属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 绝佳机会
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 埃博拉恐慌者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-广告 仅仅是感情的眷顾
1 | 由于意见不合,他们的关系告一段落。 | Their relationship is over because of disagreements . | |
2 | 在结束种族隔离制度以后的时代,南非已大体上接受政党之间会有不同政见,而这种分歧可以用比较文明的办法来辩明道理。 | In the post-apartheid era, South Africa now largely accepts that there will be differences of opinion between political parties, and that these disagreements can be debated in a relatively civilised fashion | |
3 | 这些维生素的损失程度因食品的不同而存在较大差异,而且在对同一食品进行研究的学者中也常有严重的分歧。 | The effects are highly variable from food to food and it is common to encounter serious disagreements between investigators considering the same foods. | |
4 | 最近我和他一直有争执。 | He and I have been having a few disagreements lately | |
5 | ||1:贝卢斯科尼自认为人民党拒绝阻止自己因为8月份被定罪为税收诈骗而被驱逐出国会,为了报复这一事件,他开展了一个失败的政变。||2:在11月27号参议员要求对是否驱逐贝卢斯科尼做出投票。||3:然而,就他的判决结果产生的分歧不是人民自由党分裂的唯一原因。||4:反派者越来越中立。||5:他们已经对贝卢斯科尼专制的领导风格失去了耐心。 | ||1:Mr Berlusconi launched his failed coup last month in retaliation for what he sees as the PD’s refusal to prevent his expulsion from parliament following his conviction for tax fraud in August.||2:The senate is expected to vote for his ejection on November 27th.||3:Disagreements over his fate are not, however, the only reasons for the split in the PdL.||4:The rebels tend to be closer to the centre.||5:And they are impatient with Mr Berlusconi’s autocratic style of leadership. | |
6 | ||1:但这种源自非洲让人厌烦的病毒的到来也反映出一些其他的东西。||2:有野心的政客不再只是攻击另一党派或是总统。||3:埃博拉恐慌者的出发点是对背后政治差异、技术官僚密谋阴谋的假设。||4:保罗似乎认为,官员在淡化疫情风险时故意撒谎。||5:科鲁兹则轻描淡写的建议美国联邦航空局(FAA)去恐吓以色列。||6:路易斯安那州州长抱怨认为飞行禁令弊大于利的政府,想让美国民众去听从那些被他呲之以鼻称为“砖家”的人的说法。 | ||1:But the arrival of a nasty virus fromAfricahas revealed something else.||2:Ambitious politicians are no longer merely attacking the other party, or the president.||3:The starting point for Ebola alarmists is an assumption that behind policy disagreements , conspiracies lurk, with technocrats in on the plot.||4:Dr Paul appears to believe that officials are knowingly lying when they downplay the risk of a pandemic.||5:Mr Cruz breezily suggests that the FAA helped to bullyIsrael.||6:Louisiana’s governor complains that the government, in arguing that flight bans do more harm than good, wants Americans to heed what he sniffily calls “the experts”. | |
7 | 但是在如何分辨两个系统谁表达情感的问题上依然存在分歧。 | but there are disagreements over how to divine what system one is feeling, and over the role of system two. | |
8 | 父母和医生在涉及孩子的临终决定上产生分歧的情况是不常见的。 | Disagreements between parents and doctors over end-of-life decisions involving children are uncommon. | |
9 | 据报导,苹果公司与德国汽车商在用户数据管理的问题上出现分歧,可能已经导致中止了俩家公司之间可能存在的合作关系。 | Reported disagreements with German carmakers over control of users’ data may have halted a potential alliance. | |
10 | “今年早些时候的分歧,不应被视为两国关系的常态,”一名美国官员表示。 | "The disagreements of earlier this year should not be seen as the norm for the relationship, " said a US official. | |
11 | “争论最好的解决方法是通过客观事实,而不是感情用事,”Weiss说。 | "Disagreements are best solved through objectivity rather than emotions, " says Weiss. | |
