||The live music market is flourishing even as sales of recorded music have mouldered .|| Between 2012 and 2013 it grew by a quarter, according to the Performing Right Society for Music, an industry body. Gig-goers now spend more than 1 billion (1.7 billion) a year on tickets and almost half that again on food, drink and the like. Festivals make up a large chunk of this. In the early 1990s Britain had few of them, recalls Melvin Benn of Festival Republic, a promoter. Around 450 will take place this year. The festival season, once limited to July and August, now stretches until early autumn. On the first weekend of September four festivals battle it out.
||1:正值唱片销售疲软之际,现场音乐的市场不断蓬勃发展。||2:英国表演权协会(一个行业组织)表示,在2012年到2013年间,现场音乐的市场份额就已增长了四分之一。||||3:如今乐迷们一年在门票上的花费就逾10亿欧元(合17亿美金),此外在吃、喝等方面的花费几乎是它的一半。||4:在音乐节上的花费就占了很大一部分。||5:来自Festival Republic(共和节日,一个音乐推广公司)Melvin Benn回忆,在20世纪90年代早期,英国还没有出现这样的一群人。||6:今年预计有450场音乐节。||7:曾在7、8月开展的音乐节,如今已延伸至初秋。在9月的第一个周末,四大音乐节就全面展开、决一胜负。
1.A person or thing that moulds something.
‘a moulder of public opinion’
‘I left school at 16 to become an apprentice iron moulder.’
1.Slowly decay or disintegrate, especially because of neglect.
‘the smell of mouldering books’
‘I couldn’t permit someone of your abilities to moulder away in a backwater’
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