1 | (三)儿童营养不良患病率显著下降。 | (3)The malnutrition prevalence among the children was significantly decreased . | |
2 | (四)居民贫血患病率有所下降。 | (4)The prevalence of anemia among Chinese was slightly decreased . | |
3 | 暴风的威力减弱 | The storm decreased in violence. | |
4 | 比1992年下降55%,其中城市下降74%,农村下降51% | Compared with the figure in 1992, it has been decreased by 55%, among which the number in the urban areas has been decreased by 74% and in the rural areas the number has been decreased by 51%. | |
5 | 表12-4中的趋势指数显示,表中的每个项目在过去的3年里都在稳步增长而1995年则有较大幅度的下降。 | The trend index in Exhibit 12-4 shows that each item has increased steadily during the last three years, the number in 1995 decreased dramatically. | |
6 | 产生胶粘物质的芽孢杆菌会破坏面包产品。如果这些菌在面团中生长之后进行焙烤,就会产生粘性起丝的面包,因而使消费者不愿接受。 | Bread products can be spoiled by bacillus species that produce ropiness. If the dough is baked after these organisms have grown, stringy and ropy bread will result, leading to decreased consumer acceptance. | |
7 | 但随着O3流量的增大,传质效率会进一步降低,故TOC去除率提高速度变缓。 | However, with further increasing of ozone flowrate, the mass transferring efficiency decreased , resulting in a higher removal rate and lower degradation velocity of TOC. | |
8 | 当他的影响缩小时,他的财富也减少 | When his influence began to shrink, his wealth also decreased | |
9 | 当他的影响缩小时,他的财富也减少了。 | When his influence began to shrink, his wealth also decreased . | |
10 | 儿童低体重率为7.8%,比1992年下降57%,其中城市下降70%,农村下降53%。 | The prevalence of low body weight in children was 7.8%, compared with the figure in 1992, it has been decreased by 57%, among which the figure in the urban areas has been decreased by 70% and the prevalence in the rural areas has been decreased by 53%. | |
11 | 凡是有头脑的人都知道过度工作会降低工作效率。 | Anyone with a brain knows that overwork leads to decreased efficiency. | |
12 | 该城市的人口减少了。 | The city has decreased in population. | |
13 | 该村的人口已减少150,只剩下500人。 | The population of the village has decreased by 150 to 500. | |
14 | 该公司的应收及存货水准减少了20%。 | K & W’s investment in accounts receivable and inventories has decreased 20%. | |
15 | 各个年龄段的被调查者在对他人和对自己宽容以待的时候,往往会减轻自己的心理压力,例如减少自己烦躁、绝望和紧张等情绪。 | Among survey participants of all ages, however, reports of forgiveness of themselves and others were associated with decreased psychological distress, including feelings of restlessness, hopelessness and nervousness | |
16 | 根据最近调查,我国的人口减少了。 | according to the latest census, our population has decreased . | |
17 | 公司裁减了工作人员。 | The company decreased the number of workers. | |
18 | 寒意渐退。 | The cold has decreased in severity. | |
19 | 护士减少药量 | The nurse decreased the dose. | |
20 | 婚姻问题上的长期折磨和冲突会引起急性和慢性的健康变化,诸如血压升高,心率加快,以及细胞免疫功能下降。 | Chronic marital distress and conflict can lead to acute and chronic health changes, such as elevated blood pressure and heart rate and decreased cellular immunity | |
21 | 即使看起来很健康的克隆生物也会携带畸形病变的基因,而且他们的寿命通常会比正常生物的要短,因为克隆过程中的细胞随着年龄的增长,DNA会逐渐遭到破坏 | Even animal clones that look healthy may have genetic abnormalities or be predisposed to a decreased life span because the cells used in the cloning process acquire DNA damage as they age | |
22 | 减量可变量被减少的可变量,负增长 | The amount by which a variable is decreased ;a negative increment. | |
23 | 减退的思维能力 | A decreased mental vitality. | |
24 | 交流电最大的优点是可用变压器来增减电压,以利长距离更有效的输送。 | A major advantage of alternating current is that the voltage can be increased and decreased by a transformer for more efficient transmission over long distances. | |
25 | 结核,麻疹和百日咳引起的死亡率也已经急剧下降。如果没有大量的疫苗供全民免疫,就不会有上面这些成就。 | Death due to tuberculosis, measles and whooping cough has dramatically decreased . This would all be impossible without the bulk supply of vaccine for mass vaccination campaigns. | |
26 | 近几个月出席的人数减少了。 | Attendance has decreased in recent months. | |
27 | 近年来死亡事故发生的频率已经下降. | Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years. | |
28 | 据有关部门监测,由于人工植被增加,西藏的风沙天气明显减少,如:目前拉萨比三十年前减少了32天 | According to reports from relevant monitoring departments, due to the increase in man-made vegetation, the number of sandstorm days has decreased noticeably in Tibet | |
29 | 咖啡因对中枢神经系统、心脏、血管和肾脏有刺激作用,故可做为吗啡或巴比妥盐等呼吸抑制药的解毒剂。它还具有改善运动功能、减轻疲劳、提高感觉力和增加反应速度的功效,但摄食过量也可能引起焦虑、紧张、烦燥、头痛和失眠等副作用。 | Its stimulating effect on the central nervous system, heart, cardiovascular system, and kidneys makes it medically useful in treating respiratory depression caused by overdose of barbiturates, morphine, or heroin. Its positive effects can include improved motor performance, decreased fatigue, increased alertness, and enhanced sensory activity. Excessive caffeine can produce irritability, anxiety, insomnia, and potentially serious symptoms such as heart irregularities and delirium. | |
30 | 没有解决温饱的贫困人口从2.5亿人减少到1.25亿人,占农村人口的比例下降到14.8% | the number of poverty-stricken people with problems feeding and clothing themselves decreased from 250 million to 125 million, to shrink to 14.8 percent of the total population in the rural areas |