属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公司账目 真实的头条
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-计算机间谍活动 我被间谍给黑了
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-理性的声音 The Dead Sea Scrolls
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人类的进化 寻根问祖
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-广告 仅仅是感情的眷顾
1 | 误导或欺骗(另一个人) | To mislead or deceive(another. | |
2 | 蓄意误导某人(尤指对于自己的意图、信念等) | Deliberately mislead sb,esp about one’s own intentions,beliefs,etc | |
3 | 引导选民放弃民协,把票投给涂谨申 | mislead voters into dumping the ADPL in favour of Mr To | |
4 | 诱捕一种手段,用以把…引入危险的境地 | A means used to mislead or lead into danger. | |
5 | 在股市全面滑落的时候,他们通过不诚实的手段,夸大公司股票的市值,目的是误导公司股票持有者和广大的投资民众,并保护他们自己所拥有的公司股票的价值。 | Their main motives were to mislead their company’s shareholders and the investing public by dishonestly inflating its equity value in order to protect their own share holdings in the company stocks in a falling stock market. | |
6 | 在坏伙伴的诱使下,杰克染上了吸毒癖。 | Jack, mislead by bad companion, get into the drug habit | |
7 | 战时造谣惑众,动摇军心的,处三年以下有期徒刑 | Those who fabricate rumors to mislead people and shake the morale of troops in wartime shall be sentenced to not more than three years in prison. | |
8 | 这些委员会对消费者投诉进行系统的调查,保护公众免受虚假欺骗性行为的危害。 | These councils systematically inspect complaints from consumers in order to guard against practices that tend to deceive and mislead the public. | |
9 | ||1:对于在美国的投资者而言,从严格的以“规则为导向”的一般公认会计原则方法而转向国际财务报告准则的“原则为导向”的处理方法便是打开了风险的开关,并且这样做是不道德的,因为公司会有更多发挥的余地来用以误导投资者。||2:新体制试图通过增强披露弥要求来补这种灵活性,财务报表附注必须披露销售安排的细节信息,以便于读者可以评估任何可疑的问题。 | ||1:For investors in America, the risk of switching from the rigid “rules-based” GAAP method to the IFRS’s “principles-based” approach is that unscrupulous companies will enjoy more leeway to mislead them.||2:The new system tries to compensate for this flexibility by beefing up disclosure requirements: footnotes to financial statements will have to give detailed information about sales arrangements, so that readers can assess any questionable judgment calls. | |
10 | ||1:雷金也是如此。赛门铁克公司称,雷金的主要目标是俄罗斯的电脑用户,占总数的28%,还有沙特阿拉伯,占总数的24%。||2:但是攻击清单上也包括阿富汗、爱尔兰和墨西哥。||3:雷金的其中一个模块名为右旋球(板球术语)。||4:专家称,攻击比利时电信公司的恶意软件也类似如此,而英国是最大的嫌疑。||5:但英国电子间谍机构—政府通信总部拒绝承认。||6:但此类线索也许会产生误导:当俄罗斯利用计算机进行间谍活动时,他们可能会伪装,让别人误以为是中国软件。||7:芬兰计算机安全公司芬杀客的米克·席博尼说,“这样一来,中国变得臭名昭著,而他们躲在后面坐享其成。” | ||1:There are similar clues in Regin. Symantec says Regin’s most frequent targets were computers in Russia, which accounted for 28% of the total, and Saudi Arabia, which made up 24%.||2:But the full list includes countries as diverse as Afghanistan, Ireland and Mexico.||3:One of Regin’s modules is called “LEGSPIN”, a cricketing term.||4:And experts say that it seems very similar to malware used in an attack on Belgacom, a Belgian telecoms firm, in which the British are the chief suspects.||5:(Government Communications Headquarters, Britain’s electronic-spying agency, refused to comment.)||6:But such clues may be designed to mislead : when the Russians began their computerised espionage, they would often try to make it seem as if the software was Chinese.||7:“They hid behind China’s notoriety,” says Mikko Hypponen of F-Secure, a Finnish computer-security firm. | |