12 | 1990年6月,在吉尔吉斯苏维埃社会主义共和国最后的日子里,奥什街头争吵变成了血腥的惨剧。 | In June 1990, during the last days of the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic, street brawling in Osh over land disagreements turned bloody. | |
13 | 20.你是否用成熟合理的方式处理分歧和争执? | 20. Do you handle disagreements or arguments in a mature and healthy way? | |
14 | 爱立信表示,自己是在与中兴为解决分歧谈判4年无果后,才采取这一法律行动的。 | The Swedish company said its legal action followed four years of fruitless talks to settle the disagreements . | |
15 | 保尔森表示,双方在原则问题上鲜有不同意见,讨论集中在提高人民币汇率弹性的时机问题上。 | Mr Paulson said there were few disagreements on principle, but discussions centred on the timing of Chinese currency flexibility. | |
16 | 伯恩斯喜欢在他的研究生中表达不同的学术观点。 | Burns loved to provoke disagreements among his graduate students. | |
17 | 财政政策的不一致,以及债权国和债务国之间的分歧,最终是否会让整个体系坍塌? | Could the inconsistencies of fiscal policy and the disagreements between creditors and debtors eventually trip the whole system up? | |
18 | 参议院财政委员会曾要求柯克提出议案,在3月9日之前解决争端。 | The Senate Finance Committee has asked Mr Kirk to present a plan to settle the disagreements by March 9th. | |
19 | 常见的例子包括,婚姻中的亲密关系如何,以及因为金钱和家务产生的分歧。 | Common examples include how much intimacy there should be in a marriage, as well as disagreements over money and household chores. | |
20 | 出现分歧时,我们无法像处理科学那样处理道德,因为易识别的,可供测试、确认、改正的标准是不存在的。 | With morals, unlike science, there is no well-recognized standard that can be used to test, confirm, or correct when disagreements arise. | |
21 | 处在健康感情关系中的人们把他们之间的不一致看作更加了解伴侣的一个机会。 | People in healthy relationships see disagreements as a chance to learn more about their partner. | |
22 | 此外,不同于语言研究,宗教是一个有强烈争议的主题。 | Moreover, unlike language, it is the subject of violent disagreements . | |
23 | 但根据美国密歇根大学的一项最新研究表明,夫妇因磕磕碰碰的琐事而争吵其实有助于健康。 | But new research at the University of Michigan shows that hashing out marital disagreements is actually good for your health. | |
24 | 但是,因为这两个组织内部和彼此之间的分歧,安排工作将会十分复杂。 | But arrangements were complicated by disagreements between and within the groups. | |
25 | 但是埃德说他深信一定还有很多不同的意见。 | But Mr Eide said he believed there were still disagreements . | |
26 | 但是两人之间的分歧似乎日渐加深,并且霍多尔科夫斯一案有可能让两人分道扬镳。 | But disagreements between the men appear to be mounting, and Mr. Khodorkovsky’s case seems to be particularly divisive. | |
27 | 但也有一些人发表评论说,孩子们需要看到有益的争执和解决方式的例子。 | But other commenters said children ’need to see examples of healthy disagreements and resolution, ’ as one poster wrote. | |
28 | 但在当前的严峻形势下,将主要分歧公开,显然要强于避而不谈。 | But in the dire circumstances of the day, it is surely better to have the big disagreements out in the open than buried. | |
29 | 但在伊拉克仍有许多不确定因素,同时巴格达权力精英的不同意见,常常会阻碍沙赫雷斯塔尼实现其雄心。 | But much is still up in the air in Iraq and Mr Shahristani’s ambitions have often been foiled by disagreements within Baghdad’s power elite. | |
30 | 但只要我们把握住这两种典型的行为方式,我们就有大的机会防止不和的急剧失控。 | But once we grasp the two characteristic approaches, we stand a better chance of preventing disagreements from spiraling out of control. |