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属类: 双语小说 【分类】双语小说 阅读:[2394]
当高高的草浸透了夏日的阳光,散发出芬芳的时候,就可以收割,晾成干草了。在整个寒冷且食物匮乏的冬天里,干草将一直保存夏日的甜美。但干这个活儿必须抢时间,才能让新晾的干草免受风吹雨打。所有的农场主都知道这一点。 杰弗里和莫里斯也知道。他们是农场主的儿子,堆草垛时他们总是很卖力。他们在夏日骄阳下劳作的时候,各自怀着怎样的心思?他们都在想一个姑娘,一个叫葆拉的德国姑娘,她穿着一条黄裙子,长着一双闪亮的眼睛,说起话来轻快有趣。他们这会儿就能看见她,就在山坡上毗邻草场的人家的花园里。莫里斯吻过她,但是杰弗里却没有,他对弟弟满心愤恨。他嘴很笨,觉得不会有女人爱上他,因为他不懂如何甜言蜜语讨她们欢心。
When the grass is tall and sweet and full of summer sunshine, it is time to cut it down and make hay – hay that will hold that summer sweetness all through the cold, hungry winter months. But the work must be done quickly, to keep the new hay safe from wind and rain. Every farmer knows this.
Geoffrey and Maurice know it too. They are farmer’s sons, and work hard, building the haystack. But what do these young men think about, while they work under the hot summer sun? They think about a girl, a German girl called Paula, a girl in a yellow dress, a girl with bright eyes and a funny, quick way of talking. They can see her now, up the hill, in the garden of a house next to the hayfield. Maurice has kissed her, but Geoffrey has not, and Geoffrey burns with hate for his brother. He finds words difficult. No woman will ever love him, he thinks, because he cannot find the words to win her love.
But love does not always need words, and who knows what the day or the night will bring? Paula is not the only young woman to visit the hayfield that day...
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