属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-印度税制改革 如鲠在喉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航空公司联盟 高空俱乐部
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本电子企业 苹果你挡住了我的阳光
1 | 这次奇袭大灭了敌人的威风。 | The surprise attack dismayed the enemy | |
2 | 这个消息使他感到惊愕。 | The news dismayed him. | |
3 | 这男孩的鲁莽使他的母亲失望。 | The boy’s recklessness dismayed his mother. | |
4 | 这些人近来绝对信任教会医院起死回生的本领,这使英才深为吃惊。 | Their recently acquired but clearly absolute faith in the magic powers of the mission hospital dismayed Bold Talent | |
5 | ||1:7月,印度本可让不温不火的全球贸易谈判有所进展的,可他却让贸易代表们的愿望化成了泡影,对此代表们十分沮丧。||2:长期以来,印度未能成功签署自由贸易协定,成为世贸一员。||3:世界银行在最近的一期的报告中指出,邦界边官僚主义的税收机构拦住了60%的长途卡车司机进入各邦的道路。||4:从2007年以来,无数国家的中央政府通过统一向应税的货物和劳务征收的消费税(GST)而解决了这个问题。||5:但是由于政治黑暗,印度至今为止都未能成功解决该问题。 | ||1:TRADE negotiators were dismayed when in July India scuppered a chance to make modest progress on a global trade deal.Perhaps they hoped for too much.||2:For years India has failed to sign a free-trade agreement even with itself.||3:A recent report from the World Bank said bureaucracy related to tax-collection at state borders is a big reason why India’s long-distance truckers are parked 60% of the time.||4:A proposal to address this by rationalising the myriad state and central-government levies into a harmonised goods-and-service tax, or GST, has been around since at least 2007.||5:But grubby politics has put paid to the idea—until now. | |
6 | ||1:第二个差别和第一个有关。||2:在1971年时,所有的货币都和美元挂钩,所以所有的国家都必须被课附加税。||3:尼克松让所有的国家都沮丧,但却没对任何一个国家有差别待遇。||4:今天批评中国的人,却催促奥巴马先生单独对中国商品扣上附加税。||5:虽然这将减少对目前占美国总进口15%的中国进口品的需求。||6:却不保证消费者会转而购买美国的产品。||7:更可能的是,他们会对中国在亚洲的竞争者下单。||8:附加税只会改变美国贸易赤字的组成比例,而不见得能改变其规模。 | ||1:The second difference is related to the first.||2:Because everybody was pegged to the dollar in 1971, everybody had to pay the surcharge.||3:Nixon dismayed everyone but discriminated against no one.||4:China’s critics today, on the other hand, urge Mr Obama to slap a tariff on Chinese goods alone.||5:This will reduce the demand for Chinese imports, which constitute about 15% of America’s total.||6:But there is no guarantee that customers will switch from Chinese goods to American ones instead.||7:They are more likely to buy from China’s rivals in Asia.||8:The surcharge may change the composition of America’s trade deficit, without necessarily changing its size. | |
7 | ||加利福利亚的一位法官裁决任期规则让解雇伤害穷学生的坏老师变得不可能,并且该规则也违反了州宪法。尽管该决议得到教育部长阿恩·邓肯赞同,但是教授工会对此表示失望。当前,加州每125000教师中只有有一位因为无能而被解雇。|| | A judge in California decided that tenure rules which make it nearly impossible to sack bad teachers harm poor pupils and breach the state’s constitution.|| Teachers unions were dismayed , though the education secretary, Arne Duncan, approved. A teacher in California currently has a one in 125,000 chance each year of being fired for incompetence.|| | |
8 | 那些习惯于亚洲和欧洲的豪华商务舱的人士,当他们被转到联盟内的美国航班时总是很失望,因为这些航班服务很差而且更恼火的的是有时候座椅居然不能转成躺椅模式。 | Those used to plush Asian and European business-class cabins are often dismayed when they transfer to their airline’s American alliance partner, where the service is poorer and—horrors—the seats don’t always convert to fully flat beds. | |
9 | 由于索尼在此业务中仍持有少量股份,这种暴跌的确教人头疼。不过,投资者们已经开始督促索尼的高官们对该公司的长期疲软有所作为。在过去六年中就有长达五年的亏损,这样的情形预计还会持续到2015年三月。 | The vertiginous drop will have dismayed Sony, which had kept a tiny stake in the business. However, investors have put Sony’s bosses under pressure to do something about the company’s chronically poor performance. It has lost money in five of the past six years and is forecasting a further loss in the year to March 2015. | |
