(1). Bell weather
(2). A statistical analysis shows how things really are heating up
(3). ARE heatwaves more common than they used to be?
(4). That is the question addressed by James Hansen and his colleagues in a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
(5). Their conclusion is that they are—and the data they draw on do not even include the current scorcher that is drying up much of North America and threatening its harvest.
(6). The team’s method of presentation, however, has caused a stir among those who feel that scientific papers should be dispassionate in their delivery of the evidence.
(7). For the paper, interesting though the evidence it delivers is, is far from dispassionate.
(8). Dr Hansen, who is head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a branch of NASA that is based in New York, is a polemicist of the risks of man-made global warming.
(9). Despite his job running a government laboratory, he has managed to get himself arrested on three occasions for protesting against those he thinks are causing such climate change.
(10). He clearly states in the paper’s introduction that he was looking for a way of conveying his fears to a sceptical public.
(11). Some of that scepticism is connected with the fact that although changes in the climate will inevitably result in changes in the weather, ascribing any given event—such as a local heatwave—to climate change is impossible.
(12). Dr Hansen has therefore tried to go beyond the study of individual causes by demonstrating that what was once unusual is now common.
(13). Longer, hotter summers
(14). To do so, he and his colleagues took 60 years’ worth of data from the Goddard Institute’s surface air-temperature analysis.
(15). This analysis divides the planet’s surface into cells 250km across and records the average temperature in each cell.
(16). The researchers broke their data into six decade-long blocks and compared those blocks’ statistical properties.
(17). They looked in particular at the three months which constitute summer in the northern hemisphere.
(18). First, they created a reference value for each cell.
(19). This was its average temperature over those three months from 1951-80.
(20). Then they calculated how much the temperature in each cell deviated from the cell’s reference value in any given summer.
(21). That done, they plotted a series of curves, one for each decade, that showed how frequently each deviant value occurred.
(22). Since small deviations are common and large ones are rare, the result of plotting data in this way is a curve shaped somewhat like the cross-section of a bell.
(23). Such distributions can be modelled by a mathematical function known as the normal distribution—or bell curve.
(24). Whether based on data or a mathematical ideal, such a curve always has two parameters.
(25). These are its mean and its standard deviation, which measures how wide the bell is.
(26). The standard deviation is calculated from all of the individual deviations of the data points.
(27). To see what was going on, Dr Hansen superimposed the actual curves for each decade from the fifties to the noughties on a normal distribution, which acted as a reference curve.
(28). To make all the curves comparable, he expressed the values of the actual deviations as fractions of a standard deviation, and their frequencies as proportions of their total number.
(29). As the chart shows, there are two trends.
(30). First, the peaks of the data-based curves move right, over time, with respect to the reference curve. In other words, the average temperature is rising.
(31). Second, more recent curves are flatter.
(32). A flatter curve means a bigger standard deviation and a wider spread of results.
(33). If the mean of each curve were the same, such flattening would imply both more cold periods and more hot ones.
(34). But because the mean is rising, the effect at the cold end of the curves is diminished, while that at the hot end is enhanced.
(35). The upshot is more hot periods of local weather.
(36). Moreover, the bell-curve method makes it possible to say just how much more hot weather there is.
(37). Dr Hansen defined extreme conditions as those occurring more than three standard deviations from the mean of his reference curve.
(38). In that curve, this would be an eighth of a percent at each end, which is more or less the value in the curve for 1951-61.
(39). Nowadays, though, extreme conditions can be found at any given time in about 8% of the world.
但现在世界上约有8%的地区在特定时间内都有极端天气的出现。....(please sign in for more)
(40). Local weather patterns do, of course, have local causes. To that extent, they are accidental.
当然,各地天气模式的出现的确包含着地方性的原因。在这种程度上说,它们的发生是具有偶然性的。....(please sign in for more)
(41). But Dr Hansen’s analysis suggests that claims there is more hot weather around than there used to be have substance, too.
但汉森博士的分析表明,各地的炎热天气的确比以往多这种说法也是有依据的。....(please sign in for more)
(42). Nothing in his analysis speaks of the cause of that substance. That is deliberate.
但他的分析并没有涉及到这种依据的来源,而这也是汉森博士有意为之。....(please sign in for more)
(43). As he says in the paper, he wants the data to speak for themselves—though he is personally convinced that the cause is human-generated emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.
正如他在文章中所说,他希望数据能说明问题—尽管他本人相信气候变暖是因为人类排放二氧化碳等温室气体造成的。....(please sign in for more)
(44). But as the United States bakes in what may turn out to be a record heatwave, he hopes he might now persuade those for whom global warming is, as it were, on the back burner, to agree that it is real, and to think about the consequences.
但现在,一股或许是有史以来最猛烈的热浪正在炙烤着美国。他希望他现在能够说服那些跟过去一样搁置考虑全球变暖问题的人,使他们认同全球变暖现象的确存在并考虑其后果。....(please sign in for more)