属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 《光明的时代》书评--沉睡的巨人(2)
1 | 宗教和道德同样都主张谦让和卑逊。这不只限于人与人之间的关系,也包括国与国之间的关系。 | Religion and virtue alike lend their sanctions to meekness and humility , not only between men but between nations | |
2 | ||1: 1956年,在蒙哥马利市(Montgomery)公车抵制运动后的几个月,在运动中声名鹊起的马丁路德金(Martin Luther King junior) 找到Belafonte。 ||2: 当时,26岁的King是蒙哥马利市Dexter Avenue Baptist Church 的传教士,28岁的Belafonte则是新晋的“美国黑人白天音乐会偶像”。 ||3:Belafonte对宗教和非暴力皆持怀疑态度(“我天生就不是非暴力”他解释说,“就算我本性如此,在Harlem大街(纽约黑人住宅区,译者注)的成长经历也会使我脱离这种本性。”),但他被King的谦逊打动了。||4:最触动人心的一幕发生在九年后,在巴黎举办的一场名人云集的民权基金募集会后,已经获得诺贝尔奖的King在就餐时为那些名人服务,作为“谦虚的表现,以及向为他而来的明星们表达的一点感激”。||5:在这一本漏洞百出的书里,充满着通常明星自传中常有的缺点——自抬身价,利益相争,自我夸耀,以及甚至是无理的态度对待他的第一任妻子和他的某几个孩子——而Belafonte对King的这段描写,因为其平和的温暖以及不歌功颂德的感情流露而显得尤为突出。 | ||1: Martin Luther King junior sought him out in 1956, just a few months after rising to fame during the Montgomery bus boycott. ||2: King was then 26, and a preacher at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, while Mr Belafonte was 28 and newly crowned “America’s Negro matinée idol”. ||3: Mr Belafonte was sceptical of both religion and non-violence (“I wasn’t nonviolent by nature,” he explains, “or if I was, growing up on Harlem’s streets had knocked it out of me”), but was won over by King’s humility . ||4: There is an especially touching scene from nine years later in which, following a celebrity-studded civil-rights fund-raiser in Paris, King, then a Nobel peace-prize winner, serves food to the assembled stars as “an exercise in humility , an act of abject gratitude to all these stars for coming out for him.” ||5: In a book that is riddled with many of the usual faults of celebrity autobiography—name-dropping, score-settling, preening and a rather ungallant treatment of his first wife and some of his children—Mr Belafonte’s portrayal of King stands out for its unfussy warmth and unhagiographical affection. | |
3 | ||1:1956年,蒙哥马利市爆发巴士抵制运动,一名来自德克斯特大街浸信会教堂的牧师声名鹊起。他,就是马丁·路德·金。||2:几个月后,时年26岁的金找到贝拉方特,那时,后者28岁,新得美誉“通吃美国妇女的小黑哥”。||3:贝拉方特不信教,也不信非暴力,(用他自己说是“我生来刚烈,就算不使用暴力,在哈林区混大,也叫人砸有了。”)却因金的谦逊而折服。||4: 九年后的一幕最是感人心脾:那是在巴黎举行的一场民权筹款会,到场的尽是知名人士,金,这位诺贝尔和平奖桂冠竟为在场的群星盛放实物, 以此向为他而来的群星们行以“谦恭之举”,表达心中“无尽感激”。 ||5:贝拉方特的这本书中,明星自传常有的缺点满眼皆是:不是提一笔名人来拔高自己身价,就是报复之辞,要么自我吹捧几句,再不就是描写原配与孩子时,不甚殷切。所以,在对金的刻画,更凸显出他那份知性的温情与平实的情怀。 | ||1: Martin Luther King junior sought him out in 1956, just a few months after rising to fame during the Montgomery bus boycott⒀. ||2: King was then 26, and a preacher at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, while Mr Belafonte was 28 and newly crowned “America’s Negro matinée idol”. ||3: Mr Belafonte was sceptical of both religion and non-violence (“I wasn’t nonviolent by nature,” he explains, “or if I was, growing up on Harlem’s streets had knocked it out of me”), but was won over by King’s humility . ||4: There is an especially touching scene from nine years later in which, following a celebrity-studded civil-rights fund-raiser in Paris, King, then a Nobel peace-prize winner, serves food to the assembled stars as “an exercise in humility , an act of abject gratitude to all these stars for coming out for him.” ||5: In a book that is riddled with many of the usual faults of celebrity autobiography—name-dropping, score-settling, preening and a rather ungallant treatment of his first wife and some of his children—Mr Belafonte’s portrayal of King stands out for its unfussy warmth and unhagiographical affection. | |
