go wrong.


If the T cells cannot find enough vitamin D in the blood, they won’t even begin to mobilise .


If a country did not need to do so, it would not mobilise the SDR-based credit.


Here we have an internal brace which prevents the tissues from stretching but still allows you to mobilise the joint with some confidence.


They are behind because they cannot mobilise fast enough.


It was he who ordered the seizure of Yugoslav army documents, which meant that the army could not mobilise Macedonians to fight in Croatia.


It is doing its best to mobilise Russians against the West and the Westernisers and is becoming more confrontational.


Mobilise the community to work together for the health and development of young people.


No power can any longer mobilise its armed forces in secret.


All along the frontier, German preparations for invasion were intensifying, but Soviet forces had not yet even begun to mobilise .


Meanwhile police chiefs must be readier to mobilise the extra officers whose deployment finally quelled the trouble last week.



1.(of a country or its government) prepare and organize (troops) for active service.
‘the government mobilized regular forces, reservists, and militia’
‘It provides all the information necessary to mobilize Army Guard and Army Reserve units.’
2.Bring (resources) into use for a particular purpose.
‘at sea we will mobilize any amount of resources to undertake a rescue’
‘It means a huge amount of capital expenditure is being mobilized for North America and the Gulf of Mexico.’
3.Make (a substance) able to be transported by or as a liquid.
‘acid rain mobilizes the aluminium in forest soils’
‘Caffeine also mobilizes fat, so more is burned for fuel.’
4.Make (something) movable or capable of movement.
‘the physiotherapist might mobilize the patient’s shoulder girdle’
‘Thus, these patients were mobilized faster and had a shorter hospital stay.’
5.Organize and encourage (a group of people) to take collective action in pursuit of a particular objective.
‘it would be hard for worker representatives to mobilize the workforce against the employers’
‘You’re either persuading people to vote for you or you’re organizing and mobilizing those who already support your cause.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。