属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-婚姻市场 女性仍然最想嫁给有钱的男人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-非理性信仰 Irrational belief
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-入侵物种 繁衍与湮灭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-入侵物种 繁衍与湮灭
1 | 有两个动物门的成员可以接收声音,节肢动物与脊椎动物。听觉让动物察觉危险、找到食物、寻找伴侣,更复杂的生物还用来沟通。 | Members of two animal groups, arthropods and vertebrates, are capable of sound reception. Hearing enables an animal to sense danger, locate food, find mates , and, in more complex creatures, engage in communication. | |
2 | 这个新来的男孩和他同宿舍的人相处得很好。 | The new boy fitted in well with his room-mates | |
3 | 最近的研究表明鱼可以识别各自的鱼群伙伴,社会威望,甚至相关的人际关系。 | "Recent research had shown that fish recognised individual “shoal mates ”, social prestige and even tracked relationships." | |
4 | ||1:简·奥斯丁笔下的人物想当然地认为越是有钱的男人越适合做伴侣。||2:“这样的男人是很难找到的,但是我无法将他们踢除出我的脑海。”ABBA中的一位女歌手这样说道。||3:智囊团尤皮研究中心的一项新研究显示,女性在这方面的思想几乎没有改变。||4:未婚美国女性中,有78%的人认为未来配偶拥有“一份稳定的工作”是“十分重要的。”||5:相比之下,只有46%的男性介意他们未来的配偶以什么为生。 | ||1:JANE AUSTEN’S characters took it for granted that men with money made more eligible mates .||2:“A man like that is hard to find, but I can’t get him off my mind,” lamented the female vocalists of ABBA.||3:A new study from the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank, finds that little has changed.||4:Fully 78% of American women who have never been married say it is “very important” that their future spouse has a “steady job”.||5:By comparison, only 46% of men mind much what their future spouse does for a living. | |
5 | ||1:这类书籍的常见风险是,作者看上去好像过于自以为是和过于哗众取宠;只要看看揭露真面目者的公爵理查德·道金斯有时给人的感觉就明白了,甚至连他的粉丝也有这种感觉。||2:薛默先生是意识到这种风险,并煞费心思地使认为“作者的结论适用于每个人,甚至他自己”的读者安心下来。||3:在关于外星人绑架那章中,他讲述了他自己的绑架故事。||4:经过被他称为战横穿美国的长征的83小时1259英里的骑行耐力挑战后,他筋疲力尽。他开始相信,装载着他支持的球队的房车实际上是一艘外星飞船,他的球队那让他进去歇歇的请求仅仅是一个狡猾的借口好让他与之合作一起探索外星船。||5:当他发现母舰内部酷似通用汽车房车,薛默先生十分惊讶并同意躺下歇会。||6:他在两个小时后醒来,他还能拿这经历来和队友们开玩笑。 | ||1: A common risk with this kind of book is that the author comes across as overly smug and superior; just look at how the duke of debunkers, Richard Dawkins, is sometimes perceived, even by his fans. ||2: Mr Shermer is aware of this risk, and is at pains to reassure readers that his conclusions apply to everyone, even himself. ||3: In a chapter on alien abductions, he recounts an abduction story of his own. ||4: Exhausted after cycling 1,259 miles in 83 hours as part of an endurance challenge called the Race Across America, he becomes convinced that the motorhome carrying his support team is actually an alien spacecraft, and that his team’s pleas for him to come inside and get some rest are merely a cunning pretext to get him to co-operate with a spot of alien probing. ||5: Surprised when the interior of the mothership turns out to closely resemble a General Motors motorhome, Mr Shermer consents to lying down. ||6: On waking a couple of hours later, he is able to joke about the experience with his team-mates . | |
6 | ||1:这种理论可信。因为它们是从很小的群体(或者可能是单一个体)发展起来的,新西兰的阿根廷蚂蚁之间的基因非常相似(蚁巢以外的侵扰也同样具有该特点)。||2:这也许是它们成功的原因之一:蚂蚁研究者假定,关系紧密的个体昆虫不能够把同巢穴的同伴同其它聚居区的成员区分开来,这导致来自不同巢穴的蚂蚁就像亲戚一样相互合作。这使得这一领域的学者不再谈及成百的个体侵扰,而是谈及单一的、跨越全国的"超级群体"。 | ||1: It is a plausible theory. Because they grew from a small number of founder colonies, or possibly even a single one, New Zealand’s Argentine ants are genetically similar to one another (the same is true of most infestations outside the ants’ homeland). ||2: That may be one reason for their success: ant researchers hypothesise that, being so closely related, the individual insects are unable to distinguish their nest mates from members of other colonies, which causes ants from different nests to co-operate as if they were kin, and has led students of the field to speak not of hundreds of individual infestations, but of a single, country-spanning "super-colony". | |
