1 | 但是于1994年掌权的他的儿子金正日则从来没有那么受欢迎过。 | But Kim Jong Il, his son, who took over in 1994, has never been that popular. | |
2 | 但我开始为耐心战略担心,金正日不知何时才会死去。 | But I’m beginning to worry about strategic patience when Kim Jong Il could die at any moment. | |
3 | 当他们排成方队经过金正日和他儿子在观看的主席台时,地面晃动如山摇。 | The ground shook as they filed past the main podium, where Kim Jong -il and his son were watching. | |
4 | 党的高层干部对金正日忠心耿耿,他们的回报是会得到令人垂涎的物品,比如奢华的汽车,进口的洋酒和豪华的公寓。 | In return for loyalty to Kim Jong -il, top party cadres would receive coveted goods like luxury cars, imported alcohol, and plush apartments. | |
5 | 对于那些不符合金正日心中的健康,有精气神儿标准的民众,所有的消息都是坏消息。 | All of which is bad news for those who don’t fit into Kim Jong Il’s ideal of a healthy, vital citizenry. | |
6 | 对于一个政权来说,权力的继承永远是最大的一个挑战。金正恩若想掌权,必须要清除前面许许多多的障碍。 | Succession is always a regime’s most difficult challenge, and Kim Jong Un will have many obstacles to overcome when he tries to take power. | |
7 | 而北朝鲜主席金正日的动机、健康和心智状况却依旧隐藏在迷雾之中,这更增加了局势的不确定性。 | Add to the uncertainty are the motivations, health and even state of mind of North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong -il, remained cloaked in mystery. | |
8 | 而金正云却没有这种早期宣传报道。 | No such early grooming has been reported for Kim Jong -un. | |
9 | 发布于2009年11月29日的照片中,金正日在朝鲜人民军第1596部队下属的一座棉花种植农场视察。 | Kim Jong -il inspects a cotton farm of the Korean People’s Army’s 1596 unit in an undisclosed place in North Korea. | |
10 | 发布于2009年12月11日的这张照片摄于慈江道,金正日当时在视察新成立的江界农场。 | Kim Jong -il inspects the newly-built Kanggye farm at Chagang province. Photo released on December 11, 2009. | |
11 | 发起1950年这场战争的金日成于1994年去世,最高权力由他的儿子金正日来接替。 | Kim Il-sung, who had launched the 1950 war, died in 1994, and was succeeded by son Kim Jong -il. | |
12 | 分析家说,有传言说,朝鲜领导人金正日最小的儿子最有可能成为金正日的继承人。 | The youngest son of reclusive leader Kim Jong -il is rumoured to have stood - a signal that his father is grooming him, analysts said. | |
13 | 该账号第三条微博说“金勇南的民粹政策一无是处,只是笑话”。 | The account’s third tweet says "Kim Jong -un’s populist policy is nothing but a joke. " | |
14 | 韩国联合通讯社证实了穿着黑色外套的黑发男子就是金正银。 | South Korea’s Yonhap news agency identified a dark-haired man wearing a dark outfit as Kim Jong Un. | |
15 | 韩国政府称金可能在08年就中风,随后着手准备传位幼子金正云。 | Kim probably had a stroke in 2008 and is preparing to hand power to his youngest son, Kim Jong Un, the South Korean government says. | |
16 | 换句话说,金正日又重新掌权了。 | Kim Jong Il, in other words, is back in the saddle again. | |
17 | 基于金正日糟糕的身体状况,他的死亡对朝鲜人来说本不应感到突然和惊讶。 | Kim Jong -il’s death should not have come as a complete surprise to anyone, given his tenuous health. | |
18 | 即便如此,有些外交官还是猜测金可能正在准备某种形式的过渡,移交手中的权利给他的三儿子金正元。 | Even so, some diplomats speculate that he may be preparing for a succession of sorts, handing over to his third son, Kim Jong Un. | |
19 | 即使在朝鲜也很少有人了解金正银,因为他的存在一直都处于秘密状态。 | Very little is known about Kim Jong Un, even in North Korea, where his existence has been kept secret. | |
20 | 疾病缠身的领袖金正日,估计在去年曾中风,在公众场合已经显得虚弱不堪。 | Ailing leader Kim Jong -il, is thought to have suffered a stroke last summer and has appeared frail in public appearances. | |
21 | 几乎全是灰褐色:朝鲜领导人金正日近来从神秘人变身为国际时尚偶像。 | It’s all about the taupe: North Korean leader Kim Jong -il has recently gone from man of mystery to international fashion icon. | |
22 | 教练受到处罚是因为他“不忠于”金正云——最高领导人金正日之子与接班人。 | The coach was punished for "betraying" Kim Jong -un - one of Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il’s sons and heir apparent. | |
23 | 金正恩没有加入他的父亲,只是站在一旁看着他,并礼貌地鼓着掌。 | Kim Jong Un did not join him. He merely stood and watched his father while clapping politely. | |
24 | 金正恩有继承金正日的倾向,他的父亲,朝鲜现任国家领导人,人们都认为其父身体欠佳。 | Kim Jong -un is tipped to succeed Kim Jong-il, his father - and North Korea’s current leader - who is believed to be in poor health. | |
25 | 金正日本人最近宣布朝鲜方面的谈判立场:可以会谈,且不带任何先决条件。 | Kim Jong -il himself most recently declared the North Korean negotiating position: yes to talks, no to any preconditions. | |
26 | 金正日的儿子,金正恩,在金正日逝世后继任朝鲜最高领导人,并且在近日内迅速巩固他在朝鲜国内的统治地位。 | His son, Kim Jong -un, took the reins after his death and has in recent days quickly consolidated his power in the country. | |
27 | 金正日对电影的热爱与日俱增,一发不可收拾。 | Kim Jong -il’s love of the cinema bordered on the obsessive. | |
28 | 金正日继承大统的儿子能否操控朝鲜奸诈诡谲、不为人知的宫廷政治? | Can Kim Jong Il’s son and heir navigate North Korea’s treacherous and secretive palace politics? | |
29 | 金正日将他众多最先进的飞机藏在地下深处。 | Kim Jong -il keeps many of his most advanced planes hidden deep beneath the surface. | |
30 | 金正日三个孩子中最年长的是金正男,为异母所生,他的母亲是一名朝鲜影星,2002年在流放中死去。 | The oldest of Kim’s three sons, Kim Jong -nam, was born to a different mother, a North Korean film star who died in exile in 2002. |