11 | ||1:至少在二十世纪晚期以前,现代的学者们几乎不可能弄清这些争论的实质内容:换句话说,几乎不可能断定哪一方对于哪一个用词最为古老的看法是否正确。||2:大部分犹太人使用了至少1400年左右的希伯来语圣经——即马所拉本圣经——和七十士希腊文圣经之间显然有一些细微但重要的不同之处。(七十士本圣经是为讲希腊语的在埃及的犹太人所作的希腊语翻译,成书时间较马所拉本圣经早大约800年,其所用的希伯来语原文现已失传。||3:)但没人真能解释这些不同之处的来源。||4:是翻译者们有意去误导读者,还是后来的编辑者改动了希伯来语圣经。 | ||1:At least until the late 20th century, it was almost impossible for modern scholars to throw any light on the substance of these disputes: in other words, to say which party was correct in its claims as to which wording was the oldest.||2:There are clearly some small but significant differences between the Hebrew used by most Jews for at least 1,400 years or so—the Masoretic text—and the Septuagint, a translation into Greek made for Hellenistic Jews in Egypt about 800 years earlier, using a Hebrew original which has been lost.||3:But nobody could really explain the source of these differences.||4:Was it the case that the translators deliberately set out to mislead , or did later editors alter the Hebrew. | |
12 | 而且研究者通常很难分辨它们是否来自同一人种。 | Even multiple examples of the same type of bone can mislead . | |
13 | 关于这一点,还有这样一个讽刺。卡尼曼先生的畅销书读者最终会因系统一的误导倾向而被迷惑。 | There is an irony in this. Most readers of Mr Kahneman’s bestseller will end up mistrusting system one for its propensity to mislead . | |
14 | ‘过于激进的会计制度会扭曲公司真正的财务状况并误导投资者。’ | ’Overly aggressive accounting can distort a company’s true financial condition and mislead investors. ’ | |
15 | “我们绝不会故意误导任何人,当然不会误导我们的客户或交易对手,”高盛总法律顾问格雷格•帕尔姆(GregPalm)表示。 | "We would never intentionally mislead anyone, certainly not our clients or a counterparty, " Greg Palm, Goldman’s general counsel, said. | |
16 | “我们正努力解决这个问题,因为这摆明了是打算误导甚至欺骗选民”,Yee说道。 | "It’s a problem we’re trying fix. It is trying to mislead voters and somewhat trick voters, " says Yee. | |
17 | 暗指政府的代理人创建了这些账号来误导公众。 | The implication was that government agents had created those accounts to mislead the public. | |
18 | 不一致的统计数据还会误导优化器选择糟糕的访问路径。 | The inconsistent statistics may also mislead the optimizer into choosing a bad access path. | |
19 | 不易误导公众的商标 | trademarks unlikely to mislead the public | |
20 | 但是,这样的操作程序,非常可能对我们造成误导。 | Such a proceeding, however, would be very likely to mislead us. | |
21 | 但它们暗示头脑和心灵是相互冲突,这具有误导性。 | But where they mislead is in suggesting that the head and heart work against each other. | |
22 | 对于顾客房屋的财产价值或其以后作为租户的安全性,一些“售后回租”公司故意误导顾客。 | some sale and rent-back firms had mislead customers about the value of their properties or their subsequent security as tenants. | |
23 | 记者会误导市民对于循证医药的看法,果然卑鄙。 | Journalists can mislead the public about the answers of evidence-based medicine, which is bad. | |
24 | 结果很简单:这些故事是有误导性的。不要误解你的读者。 | The bottom line is simple: These stories are misleading. Don’t mislead your readers. | |
25 | 她补充道:“杂志常常通过刊发失真图片来误导读者,这些图片都被秘密地美化或修改过。” | Magazines regularly mislead their readers by publishing distorted images that have been secretly airbrushed and altered. | |
26 | 伦德的律师托马斯•利维(ThomasLevy)在一项声明中说,伦德“没有误导任何人”。 | Lund’s lawyer, Thomas Levy, said in a statement that Lund "did not mislead anyone. " | |
27 | 内地居民因假结婚及企图误导入境处人员被囚 | Mainland woman jailed over bogus marriage and attempt to mislead Immigration staff | |
28 | 农业产业化博弈中的政府:引导抑或误导? | The Government in the Game of Agricultural Industrialization: Lead or Mislead ? | |
29 | 陪审员认为,这个算不上“蓄意误导”。 | That, the jurors decided, was no conspiracy to mislead . | |
30 | 企业和政府都努力迷惑和误导公众,低报真实价格(或税收),以赢得客户(或选民)。 | Business and government both work to confuse and mislead the citizen, understating the true price (or taxes) to win customers (or votes). |