4 | ||1:选民、记者以及关注政治的民众貌似都高估了总统的权力。||2:当奥巴马总统2008年竞选成功入主白宫时,众多的美国民众被其国内改革和判断准确的实力与谦虚并重的国外政策弄得眼花缭乱。||3:确实,在经历了布什总统8年的牛仔外交之后,人们希望奥巴马能够拯救美国的国家形象。||4:自此以后,美国民众对世界如何看待美国总统及其怎样让国家富强的担忧已经分为两大阵营。一些人认为他不愿意使用军事力量,这让美国看起来十分懦弱,另一些民众则认为他干涉过多,让这个国家看起来很不近人情。 | ||1:VOTERS, journalists and just about everyone paying attention to politics all tend to overestimate the power of the president.||2:When Barack Obama won the White House in 2008, many Americans were dazzled by his promises of change at home and a more judicious mix of strength and humility abroad.||3:Indeed, it was hoped that Mr Obama would rescue America’s image after eight years of George Bush’s brand of cowboy-booted diplomacy.||4:Since then, America’s worries about how the world sees the president, and by extension the country, have divided between those who think he is aloof and reluctant to use military force, which makes America look weak, and those who think his administration intervenes too much, making the country seem callous. | |
5 | ||1:中世纪的科学家拥有一种现代科学家似乎已经失去的美德:谦卑。||2:这就是福克选择14世纪一位默默无闻的修士科学家约翰·韦斯特维克作为引导的原因。||3:他引用了韦斯特威克对星盘的描述。星盘是一种可以帮助完成多种有用任务的仪器,例如根据天体的位置计算出时间和寻找北面的方向。||4:星盘有时似乎比这个修士更有个性,但也可能是因为关于修士的传记资料匮乏。||5:尽管如此,韦斯特威克在福克的故事中还是起到了重要作用。 | ||1:And medieval scientists had a virtue that their modern counterparts can seem to have lost: humility .||2:That is the reason Mr Falk chooses an obscure 14th-century monk-scientist, John Westwyk, as his guide.||3:He cites Westwyk’s description of the astrolabe, an instrument that assisted in many useful tasks, such as telling the time and finding north, based on calculations of the positions of celestial bodies.||4:The astrolabe sometimes seems to have more personality than the monk, probably because of the paucity of biographical information available.||5:Still, Westwyk plays a valuable role in Mr Falk’s story. | |
6 | ||1:最重要的是,学习另一种语言(或教孩子一种语言)有时会带来智力上的提升,但并不总是如此。||2:但这从来都不是这么做的主要原因。||3:第二外语可以增加可以交谈的人的数量。||4:丰富了讲话形式,这就为我们提供了关于表达的第二种观点。||5:双语可以帮助你理解他人;一项研究发现,掌握双语的孩子在理解其他观点方面做得更好,这可能是因为他们总是在跟踪谁在说什么,这经常提醒他们,每个人都是不同的。||6:最后,说第二种语言没有你的母语说得好提供了另一种有用的练习:一种持续的谦虚练习。 | ||1:The bottom line is that learning another language (or teaching a child one) sometimes confers an intellectual boost, though not always.||2:But that has never been the main reason to do it.||3:A second language expands the number of people you can talk to.||4:It adds to the ways you can say things, and so offers a second point of view on the whole business of expression.||5:Bilingualism may help you understand other people; one study found that bilingual children are better at grasping other perspectives, perhaps because they are always keeping track of who speaks what, a regular reminder that everyone is different.||6:Finally, speaking a second language less well than your first supplies another kind of useful practice: it is a constant exercise in humility . | |
7 | Toyoda先生试图为公司严谨的文化注入一些人性化的东西。 | Mr Toyoda is attempting to inject some humility into the company’s rigorous culture. | |
