属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧洲央行降息推高美元汇率 欧盟要求谷歌继续出血
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 嫦娥四号成功着陆月球背面 2019年初股市下
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 比特币暴跌 辉瑞明年药品提价 法国兴业银行认
1 | 重体力工作之评估研究-以铲沙与敲击作业为例 | Evaluation of Heavy Physical Works-Hammering and Sand-Shoveling | |
2 | 最古老的技术是锤打。公元前2500年以后也开始使用浇铸技术,将熔铸的金属倒入模子中,然后冷却。之后又出现各种装饰技巧。 | The oldest technique is hammering . After c. 2500 BC, casting was also used, molten metal being poured into a mold and allowed to cool. Various decorative techniques are used. | |
3 | ||1:石头也被选来捕捉日光变幻的颜色:像在多哈应用的奶油色石灰岩,或者是他用来建造东方建筑的淡粉色田纳西大理石。||2:但是日常的混凝土也可以通过使其颜色与当地土壤一致来达到他的目的,国家大气研究中心应用的剁斧石做法,使石板看起来像风化的岩石,并避免可见的连接。||3:威廉·泽肯多夫是上世纪50年代聘用他的纽约房地产开发商,行事高调。 贝聿铭为威廉设计的一个作品是基普斯湾广场的住宅项目,两个由预制混凝土构成的方形网格,旨在重振一个衰败的街区。 | ||1:Stone, too, was chosen to pick up the changing colours of daylight: creamy limestone, as at Doha, or the pale pink Tennessee marble he used for the East Building.||2:But everyday concrete could also be refined to his purposes by matching its colour consistently to local earth, bush-hammering the NCAR slabs so that they resembled weathered rocks, and avoiding visible joins.||3:One of his designs for William Zeckendorf, the flamboyant NewYork property developer who employed him in the 1950s, was the Kips Bay Plaza housing project, two square grids in precast concrete which were meant to revitalise a blighted neighbourhood. | |
4 | ||1:英国石油股价自9月4日猛跌,日前稍有回升。彼时法官在延宕数年后,就2010年墨西哥湾漏油事件做出裁决,认定该公司存在重大过失,从而使其面临180亿美元的罚款。||2:Halliburton与Transocean二公司同样涉嫌深水地平线项目,不过法官认定它们仅存在一般过失。 | ||1:BP’s share price recovered somewhat from its hammering on September 4th, when a judge issued a long-awaited ruling and found it grossly negligent for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, which leaves it exposed to fines of up to 18 billion.||2:Halliburton and Transocean, which were also involved in the Deepwater Horizon project, were found to be negligent, but not grossly so. | |
5 | ||1:在12月的混乱交易之后,股市在2019年初再次下跌。||2:去年是金融危机以来市场最糟糕的一年。||3:过去一年,标准普尔500指数下跌6%,富时100指数下跌12%,纳斯达克指数下跌4%,日经指数和欧洲斯托克50指数均下跌14%。||4:不过中国股市遭受的打击最大。||5:沪深300指数下跌25%。 | ||1:Following December’s tumultuous trading, stockmarkets fell again at the start of 2019.||2:Last year was the worst for markets since the financial crash.||3:The S&P 500 was down by 6% over the year, the FTSE 100 by 12%, the Nasdaq by 4%, and both the Nikkei and Euro Stoxx 50 by 14%.||4:But it was China’s stockmarkets that took the biggest hammering .||5:The CSI 300 index fell by 25%. | |
6 | 加密货币也遭受了波及,因为有猜测称,监管部门准备打压数字货币市场。比特币一天内下跌了10%。目前较去年12月触及的高点1.98万美元下跌了80%。 | Cryptocurrencies also took a hammering , fuelled by speculation that regulators are preparing to clamp down on the digital-currency market. Bitcoin shed 10% in a day. It is now 80% below the peak of $19,800 it hit last December. | |
7 | 通用会经受怎样的打击现在还不清楚。 | It is not yet clear how much of a hammering GM will take. | |
8 | “这对沃尔玛来说是个打击,”CraigJohnson说,他负责管理咨询公司客户增长的合作伙伴。 | "That is hammering Wal-Mart, " says Craig Johnson, who runs the consulting firm Customer Growth Partners. | |
9 | APEC主要在遏制贸易的利益。 | APEC is hammering home the benefits of trade. | |
