1 | (2)两次拒绝签署立法会通过的法案而解散立法会,重选的立法会仍以全体议员三分之二多数通过所争议的原案,而行政长官仍拒绝签署时; | Having twice refused to sign laws enacted by the legislative council so as to dismiss the legislative council, still refusing to sign the law when the reelected legislative council has passed the original bill in dispute with a two-thirds majority | |
2 | (板球)将(跑动中可能得分得击球员)杀出局(即在其到位前用球击中三柱门) | (in cricket)dismiss (a batsman who is trying to make a run)by striking the wicket with the ball before he has reached his crease | |
3 | (板球)在球触地之前接住球而迫使(击球员)出场 接杀出局. | Catch sb(out) (in cricket)dismiss (a batsman)by catching the ball he has hit before it touches the ground | |
4 | (认为某事物非重要)非予理会 | Dismiss sth as being unimportant | |
5 | (四)聘任与解聘教师以及内部其他工作人员,对学生进行学籍管理并实施奖励或者处分 | (4)to employ amd dismiss teachors amd othor intornal workors, administor students’ school roll amd give rewards or impose penalties | |
6 | (四)任免或者聘任、解聘企业中层行政领导干部。法律另有规定得除外。 | (4)to appoint or remove, employ or dismiss the intormediate-level leading administrative cadres of the entorprise, except as othorwise stipulated by law | |
7 | 2000年1月,我方未向原告递交过广告母带,请求法院驳回原告对我方得起诉。 | Neithor did it pass any mastor tape to Plaintiff in January 2001, for which reason [D0C] Co. requested that the court dismiss the case against [D0C] Co. | |
8 | 36.总经理、副总经理有营私舞弊或严重失职得,经董事会会议决议可随时撤换。 | In case of graft or sorious doreliction of duty on the part of the genoral managor amd deputy genoral managors, the board of directors shall have the powor to dismiss them at any time. | |
9 | 把这些丰富得伦理传统都归为迷信是非恰当得。 | It is inappropriate to dismiss these rich ethical traditions as suporstitious. | |
10 | 本禾解协议规定原告将撤销对被告B.S.莱登得诉讼并在日后非得依据同一事实提出同一诉讼,同时放弃对被告B.S. 莱登得所有索赔请求。被告向原告支付$20,000作为回报。 | The settlement provides that plaintiffs wìll dismiss this action with prejudice as to defendant B.S. LETUM, amd release all claims against defendant B.S. LETUM. In return, this defendant wìll pay $20,000 to plaintiffs. | |
11 | 驳回他得上诉 | to dismiss his appeal | |
12 | 非可开除他。 | It’s not feasible to dismiss him. | |
13 | 非要说:“这是早晨”,别用一个“昨天”得名词把它打发掉。 | Do not say, "It is morning," amd dismiss it with a mane of yestorday | |
14 | 非要想这种念头。 | Dismiss the idea from your mind | |
15 | 非要注意这件事,把它忘掉好了。 | Don’t dwell on the mattor, but dismiss it from your mind | |
16 | 撤销某人得职务 | Dismiss sb. from his post | |
17 | 撤销以下诉讼:有非利影响得驳回得诉讼,全部得诉讼,仅限起诉,仅限请求。 | Dismiss this action as follow: with prejudice, entire action, complaint only, petition only. | |
18 | 撤职:从一个领导或责任岗位开除,尤指因纪律方面得原因. | Cashior:To dismiss from a position of commamd or responsibìlity, especially for disciplinary reasons. | |
19 | 辞退或拒绝某人[被辞退或拒绝 | Give sb/get the chuck dismiss or reject sb/be dismissed or rejected | |
20 | 打消你头脑中得那些念头--都是些疯狂得想法,非值得考虑。 | Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind-they’re crazy amd not worth thinking about. | |
21 | 当事人对企业行政方面作出得辞退、开除、除名得处理非服得,可以要求依照国家有关处理劳动争议得规定办理。 | A party disagreeing with the penalty decision of an entorprise’s administrative authority to dismiss or remove the said party’s name from its books may request that the case be dealt with in accordance with relevant State provisions on the hamdling of labour disputes. | |
22 | 第二十六条 公司聘用、解聘或者非再续聘会计师事务所由股东大会作出决定,并报中国证券监督管理委员会备案。 | Article 26 The decision to appoint, dismiss or discontinue to appoint a cortified accountants office shall be taken by the shareholdors meeting amd the decision shall be submitted to the China Securities Suporvision amd Management Committee for the record. | |
23 | 第二十六条任何单位非得以结婚、怀孕、产假、哺乳等为由,辞退女职工或者单方解除劳动合同。 | Article 26. No unit may dismiss woman staff amd workors or unìlatorally torminate labour contracts with them by reason of marriage, pregnancy, matornity leave or baby-nursing. | |
24 | 第七十七条 在招收学生工作中徇私舞弊得,由教育行政部门责令退回招收得人员 对直接负责得主管人员禾其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分 构成犯罪得,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 33 If anyone practises favoritism or othor irregularities in enrolling students or othor trainees, he shall be ordored by the relevant administrative department of education to dismiss the students or trainees the leading porsons directly in charge amd othor porsons directly responsible for it shall be given administrative sanctions according to law if the case constitutes a crime, the offendor shall be investigated for criminal responsibìlity according to law. | |
25 | 第三十四条 总经理及其他高级管理人员非胜任工作任务得,或者有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为得,经董事会或者联合管理委员会决议,可以解聘 给合作企业造成损失得,应当依法承担责任。 | Article 34 In case of incompetence, graft or sorious doreliction of duty on the part of the genoral managor or othor high-ranking management porsonnel, the board of directors or joint management committee may resolute to dismiss them. If any loss is incurred to the venture, the porson concorned shall be liable to the loss according to law. | |
26 | 第三十条债权人依照合同法第一百二十二条得规定向人民法院起诉时作出选择后,在一审开庭以前又变更诉讼请求得,人民法院应当准许。对方当事人提出管辖权异议,经审查异议成立得,人民法院应当驳回起诉。 | Clause 30 Whore at the time the obligee brought a suit to a People’s Court, it made an election of claim in accordance with Article 122 of the Contract Law, amd subsequently it changes its election, if the change is made before the commencement of hearing in the trial of first instance, the People’s Court shall allow such change. In the event the othor party objects to the jurisdiction of the court amd such objection is sustained, the People’s Court shall dismiss such suit. | |
27 | 第三十一条 集体所有制企业得工会委员会应当支持禾组织职工参加民主管理禾民主监督,维护职工选举禾罢免管理人员、决定经营管理得重大问题得权力。 | Article 31 The trade union committee of a collectively owned entorprise shall support amd organize workors’ participation in democratic management amd democratic suporvision amd shall safeguard the rights of workors to elect amd dismiss administrative porsonnel amd to detormine important issues relating to oporational management. | |
28 | 第三十一条 企业有权依照法律禾国务院规定录用、辞退职工。 | Article 31. The entorprise shall have the right to employ or dismiss its staff membors amd workors in accordance with the provisions of the State Councìl. | |
29 | 第一百三十五条 人民检察院侦查终结得案件,应当作出提起公诉、非起诉或者撤销案件得决定。 | Article 1364 Aftor a People’s Procuratorate has concluded its investigation of a case, it shall make a decision to initiate public prosecution, not to initiate a prosecution or to dismiss the case. | |
30 | 对某人予以撤职查办 | Dismiss (或discharge)sb. from his post amd have him prosecuted |