10 | 11恐怖袭击后,有英国评论称美国是“咎由自取”,此种言论让他倍感沮丧。 | Mr Cohen was dismayed after September 11th when British commentators hinted that America had "had it coming" . | |
11 | EADS的执行官们看到他们未来的老板举止像个傻瓜很失望。 | Executives at EADS are dismayed to see their future boss behave like a nincompoop. | |
12 | 阿迪斯签约受雇于贾巴,但他非常沮丧的发现,他的第一个任务居然是去自己的母星。 | Adiss signed on, but was dismayed to find his first job was to his own home world. | |
13 | 安永远东区联席管理合伙人孙德基(DavidSun)表示,公司“对出现的意外状况感到惊愕”。 | David Sun, E&Y’s co-managing partner for the Far East, said the firm was "dismayed by the unexpected circumstances that have arisen" . | |
14 | 奥巴马对于选民吸引力的很大一部分来源于此,选民已厌倦了冲突,对布什处理伊拉克战争的方式大失所望。 | All this formed a big part of Mr Obama’s appeal to voters, who were sick of the conflict and dismayed by George Bush’s handling of it. | |
15 | 戴蒙昨日表示,希望再执掌摩根大通至少5年。摩根大通内部人士表示,一些伦敦(温特斯的办公地点)银行家对赶走温特斯的决定感到错愕。 | JPMorgan insiders said some bankers in London, where Mr Winters was based, were dismayed by the decision to oust him. | |
16 | 但据悉法国谈判代表对非洲此举感到愤怒和沮丧。 | But French negotiators are known to have been angered and dismayed by the African move. | |
17 | 但是,当我看到警告咖啡会预防或治疗抑郁的标题时就会十分心慌。 | But I was more than a little dismayed to see the headlines trumpeting coffee to prevent or TREAT your depression. | |
18 | 但是当他听说人们认为他很偏狭的时候,他还是感到吃惊和沮丧。 | But he was surprised and dismayed to hear that people saw him as intolerant. | |
19 | 但是军事机器人--从他自己计算方面工作引出的当今战争新潮流也许会另他感到心里不是滋味。 | But he might be dismayed about the new trend in warfare today, rising from his own work in computing: military robots. | |
20 | 当听到奥巴马被授予了诺贝尔和平奖时,我感觉到很失望。 | I was dismayed when I heard Barack Obama was given the Nobel peace prize. | |
21 | 当我走进大楼,我惊愕地发现我要在地下室的舞厅做演讲。 | When I got into the building I was dismayed to find I would be speaking in a ballroom in the basement. | |
22 | 弟子听了,惊诧不已:“可是,大师,要是您能活百万年,那将会有多少人得到您的点化呀!” | The disciples were dismayed . "But, Master, if you lived for a million years, think how many generations would profit by your wisdom" . | |
23 | 对底特律汽车厂商救助计划持反对态度的部分共和党人士对这项贷款计划感到沮丧。 | Some Republicans opposed to bailing out Detroit were dismayed at the loan package. | |
24 | 而华盛顿方面,则因察觉到欧盟在面对自家门口的威胁时所表现出的惊慌而沮丧。 | Washington, for its part, continues to be dismayed by perceived EU flakiness over threatening problems on its own doorstep. | |
25 | 该研究所的创始人和总裁迈克尔约瑟夫森(MichaelJosephson)说,他最感震惊的调查结果是盗窃行为。 | Michael Josephson, the institute’s founder and president, said he was most dismayed by the findings about theft. | |
26 | 毫无疑问,这家杨致远联手创建的公司周二10%的涨幅会让他感到沮丧。 | No doubt he will be dismayed by yesterday’s one-10th jump in the share price of the company he co-founded. | |
27 | 即使是对拼写改革最忠实的反对者,看到这篇文章标题里的一串单词时也会觉得沮丧。 | Even the staunchest opponents of spelling reform should feel dismayed at seeing the list in the title of this essay. | |
28 | 联合国秘书长潘基文表示,他被这样的杀戮深深震撼,对此他完全不能接受。 | Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, said he was deeply dismayed by the killings, which he called totally unacceptable. | |
29 | 林超伦还表示,中国国企决策过程缓慢,可能会让英国的高管们感到泄气。 | Mr Lin adds that British executives can be dismayed by the slowness with which Chinese state-owned businesses make decisions. | |
30 | 民意调查显示,投票者们尤其是城市投票者对腐败问题感到十分震惊,而大国党的支持率也正在下降。 | Opinion polls show that voters are dismayed by the issue, especially urban ones, and Congress’s support is sliding. |