1 | 对一建议不屑一顾 | Dismiss a suggestion with scorn | |
2 | 付清某人工资予以解雇 | Pay the wages of sb and dismiss him from a job | |
3 | 工会会员大会或者会员代表大会有权撤换或者罢免其所选举的代表或者工会委员会组成人员。 | Trade union general assemblies and representative assemblies shall have the right to change or dismiss their elected representatives or committee members. | |
4 | 故请求法院驳回DOC公司要求撤销裁决的申请,以利于恢复执行,维护我方的合法利益。 | Accordingly, we request that this court dismiss the DOC Company′s application for revocation of the arbitration award so as to resume the enforcement and to protect the legal interests of this party. | |
5 | 贵院以缺乏对人管辖权和事物管辖权为由,或者基于不便于审理的法院原则驳回原告的起诉。 | That this Court dismiss the action for lack of personal and subject matter jurisdiction, or, in the alternative on grounds of forum non convenience. | |
6 | 会计人员忠于职守,坚持原则,受到错误处理的,主管单位应当责成所在单位 予以纠正;玩忽职守,丧失原则,不宜担任会计工作的,主管单位应当责成所在单 位予以撤职或者免职。 | If faithful accounting personnel who adhere to principle are treated in an improper manner, the higher units having jurisdiction over those enterprises or ventures should order those enterprises or ventures to take remedial measures. If accounting personnel neglect their duties, lack principles or are unsuitable for accounting work, the higher units should order concerned units to transfer or dismiss those unqualified accounting personnel. | |
7 | 或者未按照主管机关许可的起止时间、地点、路线进行,又拒不服从解散命令,严重破坏社会秩序的 | Or does not carry it out in accordance with the beginning time and ending time, place, and road as permitted by authorities concerned, and refuses to obey an order to dismiss , thereby seriously sabotaging social order | |
8 | 基于解聘补偿的双边道德风险缓解机制 | Mechanism to Relieve Double Moral Hazard Based on Compensate for Dismiss | |
9 | 解雇,开除解除雇佣或从学校开除 | To dismiss from employment or school. | |
10 | 解雇某人[被解雇];开除某人[被开除 | Dismiss sb/be dismissed from one’s job; give sb/get the sack | |
11 | 今天早上,汽车厂的工人们举行了罢工,抗议资方开除一名酗酒工人的决定。 | This morning the workers at the car factory walked out as a protest at the management decision to dismiss one man for drunkenness. | |
12 | 就多萝茜来说,她已打定主意不想把母亲给的那张支票花去一大笔。 | dorothy, for her part, was ready to dismiss the idea of making too large a hole in Mother’s cheque | |
13 | 拒不解散的,人民警察现场负责人有权依照国家有关规定决定采取必要措施强行驱散, | for those who refuse to dismiss , the chief police officer present at the scene shall have the authority to decide, in accordance with relevant state provisions, on the adoption of necessary measures to force a dismission | |
14 | 拒绝接受(主意、提议等) | Reject or dismiss (an idea,a proposal,etc) | |
15 | 卡斯特纳不相信并且企图赶走高斯。 | Kastner was incredulous and sought to dismiss gauss | |
16 | 老板威胁说要解雇他,但这不过是恐吓而已。 | The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it’s all a bluff | |
17 | 律师有一种预感,即法官将驳回他的当事人的案件。 | The lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case against her client. | |
18 | 你千万别跟她吵,我会教训她,撵走了她,找不到替人的 | Don’t you go quarreling with her on any account.I’ll talk to her myself.If we dismiss her, we won’t be able to find a replacement | |
19 | 你务必不要辞退他。 | There ’s need for you not to dismiss him . | |
20 | 批评者会很快地不费力气地给道德礼仪下定义,认为它是一个人在私底下追求不道德目标的同时,净化其公众形象的可笑的企图。 | Cynics will quickly dismiss efforts to define an ethical etiquette as a ridiculous attempt to clean one’ s public image while secretly pursuing unethical goals. | |
21 | 聘任或者解聘除应由董事会聘任或者解聘以外的负责管理人员 | To appoint or dismiss management officers other than those required to be appointed or dismissed by the board of directors | |
22 | 起初她威胁要解雇我们所有的人,但是后来她态度软化了。 | At first she threatened to dismiss us all, but later she relented | |
23 | 起先她威胁要把我们统统开除,但后来她的态度缓和了。 | At first she threatened to dismiss us all,but later she relented. | |
24 | 轻蔑地驳回一个建议 | dismiss a suggestion with scorn | |
25 | 请打消对此事的一切顾虑。 | Please dismiss all doubts about it. | |
26 | 全民所有制和集体所有制企业在做出开除、除名职工的决定时,应当事先将理由通知工会,如果企业行政方面违反法律、法规和有关合同,工会有权要求重新研究处理。 | When making a decision to dismiss or remove an employee’s name from its books, an enterprise owned by the whole people or a collectively owned enterprise shall first notify the trade union of its reasons for such a decision. If the enterprise’s administrative authority is found to have violated the provisions of the law, statutory regulations or the relevant contract, the trade union shall have the right to request that the cases be reinvestigated and dealt with anew. | |
27 | 让我们撇开这个话题,谈点别的。 | Let’s dismiss this subject and talk of something else. | |
28 | 让我们撇开这个话题,谈谈别的事情吧。 | Let’s dismiss the subject and talk of something else. | |
29 | 如果你违反了这里的规定,我们将不得不开除你。 | If you violate the rules here, we shall have to dismiss you from the post. | |
30 | 如果您坚持要求增加工资,我就只好辞退您了。 | If you insist on your demand for a pay raise , I shall have no choice but to dismiss you . |