7 | 不规则的条纹给潜在伴侣传递出不达标的信息。 | Irregular stripes would let potential mates know thatsomeone was not up to snuff. | |
8 | 关系紧密的个体昆虫不能够把同巢穴的同伴同其它聚居区的成员区分开来, | the individual insects are unable to distinguish their nest mates from members of other colonies, | |
9 | “如果有一间特别的餐馆你以前常去的,那就和你的朋友们一起回去,”雷尼佩顿建议道,“这是消除晦气的一个办法。” | "If there was a special restaurant you used to go to, go back with your mates , " Rennie-Peyton advises. "It’s a way of burying ghosts. " | |
10 | “雄性军舰鸟拥有这种引人注目的适应性变化:它们的皮肤能极大地膨胀以便吸引异性,”博瑞说。 | "Male frigate birds have this spectacular adaptation: Their skin can be inflated enormously to attract mates , " said Boorujy. | |
11 | Ben和我开始为好搭档,但像岛上的每个人,我们也曾分分合合。 | Ben and I started out as good mates but, like everyone on the island, we had our ups and downs. | |
12 | 艾尔芬叟和安德利斯和我们同行了47天,成了我们的好朋友,我们都能说一些西班牙语来沟通。 | Alfonso and Andreas walked for 47 days with us, and became really good mates . We could all speak enough Spanish to communicate. | |
13 | 澳大利亚人热衷于打橄榄球,球员叫彼此做“mates”。 | Australians are famous for playing rugby and calling each-other "mates " . | |
14 | 柏拉图,一位古希腊哲学家,创立了有关灵魂的伴侣的学说。 | Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, originated the theory of soul mates . | |
15 | 保持自我状态的唯一方法就是不断得到队友的支持和帮助。 | The only way you can perform at your best is if you have the service and support of your team-mates . | |
16 | 不出所料,结果表明聪明男人是女生们认为适合作为长期伴侣的。 | Smart guys scored high as long-term mates , which was expected. | |
17 | 此后我将他们的背景放置在全国各地,为这些人物增添了伴侣、朋友、助手以及子女(哈哈,想不到吧!) | The tribe fanned out across the country, and their lives were repopulated with mates , friends, associates, and (whoa! ) children. | |
18 | 大部分中国男篮队员在迎战世锦赛冠军时,都一直被“创造奇迹的机会”所鼓舞。 | Most of Yao’s team mates had been inspired by the "chance to create a miracle" over the world champions. | |
19 | 大多数雌性狒狒会因为他们更加强大、牙齿更加尖利的配偶凶残善妒的行为而在这里丢掉半只耳朵,在那里丢掉一些毛皮。 | Most female baboons have lost half an ear here, a swatch of pelt there, to the jealous fury of their much larger and toothier mates . | |
20 | 但更新的研究则倾向于认为这个背鳍更多的是用来展示的,其作用包括恐吓敌人,或者吸引异性。 | It now, however, seems more likely that this dramatic fin was for show, to intimidate enemies and woo potential mates . | |
21 | 但让人失望的是,其账户只是在推销产品,与其他公司交换行业信息。 | But we were disappointed to find the person operator the account is a marketer swapping industry talk with her mates . | |
22 | 当你爱上一个真诚可爱、善良的人时,你们成为灵魂伴侣的机会更多。 | And the chances of becoming soul mates are much better when you love a genuinely nice, good-hearted person. | |
23 | 德科需要往本队腹地后撤或横向移动,以为队友提供更多的支持,要么就向上推进,紧贴前锋后面,但他在场上简直就是一个散步的闲人。 | Deco needed to go deep or wide to support his team-mates , or to run forward behind his strikers, but his was a pedestrian display. | |
24 | 德行和一门技能是孩子最好的遗产。诚实和勤奋应成为你永远的伴侣。 | Virtue and a trade are the best portion for Honesty and diligence should be your children. eternal mates . | |
25 | 动物利用声音找到食物和伴侣,为避免食肉动物和沟通。 | The animals use sound to find food and mates , to avoid predators, and to communicate. | |
26 | 而且因为大多数的网上约会者找的是居住在附近25到30英里内的伴侣,实际的潜在配偶通常数量很少。 | And given that most online daters look for partners who live no more than 25-30 miles away, the real pool of potential mates is often tiny. | |
27 | 二等兵格林说她和她舰上的伙伴将在波斯湾上庆祝圣诞节。 | Able Seaman Green said she and her ship mates would celebrate this Christmas at sea as they conduct security patrols in the Persian Gulf. | |
28 | 法国国脚以四年的条款从阿森纳转会至曼城,他将在周四与他的新队友们见面。 | The French international joins the Club from Arsenal on a four-year deal and will meet his new team-mates on Thursday. | |
29 | 各位评委老师,各位同学你们好!我演讲的题目是《我爱画画》 | Dear judges and . my dear mates , my topic today is I love drawing. | |
30 | 好战的夸润人的仇恨逐渐增长,一遍遍地从海洋深处攻击他们的邻居。 | The aggressive Quarren grew to hate their strange world-mates , and would strike from the depths repeatedly. |