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经济学人:一周要闻 苹果股价暴跌 美国枪支暴力何时休 比特币泡沫


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(1). The war in Yemen ground on. An air strike on a school bus that killed scores of children was just one incident in which civilians were caught up. The un warned that the country was on the brink of a famine, with up to 14m people at risk of starvation.
(2). 1:Gun violence in America hit the headlines again.
2:A former pupil went on a rampage at his high school in Florida on St Valentine’s Day, murdering 17 people.
3:Eleven Jews were murdered by a gunman at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, America’s worst-ever anti-Semitic attack.
4:Over one weekend in Chicago 75 people were shot in separate incidents, 13 of them fatally.
(3). Trump grump
(4). 1:Jerome Powell continued gradually raising interest rates in his first year as chairman of the Federal Reserve.
2:Mr Trump said he wasn’t “even a little bit happy” with him.
3:The political pressure Mr Powell endured was nothing compared with Turkey’s central bank.
4:Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s president, described high interest rates as “the mother of all evil” and claimed that they cause inflation.
5:Most economists think they curb it.
6:After a run on the lira, the central bank eventually raised rates regardless.
1:杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)在担任美联储主席的第一年里继续逐步提高利率。
(5). After a run on the peso, Argentina had to call in the IMF (again). Mauricio Macri, the president, introduced an austerity plan and new taxes on exports.
在发生比索挤兑后,阿根廷不得不(再次)向国际货币基金组织求助。阿根廷总统毛里西奥·马克里(Mauricio Macri)推出了一项紧缩计划,并对出口征收新税。
(6). 1:Stockmarkets appeared to be heading for their worst year since the financial crisis.
2:Many leading indices, including the s&p 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the ftse 100 are set to end the year below the level at which they started.
3:There was a broad sell-off in technology stocks.
4:Apple, which had earlier become the first company worth $1trn, tumbled.
5:Google was slapped with a record 4.3bn euros ($5bn) fine by the European Commission.
6:The bitcoin bubble burst.
2:包括标准普尔500指数(s&p 500)、道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)和富时100指数(ftse 100)在内的许多领先指数今年年底都将低于开始时的水平。
(7). 1:The consolidation of media and telecommunications companies produced some of the year’s blockbuster mergers, including a deal between T-Mobile and Sprint that valued the combined entity at $146bn.
2:Rupert Murdoch’s association with Sky, a British subscription-TV broadcaster that Mr Murdoch’s company founded in 1989, ended after it was bought by Comcast.
2:鲁珀特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)与英国付费电视广播公司天空广播公司(Sky)的合作在被康卡斯特(Comcast)收购后终止。天空广播公司是默多克的公司于1989年创建的。
(8). 1:Germany’s government lost two state elections in which the far right gained.
2:Angela Merkel, chancellor since 2005 and a stabilising force in Europe, said she would step down in 2021.
3:Germany’s consternation was compounded by its football team being knocked out in the early stage of the World Cup for the first time since 1938.
4:France won the tournament.
2:德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)表示,她将于2021年卸任。默克尔自2005年以来一直担任德国总理,成为维持欧洲稳定的一股力量。
(9). 1:One of the most bizarre stories of 2018 was the faked assassination of Arkady Babchenko, a Russian journalist and critic of the Kremlin, by Ukraine’s intelligence services.
2:Mr Babchenko’s body was smeared with pig’s blood and taken to a morgue while his “murder” was deplored by the world’s media.
3:His sudden appearance, alive, at a press conference dumbfounded his grieving friends and colleagues.
4:Wisely, he had kept his wife in the loop, but he still apologised to her publicly.
1:2018年最离奇的故事之一是乌克兰情报机构伪造暗杀俄罗斯记者、克里姆林宫批评者阿尔卡季·巴布琴科(Arkady Babchenko)一事。