8 | 爱是实事求事,它到达到最高星,它是谦逊的山谷,是狂喜的山顶 | Love is down to earth and it reaches to the highest star; it is the valley of humility and the mountaintop of ecstasy. | |
9 | 傲慢有好处,但它不如谦逊更吸引人。 | Arrogance has its own advantages but it never attracts more people than the magic done by humility . | |
10 | 不错,使用许可营销的时候,你需要谦虚谨慎,耐心有加。 | If it sounds like you need humility and patience to do permission marketing, you’re right. | |
11 | 不错,向人承认软弱让我们觉得谦卑屈尊,但欠缺谦虚的态度正是阻碍我们被医治原因。 | Yes, it is humbling to admit our weaknesses to others, but lack of humility is the very thing that is keeping you from getting better. | |
12 | 不带威胁,看起来也没受虚荣的影响,他的感情严肃,态度谦逊。 | Nonthreatening and, it seemed, untempted by vanity, his prevailing affect was of seriousness and humility . | |
13 | 不同目的下,选择自信和谦虚的方法不能替代交流技能。 | This approach of selectively using confidence and humility for different purposes doesn’t replace communication skills. | |
14 | 单片机在孵化箱温、湿度控制系统中的应用 | Application of Single Chip Microcomputer in the Incubator’s Temperature and Humility Controlling System | |
15 | 但是你需要很小心的对待谦逊,因为人们会不适当的利用你的谦逊。 | Humility needs to be pitched with much care lest it lets people take undue advantage of you. | |
16 | 但与会者只有使用务实精神和谦虚态度调整他们的夸夸其谈,会议才能取得一些实质性进展。 | The summiteers can make progress, but only if they temper their hyperbole with realism and humility . | |
17 | 当布什总统四年后再次提名他时,盖茨用不喜出风头的幽默和谦逊平息了对他的批评,并且轻易地获得任命。 | When Bush nominated him again four years later, Gates defused his critics with self-effacing humor and humility and was confirmed easily. | |
18 | 当你低头拾起地上的垃圾,谢谢它教会你谦卑.你经历的自然灾害? | Thank him for teaching you humility as you pick up the trash. The natural disaster you went through? | |
19 | 东方文化中,谦虚尊重比自信更重要。 | In Eastern cultures humility and respect are more important than confidence. | |
20 | 对于谦虚的人来说,良好的行为发乎自然。 | Good behavior flows naturally from that kind of humility . | |
21 | 而是,它要求更大的重视,一点点谦卑、率直的谈话以及真诚的观点。 | Rather, it requires big values, a little humility , straight talk, and a genuine point of view. | |
22 | 服事主,凡事谦卑,眼中流泪,又因犹太人的谋害,经历试炼。 | I served the Lord with great humility and with tears, although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews. | |
23 | 告诉这个卑鄙的家伙,MBA代表没有经验、灵魂、不懂得谦逊、一无是处的混蛋(MeansBuggerAll)。 | Tell the scumbag that MBA stands for Means Bugger All without experience, soul and humility . | |
24 | 关于高职生在数学学习中的“自卑情结”及教学策略 | "Humility - complex" of Higher Vocational Students in Learning Mathematics And Teaching Solution | |
25 | 过分的谦虚就是骄傲。 | American Proverb Too much humility is pride. | |
26 | 汉语礼貌称谓在语用翻译中的得与失 | On the Gains and Losses of the Chinese Address of Respect and Humility in Pragmatic Translation | |
27 | 会务公司百感交集丧失谦逊,会危害我们的判断力;自以为是,可以让我们前进时栽跟斗。 | Loss of humility can wreck our judgment. Smug complacency can put a roadblock in front or our progress. | |
28 | 即丰田应该重塑其在消费者心中那质量优良、谦卑、对细节精益求精的形象。 | In other words, it should remind customers of the qualities that made it great: humility and relentless attention to detail. | |
29 | 即使我以为我已经完全打败它了,但我又开始为我的谦逊而自豪了。 | Even if I could conceive that I had completely overcome it, I would probably be proud of my humility . | |
30 | 加一剂谦虚,暂时作学生带给你学习的机会。 | Taking a dose of humility and temporarily making yourself a student gives you the opportunity to absorb. |