10 | 奥巴马先生可以也应该强烈斥责共和党将中产阶级作为人质实现对富人的减税。 | Mr. Obama could and should be hammering Republicans for trying to hold the middle class hostage to secure tax cuts for the wealthy. | |
11 | 备餐台上照例放满果酱,这一刻外面雨下得更大了,敲打着玻璃窗。就是这一刻了。 | Another marmalade-covered work surface, more rain hammering at the window and a moment, the moment. | |
12 | 船舶生活水管路中的水锤现象分析 | Analysis of water hammering in ship domestic water pipeline | |
13 | 锤击法测量减振器冲击刚度 | A New Means of Measuring Shock Stiffness of Vibration Isolator by Hammering | |
14 | 锤击法测评小型钢丝绳隔振器冲击特性 | Measuring the shock characteristic of small wire-rope vibration isolators by hammering | |
15 | 但麦凯恩应该牢牢坚守极左立场,而不是中间偏右路线。 | But McCain should be hammering on the far left versus centre-right argument. | |
16 | 但是他们已经和我们一样迅速的敲定了网络销售。 | But they’re surely hammering out network deals just as fast as we are. | |
17 | 但也有南苏丹民兵公然挑衅的袭击案件。 | But there have also been cases of South Sudan hammering militias that dared to defy it. | |
18 | 当然,现在乐队还在钻研歌曲列表的安排,下面的指南描述了一些可能最终出现在专辑中的歌曲 | Of course, the band is still hammering away at that track listing, but here’s a guide to several of the songs likely to end up on the album | |
19 | 分体式房间空调器液击情况的分析及对策 | The analysis and countermeasures of liquid hammering during operation of the split type room air conditioner | |
20 | 该锤刀主要用于立式粉碎机上,主要用于粮食、饲料的粉碎加工。 | The hammering cutter is mainly used on the vertical crushing machine and is mainly used for crushing processing of foodstuffs and feeds. | |
21 | 毫无疑问,这种局面将会结束,上海终将重现往日的恶劣景象:深夜安装塔架,凌晨风镐轰鸣。 | Doubtless that will end, and Shanghai will resume its bad old ways of sinking pylons at midnight and jack-hammering in the wee hours. | |
22 | 还可以在锤击面的左侧或右侧固定连接一个外突的一字形螺丝刀。 | and the left side or the right side of the hammering surface can be fixedly connected with a straight screwdriver which protrudes outwards. | |
23 | 换句话来说,要详细弄清触发器,难度可能不低于同意削减支出和改革税收。 | Hammering out the details of the triggers, in other words, could be as hard as agreeing to the spending and tax changes themselves. | |
24 | 基于AR谱估计的软土密实度瞬态锤击测试信号分析 | AR Spectral Estimation-based Signal Analysis on Measuring of Soft Soil Compactness by Instant Hammering Method | |
25 | 尽管北约(Nato)向的黎波里的目标发出连续轰击,但仍没有找到为反政府军买单的方法。 | While Nato is hammering away at targets in Tripoli it has still not found a way to pay the rebels’ bills. | |
26 | 就是把我们所有的项目都完善一下。菲尔和我都是属刺猬的,都是认死理的人,一旦有了一套核心价值观,我们就会不断夯实它们。 | Just improving all our projects. Phil and I are hedgehogs. We’ve got one set of core values and we keep hammering them again and again. | |
27 | 就像全国这么多共和党人在做的一样,瑞南兹也通过民主党的政策抨击他的对手。 | He is hammering his opponent, as so many Republicans across the country are, for Democratic policy; | |
28 | 内阁部长们和苏格兰皇家银行的高管正在敲定计划的细节。该计划将于周四正式宣布。 | Ministers and RBS executives were hammering out details of the plan, which will be formally announced on Thursday. | |
29 | 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)从2009年4月开始起草其另类投资基金经理指令的细则。 | The European Commission has been hammering out the details of its alternative investment fund managers directive since April 2009. | |
30 | 气枪每隔几秒钟都会发出很大的噪声,还有人在不断地敲击着什么东西。 | There were air guns going off every few seconds or so, and someone somewhere was always hammering away at something. |